View Full Version : V8 Scanner Units Precision change

May 24th, 2022, 02:15 AM
Calculated PID Precision is set to 3 but on the scanner its only at 1. How do i change this?
Ive been reading the V8 reference manual but im not sure whats happening or if something is wrong.

attached the screen shots to give an idea.

June 6th, 2022, 04:56 PM

June 8th, 2022, 04:15 AM
Sorry I missed your post 2 weeks ago.

In the V8 scantool chart/graph display, right click on the pid, and you will see a display precision.

June 10th, 2022, 08:51 AM
I have it setup in the Charts with better precision..
What about on the Data Page?

June 26th, 2022, 11:23 PM
If I am in V8 Scan Tool and F4: Charts and I right click on anything I get the following:


Name: V8 scan screen shot 1.JPG
Views: 1
Size: 27.8 KB
ID: 24183

I don't see anything labeled "display precision".

BTW - I also don't see where I can manually scale the variables in the chart (Auto scale seems to be the only option).

[Using version V8.3.22 if that is of interest]

Sorry I missed your post 2 weeks ago.

In the V8 scantool chart/graph display, right click on the pid, and you will see a display precision.

November 3rd, 2022, 05:00 PM
Ive tried everything i can find and i dont see anything where i can change the precision.
Tuning another turbo truck and its quite aggravating trying to figure out some of this stuff in V8.
In F6: Maps i have the displayed Data Precision set to 2 and it works great. But still no luck on F3: Data nor F4: Charts pages.

Another issue i have is on Temperatures and Speeds it defaults to Metric even tho I have all the settings Under Metric, Custom, and User Defined set to "non Metric".

November 4th, 2022, 09:03 AM
Let me get a screenshot.

( the precision is for each pid on both sides of the chart display )

November 11th, 2022, 08:22 PM
You can change the precision of the values displayed in the dashboard charts using: Right-Click -> Chart Properties (or Shift+F4)
You can also change the default min/max of the PID's vertical scale in there.


To temporarily change the vertical scale of a single PID in a chart, place the mouse into that PID's scale and use the mouse wheel.

Mouse wheel on it's own will move the data up/down.
Ctrl+Mouse wheel will re-scale the scale (also works on the bottom/horizontal X-scale).
Single, left-click in the scale to return it to the default scale.

You can modify/update the settings of multiple scales at once by selecting multiple scales. Hold the Ctrl key down and click in each of the scales that you want to modify as a single group. Each scale that you select will show with a white dashed border. Good for changing the color of 4 charts at the same time.

You can drag (i.e. copy) one scale to another by clicking and dragging from one scale to another while holding down the Ctrl key.

When you select a PID for a specific chart, you can select which display units you want.
When selecting PIDs, the green ticks indicate that the PID is already selected in one of the charts, the yellow star indicates the current selection for the chart in which you right-clicked.


The display precision in the [F3: Data] tab page is automatically determined by the actual value being displayed.
(I think it goes like this):

If the value is greater than 100 then zero decimal places.
If the value is between 10 and 99, then 1 decimal place.
If the value is between 1 and 9, then 2 decimal places.
If the value is less than 1 then 3 decimal places.

Right click on the selected item(s) in the [F3: Data] tab page to select which units (metric or US Customary) you want to be displayed.
You can select multiple items by clicking the first item, holding the shift key and clicking the last item in the list of items you want to select.
Or select multiple individual items by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the items you want to select.
I.e. Press Ctrl+A to select all items (or click the top item, then hold the shift key and click the bottom item), then right-click and select "Default Custom (US) Units" to select US units for all items.

Note: When right-clicking, you must right-click on one of the selected items or your selected items will be de-selected.


November 13th, 2022, 10:55 AM
Thanks Paul.

November 13th, 2022, 10:59 AM
In Paul's screenshot you can see the precision is %.1f in the Value Format box (see red markup), you can change this to %.3f for 3 decimal digits.

November 22nd, 2022, 05:22 AM
AH!! that worked!
i was really close to figuring it out but didnt know i had to left click on the PID in the Chart to get to the precision and value format..

Now if only i can get the data page to keep my Units from changing everytime i open the scan tool.
Ive set the Defualt units that i want but it doesnt default to those units.

If i go to Config and then to General - Units and set the Default units and Custom (US) units to what i want and click apply and then OK.
Close the program, open program and then open data tab in Scan tool, They units are still in metric.
Save Dash as a file name after changing the units and still doesnt keep them.

November 22nd, 2022, 10:17 AM
Now if only i can get the data page to keep my Units from changing everytime i open the scan tool.

I just tried that here, by changing all the units on the [F3: Data] tab page to Default Custom** and then saved the dash, closed the V8 software, re-opened the V8 software and the units were all still US Customary.

Then I changed just the ECT to Deg K (just to test non-standard units) and then saved the dash, closed the V8 software, re-opened the V8 software and the ECT was still set to deg K.

** meaning "US Customary" units, which the V7 software incorrectly calls "Imperial" units.

Note: To change the units on the [F3: Data] tab page select one or more PIDs on that page and right-click and either select the actual units or one of the defaults.
If you select ALL PIDs and then choose say "Deg F", it will only change the temperature based PIDs, it won't change any of the other units.
