View Full Version : B5913 Table help

August 6th, 2006, 08:56 AM
I need to drop 4 degree's timing for use of NO2. It kicks in at WOT.Using table B5913 do I adjust
the entire table to a certain %( - )or just selected cells above a certain upper RPM? I am new to EFI so I hope I'm not asking a stupid question. Also, are the cell values actual timing BTC? This is a wet kit so I believe I do not
need to worry about lowering the AFR. I am mainly worried about detonation
when using the NO2. Would I also have to change values in the low octane table? I appriciate any input as I am anxious to use the N02 and start logging
it at WOT.

August 6th, 2006, 11:47 AM
I jumped onto LSI Tech and got a response, said to select all cells and reduce them between .76 and 1.0 , would this be correct to take out 4 degree's of timing? I am only reducing the timing 4 degree's as per NO2 kit directions to keep from detonation, 2 degrees per 50 shot. I am only asking
to be sure , I have tried the search function I'm sure it's there somewhere but I'm not seeing it, at least not a full understanding. I know I have alot of research and learning to correctly tune my vehicle and hope I can get as many tips etc. here on the forum.

August 6th, 2006, 12:50 PM
The response from ls1tech is either out in left field or the person who responded doesn't know how to use EFILive. All you have to do is select the cells you want to change, enter "-4" in the box next to "Adjust" at the top left of the B5913 page and click the "+/-" icon. The value in all highlighted cells will be reduced by 4. When you get all done, don't forget to also make adjustments to B5914- the low octane spark table.

August 6th, 2006, 01:05 PM
I changed the values like the other told me to ,and as I figured ,only changed it 1 degree. I really appriciate it, as being a noob I really want to be correct or at least close on any changes I make concerning the NO2. So, I need to change the low octane table also? I guess that only makes sense, as the PCM see's a low octane( I'm guessing in the AFR) and goes to that table it would also need to be corrected. Should I only correct the cells in the upper RPM range when at WOT, or adjust the entire table (-4 )degree's? I really appriciate the info , now I feel a little better at making the changes before I hit that NO2.:cheers:

August 6th, 2006, 01:55 PM
So, I need to change the low octane table also? I guess that only makes sense, as the PCM see's a low octane( I'm guessing in the AFR) and goes to that table it would also need to be corrected. Actual timing is ablend of the values in the high and low octane tables. Even with no knock, you my see less timing called for than the value in the high octane table.

Should I only correct the cells in the upper RPM range when at WOT, or adjust the entire table (-4 )degree's? I really appriciate the info , now I feel a little better at making the changes before I hit that NO2.:cheers: Don't adjust the entire table or you'll kill a lot of power and fuel economy. What you're concerned about is timing when the nitrous is activated, so work with the columns above .56 grams/cylinder. That should give you a bit of a safety margin. At WOT, your engine should be operating in the .6 to .7 gram/cylinder area. It wouldn't be a bad idea to log grams/cylinder to verify this (range when you're operating at WOT). Also log it when the nitrous is flowing to make sure values stay within the range you expect.

August 6th, 2006, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the information, I definately have a better understanding on what to do. :master: I will change both high and low octane tables, log to find out what rpm's NO2 kicks in at WOT. Adjust those cells not to effect power in the lower rpm range but, adjust a little under to have a little buffer zone to keep it safe.:cheers:

August 7th, 2006, 12:47 AM
Make sure you're logging the grams/cyl PID as well. Chances are WOT is greater than .68 grams/cyl. So, you shouldn't have to remove timing to the left of that column. Then, just remove the timing from everything down and to the right of where it kicks in RPM wise in both high and low tables.

August 7th, 2006, 06:36 AM
Ok, think I have it.
So, only change those cells to the right of lets say .56 grams and the correct RPM range, example: .56 grams @4800 RPM and above leaving the cells to the left of the .56 grams alone. I know these numbers are probably not exactly what I will be using but, just as an example.I will log tonight Cyl/grams
high low octane tables at WOT and see when NO2 solenoid kicks in and what RPM range. Then adjust those cells accordingly to log,leaving a little room for safety. In one day you guys cleared up questions I've had for over a week, I thank you once again.:notacrook: