View Full Version : January 2022, V8.3.18 Public Release

February 14th, 2022, 05:44 PM
V8.3.18 Public Release

V7.5 no longer supports installation to Windows XP or Windows Vista. This change is due to SHA1 having been deprecated by digital certificate authorities. More info on SHA1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1)
V7.5 and V8 are now only supported on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.

Full Release Notes:
Whats New (https://download.efilive.com/Software/whatsnew_8_3_18.htm)

Version Numbers:
After installing this release you should have the following software and firmware versions installed:

[*=1]EFILive V7 software: V7.5.45 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).
[*=1]EFILive V8 software: V8.3.18 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).
[*=1]FlashScan/AutoCal V3 Firmware: V3.00.088 (Feb 08, 2021), Boot Block: V3.00.005 (Oct 20, 2020)
[*=1]FlashScan/AutoCal V2 Firmware: V2.08.186 (Feb 08, 2021), Boot Block: V2.08.009 (Feb 27, 2021)

Download here:

Download V8.3.18 (https://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILiveV8.3.18_Setup.exe)
Download V7.5.45 (https://download.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.45_Setup.exe)

Known Issues:

Issue #1: Importing JTAG E86B files may result in a Boot Software segment checksum error.
Workaround: None. Don't flash imported files with checksum errors. Don't use the EFILive software to correct checksum errors for the E86B imported files as that does not fix the underlying cause of the checksum error - it just masks the error(s) and causes additional problems.

Issue #2: When logging DMA PIDs (i.e., PIDs whose names end with "_M" or "_DMA"), if the ignition is switched off for an extended period while data logging but data logging is not terminated, then when the ignition is switched on again the data log automatically continues. However, the DMA PIDs may no longer return valid data.
Workaround: EFILive recommends stopping the data log and restarting the data log when switching off the ignition for extended periods.

Issue #3: When using the calibration "search for numeric value" options (i.e. =1.23 or >=23.45, etc.), if the search value is a floating point value then the search will most likely fail to find matching values in the calibration.
Workaround: None. Will be fixed in the next update.

The EFILive Team

February 24th, 2022, 09:21 AM
Ever since 8.3.15 I have been getting $0101 no data received after trying to configure BBX settings or loading a tune on a V3 in quick setup. The progress bar will go for a while then stop, then after a bit it comes up with the $0101. When you look on the V3 it shows the BBX settings for the controllers are set up and it also shows the tune. But then trying to load the tune in the vehicle the end user gets a $0522 error. I have had to write config files and tune files 10-20 times on one device before it accepts it. I load a lot of AutoCals a week and I was hoping 8.3.18 would help with the firmware and bootblock update but it still does it. Any suggestions?

February 24th, 2022, 09:51 AM
Hi Danny,

Can you try doing a USB test on one of the AutoCals that gets the $0101 error?


If it fails, save a *.htx trace file (from the [F8: Trace] tab page) and create a support ticket and attach the trace file to the support ticket.
