View Full Version : XDF to CAX Converter

September 19th, 2024, 03:06 AM
Over the past few months, I have been building a converter to convert definitions from TunerPro XDF format in to the EFILive CAX format.
I have now published it, and is free for use.


I'm always trying to update this and add new support.
If you run in to issues or find something that could be added, please post it here.

September 19th, 2024, 03:08 AM
Change Notes
Initial release v0.1

Known Bugs
Factor and offset are in beta testing. -> Decimals and basic functions work as intended. Scientific notation can be buggy.
32 bit floats are being converted to 32 bit unsigned.
Table labels with spaces are converted verbatim. This is problematic in how EFILive read CAX files (spaces are treated like commas).
XDF min / max is not supported. (Long Term)
TunerPro units are not supported. (Long Term)

September 20th, 2024, 01:31 PM
Thanks a lot for this tool. It works great for the most part.

One little issue I noticed was when converting a floating point definition, the converter sets it to UNM in the CAX rather than FLT.

September 20th, 2024, 02:32 PM
Thanks a lot for this tool. It works great for the most part.

One little issue I noticed was when converting a floating point definition, the converter sets it to UNM in the CAX rather than FLT.

Thanks for the feedback. I found the culprit, so I'll get it fixed on the next release.

I was also informed of a bug on table labels. I neglected to take in to account that spaces are treated like commas in a CAX file. This will be fixed on the next release as well.