View Full Version : Tuning/68rfe questions

March 21st, 2024, 11:12 AM
I was looking at the tune on my personal truck(2010) and noticed in the pedal to torque table there is an entire column for negative throttle position. Is this necessary? How could I ever have negative throttle position?

Does anyone know if the 10-12 trans tuning is similar enough I could borrow some trans tuning from a tune for a newer(13+) truck?


Jim P
May 18th, 2024, 07:29 AM
There’s a reason for everything on why the tables are set the way they are. As far as using visible transmission parameters from a 2013 and putting them into a 2010-2012 calibration, there is almost virtually no difference so what’s the point? Stock trans tuning no matter the year just isn’t that great in general so why waste time with more stock trans tuning when you can just adjust it and tailor it to your preferences for a better driving experience.

May 18th, 2024, 07:38 AM
I should have mentioned that I was not talking about stock trans tuning. I've got a few tunes that shift really nice but they are for 13+ trucks. I manually copied everything over to a tune I am working on for my 2010. I have not tried it out yet but I'm guessing it will be fine.

Thanks for the response

Jim P
May 18th, 2024, 11:51 AM
Yeah it’ll be just fine. There is a difference in axle ratio between the 2010-2012 and the 2013-2018 but not enough to make any real large impact. The code is a bit different between the 2010-2012 and the 2013-2018, well each year and each revision it’s slightly different but almost all shared parameters between them all are damn near virtually identical. Just new stuff really is added as far as coding and parameters go as you get into the newer stuff.

May 18th, 2024, 01:47 PM
Awesome thank you, that's the input I was hoping for.