View Full Version : 2019 L83 and 6L80 Standalone

March 29th, 2022, 02:18 PM
Hey Guys,

I have this drivetrain swapped into an old Scout. I need seemingly basic stuff done to make it work. I talked to a guy that does diesel tuning for me, but he's not sure it can all be done.

I'm a total noob at this stuff, but I'd like to learn.

I need to disable VATS, DOD and downstream O2 sensors. I know I've seen the fuel pump output being switched from pulse width to a simple on/off. I'm hoping to do the same for commanding an electric fan on/off. I also need to change the gear ratio from 3.42 to 3.73.

For Vats I've seen a lot of talk about a patch, but I have no idea where to find that or how to apply it.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!


March 29th, 2022, 04:25 PM
First, is this a supported ECM? Checking quickly, L83= older gen, but need to confirm. 2019 was the start of the new-gen trucks with encrypted ECMs, if that's used your ECM may not be supported by EFILive at all. 6L80's all use T43 IIRC, so that will likely be supported.

Post your ECM and TCM tune files.

You'll need to change the shift points in the transmission as well, just changing the rear end ratio will throw shift points off and it'll behave oddly.

VATS is a "patch", to remove VATS you need to find the parameters in the tune file. I don't have an E92 in front of me, so the exact location may be different. System -> Parameters -> VATS. Engine Operations -> Operating System Patches -> Parameters and find the VATS Disable patch and enable it. You will need to perform a Full Flash instead of Calibration Flash for these changes.

Rear O2s may/may not be available, they're emissions components even in a swap application.

March 30th, 2022, 04:03 AM
Yes, the transmission is a T43. Everything appears to be supported.

I've attached the stock files here. Emissions isn't a concern for us here, but it would be crappy if I'm unable to delete their function.


April 1st, 2022, 11:38 AM
Looks like VATS hasn't been defined for this OS 12694524 yet, you'll need to request EFILive to add the necessary tables in.

Appears the O2 tables are available, so you'll be set there.

April 3rd, 2022, 09:39 AM
Ok, Do you know if they have a method of requesting that sort of thing? or just send a general inquiry email and hope for the best?

Any insight into the fuel pump and electric fan side of things?

Thanks for looking!

April 3rd, 2022, 05:04 PM
EFILive does not the necessary efan parameters mapped for Gen IV+ ECMs to change to other options, you'll need to source a file with those changes made or have someone provide you a .cax file with the tables mapped out.

For fuel pump, if you don't have a FSCM fitted, I'd look at F0585 and the other tables in the Fuel System -> Fuel Pump area. As to what exactly needs to be changed from PWM -> on/off, not able to answer that at time time - my Gen V experience is limited.

April 6th, 2022, 09:31 AM
I submitted the request for VATS to EFIlive. They said it could take a day or weeks to get to it. We'll see!!

Is there a good resource for files like that for the fans? And some kind of tutorial to get me started on the DOD and O2 sensor stuff? I know it's a lot quicker to pay a guy, but it would be advantageous to learn it myself.
Thanks again.

June 9th, 2022, 08:19 AM
So I just heard back from EFILive. They sent me a .cam file and told me where to save it on the computer. What do I do with that now?

June 9th, 2022, 08:43 AM
Once you save the new .cam file where EFILive asked you to save it on your PC, reopen your file and you should have the new calibrations/parameters available (assuming VATS).

June 9th, 2022, 09:02 AM
I've done that. Unless I'm missing something stupid simple here. They say it's available exclusively in v8. I've got the most up to date version, firmware is updated too. I still don't see VATS options anywhere. What am I missing!??

June 9th, 2022, 10:56 AM
And I should mention the V2 is plugged into the laptop.

June 10th, 2022, 02:27 AM
Alright, so I emailed EFIlive back, and turns out it wasn't ready to be sent back to me! I'm not just crazy, but I get to wait a bit more. I'll be back when I hear from them again!!
