View Full Version : Error message with newest EFI software

July 28th, 2006, 05:37 AM
I'm getting an error message when I try to open the tune software that EFI can't find a vin ini file. Before I downloaded the new version I uninstalled the old version (7.2). Did I lose something when I did this? When I try to open the Scan software it asks me to enter the vehicle vin and transmission but I still get an error message. I haven't worked with the software for quite a while so I probably did something stupid. Can anyone :help2: me?



July 28th, 2006, 09:43 AM
Is that the only error message? Can you capture a screnshot or type the actual error message. Did you follow the "README" information regarding installing newer versions on top of older versions. You may have to uninstall, clear out the registry entries and then reinstall.

Let us know.

July 28th, 2006, 10:27 AM
Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I can't get a screen shot as I had to leave my laptop at work to have some upgrades installed. The message basically says that the program can't find a vin.ini file when it looks for it in the C:Programs\EFI\V7\configuration\vin.ini location. This is to the best of my recollection. As I said previously, I uninstalled the previous version I had first before downloading the new version and also followed the instructions to delete the custom operating system files. I'm not sure what you mean by cleaning the registry so if you could explain I'd appreciate it. I'll try to get a screen shot on Monday.

Thanks for your help. :cheers:

July 28th, 2006, 11:29 AM
clear out the registry entries.
The quickest way to reset the configuration is to delete the entire EFILive V7 registry branch. EFILive will recreate it with default settings next time you run the scan tool software. Here's how to delete it:

1. Select Start->Run and enter regedit and click [Ok].
2. Select the key: \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EFILive\V7
3. Press the delete key to delete the V7 key and all its subkeys.
4. Close the regedit window.
5. Restart EFILive Scan Tool.

Note: Uninstalling and reinstalling the software does not reset the EFILive registry entries, so if they are damaged in any way then this is the only way to reset them.Regards

July 29th, 2006, 01:46 AM
Thanks Paul. Is it necessary to reinstall EFI before fixing the registry problem or can I proceed with your instructions first and then download the new version?

Tony :cheers:

July 29th, 2006, 10:41 AM
Thanks Paul. Is it necessary to reinstall EFI before fixing the registry problem or can I proceed with your instructions first and then download the new version?

Tony :cheers:

You can delete the registry key whenever you need to reset EFILive's configuration to the initial/default settings. Make sure the software is not running when you do delete it.

Note: uninstalling/reinstalling the software will not clear out or reset the registry values. Otherwise you would lose all configuration details each time you upgraded to a new version of EFILive. We deliberately chose to preserve the registry settings during software upgrades so that the settings remain after upgrading.


July 30th, 2006, 09:08 AM
Paul - suggest on the install routine you add a "Complete Uninstall - WARNING ! This will remove all.... blaa blaa blaa"
that removes reg keys and all that - Would be handy in cases like this, and should be obvious that this is permanent.

IMHO maybe a 2 step on this: one that even deletes EFILive data directories too, for those that just really hate the program.

Ya' know maybe even add a third option, for those that have made their dislike of the product public or whatever, the "Complete Complete Uninstall" with a "format c:" command at the end ;)


July 30th, 2006, 10:23 AM
Ya' know maybe even add a third option, for those that have made their dislike of the product public or whatever, the "Complete Complete Uninstall" with a "format c:" command at the end ;)

Why would you suggest such a thing? Don't you know it's not nice to pick on the handicapped and the mentally challenged???