View Full Version : Couple Quick Questions

February 16th, 2022, 03:58 PM
Working on tuning my first l83 with the E92 PCM. I had a couple questions before i start.

1. Is there a limited to the number of PID's you can log? the LS1 pcms was always suggested a max of 24.

2. To correct the VVE tables, do you run the same basic procedure as a calc.maft or a autove, as I haven't found much for write ups on how to correct the VVE, just explaining how the VVE works.

3. I am seeing knock when i initially punch it from a stop, i assume this is burst knock and i can zero out all those tables like when tuning an ls?

4. Do these DI motors like running at a higher temp? I assume its for emissions, but i noticed how hot it was running then in the tune it's "ideal" temp is 221. Will i loose fuel mileage turning the fans on sooner and running it around 190 to 200?

February 17th, 2022, 02:22 PM
The answer to #1 is:

For VPW based controllers (like LS1, LB7, LLY etc) the limit is the number of channels not the number of PIDs. (Some PIDs use multiple channels).
24 channels will give you 10 updates per second. If you go over 24 channels the update rate falls for every 6 channels you increase (because the channels are grouped in blocks of 6).

So 1-24 channels = 10 frames per second
25-30 channels = slightly less than 10

For CAN based vehicles (like E38, LB7 LMM etc) the limit is the also number of channels not the number of PIDs. (Some PIDs use multiple channels).
Except you can have up to 28 channels (because the channels are grouped in blocks of 7).

For 1-28 channels = 40 frames per secod
29-35 = slightly less than 40


February 17th, 2022, 04:08 PM
Thank you for the help on the channels.

One more question. It has T43 controller. I have licensed the ECU and cal flashed it. I tried licensing the TCM, but it tells me transmission controllers do not need license. However when I try to flash it I get the error saying the controller needs licensed before flashing it.....

Also something very odd i noticed, since I couldn't use V8 software to flash it i would try it in V7.5. I opened the same D1001 table and the values are different depending on what program I am using. What is going on? I have attached a screen shot of what I am talking about. V8 values are completely different then v7.5 of the same table, and I opening the exact same file in both programs. (which I downloaded from the TCM)

February 17th, 2022, 04:11 PM
After we switched TCM tuning to "free" there were some issues (like you described) with TCM licensing with older software/firmware versions.
Are you using the latest V8 software and the latest FlashScan firmware to flash your T43?
You can get the latest here: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?30602-January-2022-V8-3-18-Public-Release

As for the different values, the V7 image is in MPH, the V8 image is in km/h :)


February 17th, 2022, 04:28 PM
looks like it was the V2 firm ware causing the issue.

How do I change all of the units over to read imperial? I went to config -> Tuning Tool -> Editor and have US Custom selected but when I am opening some tables it still show up metric. I can even select the "custom" button up in the display units box in the upper right hand corner, but it won't change to Imperial values.

February 17th, 2022, 07:08 PM
Once a calibration has been opened, it remembers the units and stays with those units.
Changing the Edit->Properties->Tuning Tool->Editor option to "US Custom" will only take effect when a calibration is opened for the first time.
To force all calibrations back to "never having been opened", and therefor never having saved the units, precision, layout etc. use the [Revert To Default] option.

Note: Some calibrations may use units that have not been configured with the equivalent US Customary units and so may not be able to be displayed in US Customary units.
You can create your own conversions from metric to any units that you like in the Edit->Properties->Units->Conversions section.

For example you could create a conversion from km/h to knots and then you could display all your speed settings in knots. Kind of useful for marine applications.
