View Full Version : Number of WOT frames vary for BB logging, why?

July 23rd, 2006, 10:09 AM
This has been going on for a while now, I log most of my passes at the dragstrip and its ben happening more and more lately. After I clear the logs the first two or three will log an 1/8 mile pass at WOT in around 60 frames (6 seconds). Then after the first few it will start logging the same 6 second pass in like 30 frames and it skips a lot, not really usefull at all.

Its a 98 PCM in dynamic with a 110ms delay.

The total number of frames I am logging is 600 and it always logs that amount of frames but the WOT part starts getting 'squished' down after 2 or 3 passes. If I clear the BB logger its OK again for a few passes.

Any idea why its doing that? I am only logging like 13PIDs.

July 23rd, 2006, 07:04 PM
I think you want the fast 10fps mode. This means less than | = 24 PIDs.
Also make sure they are all priority 1.

July 24th, 2006, 01:13 AM
I think you want the fast 10fps mode. This means less than | = 24 PIDs.
Also make sure they are all priority 1.

A while ago Paul said the 98s wouldnt do the FAST mode if I remember. Been using it the same way for about 1.5 years and this just started happening recently. All the PIDs are priority 1.

Only thing I have changed around when this started happening is a 'volt blaster' that raises the car voltage to around 15v at wide open throttle but since the first few logs are fine I dont think thats whats causing it.

Here is a pic from the same day/BB log, pretty big difference there betweent he two.

July 24th, 2006, 10:47 AM
The 98's will do fast logging, but we only discovered how to do it after the FlashScan V1 firmware had been written. So there is no fast logging support for 98s in black box logging.

FlashScan V2 addresses that issue.

As for what is slowing it down, I can think of two possibilities.

1. The Flash memory in FlashScan is getting errors and FlashScan may be retrying to save each frame into memory. Canyou do a memory test on the FlashScan unit. THe memory test is available in the same window wher eyou program the PIDs into FLashScan.

2. Something may be causing a slowdown in the FlashScan firmware after a few logs. Try power-cycling FlashScan after each log. i.e. unplug and replug FlashScan to reset the firmware. Warning: Don't unplug FlashScan until the data logging has stopped or you will lose the log.


July 24th, 2006, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the reply Paul.

Now that I think about it what seems to start this happening is when I unplug the box from the car and read it on my laptop in the truck. I recently just starting taking it out of the car to read the logs.

Yesterday I took it out and read it after 2 or 3 passes and it started acting up, next time I'll leave it hooked up in the car and see what happens. All last year it worked fine and also the beginning of this year just the last four or five times out its been doing this. My laptop battery died and I just leave it powered up in the truck now instead of reading it in the car..

It only seems to be getting weird at wide open throttle only though, the rest of the logs look the same except where its floored so I thought maybe it was switching to a different speed or something at WOT for some reason.