View Full Version : "Paste & multiply" doesn't work?

July 29th, 2006, 12:09 AM
OK, just got back from my "logg"-run ... prepared everything according to the AutoVE tutorial, and got some 600k of .efi loggfile ... managed to fill the map pretty well I recon ...

Anyway, according to the tutorial I'm supposed to take the map output, copy it with labels (which works, I can insert it into an editor and see the data) and then "paste and multiply with labels" into the main VE table - I try to, but nothing happens to the table ... what am I missing here???

July 29th, 2006, 12:33 AM
If the units are different between the scan tool's map and the tuning table, paste with labels won't work. One either needs to just copy and paste (without labels) or match up the units.

July 29th, 2006, 12:42 AM
Looks fine as far as I can tell -- still doesn't work ...

July 29th, 2006, 01:35 AM
Are you highlighting the entire map by clicking in the gray box in the upper left hand corner of the map before coping and pasting?

July 29th, 2006, 01:36 AM

July 29th, 2006, 02:34 AM
Do you have an alternate calibration loaded for comparison purposes and trying to paste onto that one?

July 29th, 2006, 02:46 AM
Nope - I think I may have stumbled across a bug in the EFILive - the data representation in the tables differs - on the Scan-program, I get the Map data listed with a "," as decimal point, while the Flash program uses "." - might be caused by locale settings on my Notebook, being in Germany which uses "," for decimals, and "." as 1000-delimiter ...

Just more or less confirmed that: When pasting the data from the map in an editor, replacing all "," by "." and re-copying it, paste & multiply works ...

EFIFolks, can you confirm different (missing) locale-handling in Tune?

July 29th, 2006, 11:27 AM
I dont normally use the "labels" bit. It should work with a standard copy and paste with multiply too.

July 29th, 2006, 03:51 PM
well, try it for yourself ... has nothing to do with the labels ... they are just an additional row & column ...

Open Tune, go to any table, then open an editor (regular Windows editor will do) and type "1,1", copy that text to the clipboard and select any cell in Tune, right-click and select "paste & multiply" - nothing happens. Do the same with "1.1", and it will work ... :)

July 29th, 2006, 08:50 PM
When we added locale support to the Scan Tool we hit a problem storing floating point numbers as text (instead of using the IEEE format - I won't go into the reasons for that just now). People in different locales may want to share data files. That meant if customers in some European countries (for example) saved a file with floating point numbers using a "," for the decimal symbol and sent it to a tuner in the US who had a PC using the "." as the decimal symbol, then the tuner would not be able to load the file unless that tuner changed the PC's locale to allow "," as the decimal symbol.

To get around that problem, what we did was to store which dedcimal symbol was used when the file was saved, as follows:

That way, when the tuner in the US opened the log file, EFILive would temporarily change the Windows locale so that the decimal symbol was a "," character. Once the file was loaded it would be changed back to "." again. What really got tricky was storing comma separated lists of floating point numbers that use the comma as a decimal symbol...:bash:

However that is not really the problem you are describing. I think this problem is that you can't just interchange the "." and the "," characters without changing the underlying Windows locale. If you change the decimal symbol in the Windows control panel then both the Scan and Tune Tool software will display and accept floating point values using the correct decimal symbol: "." or ",".

1,1 is not a valid number if the Windows decimal symbol is "."
1.1 is not a valid number if the Windows decimal symbol is ","


August 26th, 2006, 06:31 AM
Hm ... missed your reply before ...

Problem is, Scan and Flash seem to handle the locale differently! After all, it's the same computer, with the same locale setting ...

Given that Scan displays decimals with a "," on my system, and the Tune program showing tables with a ".", I would say it's the latter that does not honor the locale settings ;) I changed the settings over to the US style ("." as decimal delimiter), now both programs display the values identically ...

April 17th, 2007, 08:17 AM
I just had the same issue. Got it fixed by switching to US locale settings.

December 20th, 2013, 10:27 AM
OK, quick question somewhat related to this thread, when using the "custom %) selection for paste and multiply, what % does it use? Where do I enter that?

December 20th, 2013, 12:12 PM
The % has to be setup in the options.

Go to File>Properties>Options>"Paste and Multiply" Custom weighting