View Full Version : Status of updated LL8 'CAL' file

August 21st, 2006, 12:16 AM
When will we see the new 'cal' file for the 4.2L I6?

HPT has members now tuning the VVT (Colorado/Canyon)!! We are getting behind the eight ball. We need the additional parameters to clean up the VE tables, raise the speed limiter, and modify the VVT.

August 22nd, 2006, 02:50 PM
OK, I agree, when are the VVT settings going to be ready along with an initial Auto VE (I know its different than LSx engines).

August 22nd, 2006, 11:00 PM
Guys, the Colorado / Canyon PCM is different to the LL8.
We had to make some changes to the software to accommodate for some different data handling types in the LL8 code for new parameters that were added. The next release will have the updated cal files, so whens that you ask?, it will have to be released when V2 is on public sale as it includes all the updates for the new hardware, so pretty soon.


August 23rd, 2006, 04:56 AM
Does that mean we will have to buy V2 to get the updates?

Dirk Diggler
August 23rd, 2006, 07:02 AM
No it sound slike it will be a software update and we dont pay for software updates only hardware and licensing

September 18th, 2006, 04:56 AM
Since the latest V2 release date is "sometime before the SEMA show"; and we cannot have the updated LL8 cal file until V2 is on public sale; can we at least have the 'cal' file that was provided to Jesse in July??

We have never had access to the parameters and tables that were described on this site and Trailvoy concerning the LL8 I6 release (or BETA test).

Speed limiters??
Tire/speedo scaling??
Multiple VE tables based on cam position??

It seems we have been put-to-pasture while the V2 product is being finished. In addition, we are not being offered any "consolation" reduced rates for having to wait for what we thought we were purchasing originally.

Feel free to send me PM's to re-assure me that I made the right choice by purchasing the EFI product instead of brand "X"....