View Full Version : Can i use the tune on a autocal that came with the parts truck i bought

February 8th, 2024, 04:53 PM
So i recently got a 2005 lly parts truck and the guy gave me the autocal V3 with it. The truck i bought had the autocal V3 and the DSP5 switch and he said it was tuned. Can i use the auto cal that was in the parts truck and upload the tunes on it, onto my other lly (Daily driver)

Someone suggested i take the ECU out of the parts truck and swap it onto my daily? would i also have to swap the TCM off the parts truck?

February 17th, 2024, 09:06 AM
You will need to unpair it with the mother V3 before you can use it. But then you will need your own V3 to pair it to so you can use it. But then you would have a V3 so no need for the V3 autocal.

Basically the Autocals have to be paird to a V2 or V3 interface.