View Full Version : Is B1102 Torque Based Fuel Accurate Above Rated Torque?

May 8th, 2022, 06:05 AM
With an LBZ we know that the OE tune makes 650 lb-ft at 1600 and 590 lb-ft at 3250. So looking at B1102 Torque Based Fuel I think we can correctly translate two mm3 values into torque at their given crank speeds: commanding 87.6mm3 at 1600 yields ~650 lb-ft and commanding ~86mm3 @ 3200 yields ~590 lb-ft. I don't think that can be disputed.

What I want to know is are the mm3 values above the rated torque at any crankspeed accurate? Has GM accurately plotted out the fuel requirements to actually achieve those torque values that are above the rated torque? If so, it would seem like an easy, clean, and tidy way to bump up the high speed power a bit just using B1115 Pedal Position to Desired Torque. If I go into B1115 and command 665 from 90%-100% at 3250 will the engine actually make around 665?