View Full Version : Tune Speedo params mis-matched V8 to V7.5

February 7th, 2023, 06:34 AM
I was checking updated param changes made in Tune V7.5 while I was in Tune V8 and was surprised to see a difference.
In V8 changed the wrong H0139/H0140 saved then opened V7.5 and those values had change. Whatttt?
See attachments. Anyone know why?
Makes me worried what else is different between V8 and V7.5.


February 8th, 2023, 01:51 PM
There is a bug in the V7 software that adds 2 inches to the circumference values if they are displayed in inches.
If you display them in mm (metric) then the values are displayed the same in V7 and V8.

Just for your reference: V8 displays the values correctly in both units. I.e. the mm and inches display the same circumference.
V7.5 displays the mm value correctly, but the inches value with 2 extra inches added.

As far as we know all mm->inch conversions have that extra 2 inches added in V7.5.
And as far as we know only the speedo tire circumference values use the mm->inches conversion.
