View Full Version : Two big computer things on my desk today...

August 26th, 2006, 06:12 AM
The new EFILive V2 unit and it's evaluation and the insanely realistic Microsoft Flight Simulator X demo.

It's a 630 MB download that makes a 1.09 GB (!) demo!

Unfortunately it's an XP only program, so it's relegated to the laptop (but the laptop has better specs than my deskyop anyway... Looks like my dedicated Flight Sim computer (that's hooked up to my TV) will need to be upgraded to XP or Vista...)

I hear the final release will be in October. I think they are saying it will be on 2 DVDs! Wow...

August 26th, 2006, 06:18 AM
what the heck are you messing with the FSX demo when you have V2 there??? :D Get to work!! ;)

August 27th, 2006, 07:08 AM
The new EFILive V2 unit and it's evaluation and the insanely realistic Microsoft Flight Simulator X demo.

It's a 630 MB download that makes a 1.09 GB (!) demo!

Unfortunately it's an XP only program, so it's relegated to the laptop (but the laptop has better specs than my deskyop anyway... Looks like my dedicated Flight Sim computer (that's hooked up to my TV) will need to be upgraded to XP or Vista...)

I hear the final release will be in October. I think they are saying it will be on 2 DVDs! Wow...

You got a V2?!? I want pics, I wanted one, but was too far down the list :(:bawl:

I want to play with the flight sim too!:rockon:

August 27th, 2006, 08:06 AM
Oops-Yea I am on the beta test team, and we are getting these things prepped for full release. It's going to be a bit of time before that though, but what you see in the above photos are pretty much what you are going to see. I'll see if I can get more images for y'all... :)