View Full Version : Newbie needs big help bad

September 8th, 2006, 02:03 PM
Hello all-

I purchased EFI Live personal back last winter, and am finally getting around to "trying" to use it.

Here's my delema-

I just did an M6>TH400 in my '00 WS6. After the swap, and initial start up, I got the flashing SES light. Made sense as I'd disconnected the battery while doing the swap.

I didn't do a ckp learn as the light stopped flashing after a few key cycles. Shortly thereafter, I threw a solid SES light, and scanned to find multiple codes that referenced the swap. I cleared the codes, but soon returned the solid light.

Because I don't yet trust myself fully to delve into the nuts and bolts of turning certain things on/off, I had a close friend(GM Master Tech, and my long time tuner)take care of it for me.

The solid light is now off, but on the ride home, I got another flashing light. He told me to do a ckp learn(which I had done w/sucsess many times while I was still running the M6).

It doesn't seem to be "taking" the learn as the flashing light returns w/in a minute or so at idle, whether in gear or in P/N. I tried the learn at least twenty times. I've re-scanned to find no P0300 or ckp or CASE DTC's at all. I am showing multiple TCC DTC's though.

I've even tried the learn w/a Tech II and while it says "re-learn sucsessfull, learned this ignition", it still throws a flashing light while at idle. The Tech II is also NOT showing any P0300 or ckp or CASE DTC's.... just the same TCC codes as EFILive is showing.

I even took manual control of idle thinking if it was a misfire issue, the higher idle would hide the missfires, as this only occurs at idle. I've checked and tripple checked all plug wires/connections. No go.

I'm stumped.

Only thing I can think is, I've left the clutch start switch in tact on the clutch pedal and the pedal is on the floor acting as my start switch until I can get a nuetral safety switch and install it on my shifter. Is it not taking the learn b/c the pedal is not in the up position?

Also, I tried to read the PCM calibrations, but it will not go.... am getting a boot error/locked PCM message. The PCM has never been locked by my tuner (or myself knowingly).

ANY thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated as I don't know what to look at next, and can't get the car emmissions tested while it(emmissions report)shows a FAIL for MIL Command. EFI Live also shows a "not ready" MIL status?

What to do?

TIA.... a bunch!

September 8th, 2006, 08:13 PM
Is there any point trying an M6 tune instead? Obviously your TH400 wont have any of the stuff the 4L60E has so there might be no point running it. Sounds like you might be better off without all the TCC codes etc.

September 9th, 2006, 12:52 AM
It is running on the M6 tune. Actually runs like a champ, just need to sort out the cpk learn/failed MIL Command issue.

Anyone have any thoughts? I'm just grabbing at straws hoping I get lucky.

September 9th, 2006, 07:49 AM
Can you post the actual DTCs?


September 9th, 2006, 02:48 PM
What did you do with the transmission sensors and controllers? If you didn't terminate the connectors with resistors of the proper value, or turn off the appropriate diagnostics, you'll get error codes. Remember, the PCM still thinks there's a 6-speed installed so it expects feedback from the skip shift solenoid, reverse lockoout solenoid and speed sensor. If you haven't already, turn off these tests in the engine diagnostics section-- P0801, 03 and 04 for openers.

September 9th, 2006, 03:18 PM
I'll retrieve the actual DTC's displayed tomorrow when I try it again-


The CAGS(skip shift), the clutch inhibit solenoid, reverse inhibit solenoid, and traction control have been turned off.

The only things are are still a bit "rigged at this point arethe clutch start switch which is still in place(clutch pedal on the floor)for start up, and the VSS. I was told by Mike @ YANK which VSS/plug to buy and just tap into the existing VSS wires, but the speedo wouldn't work.
(strange thing is, every schamatic I'ver found shows ppl./ylw. wires for a 99+ VSS, but after process of elimination of the other systems, all that were left were ppl./grn. for VSS).

I ended up tapping into the front WSS for VSS and speedo now works but needs to be calibrated.

What gets me is this ckp re-learn not taking, and the MIL status/MIL command failure(according to the emmisions report)only at idle and the TCC DTC's showing up. Don't see how any of these are related, and how the car can be running so well w/all this going on :nixweiss:

I again double checked the plugs/wires/coilpack connections today.... all good.....

Will be heading for five gallon gas can and lighter soon :frown:

Appreciate the replies guys.... keep 'em coming :cheers:

September 10th, 2006, 03:50 AM
Have you looked at misfires? The mass of the automatic flex plate is considerably different than that of the original flywheel. It may be that the system thinks it's seeing misfires? If you look at the misfire tables of an automatic file and compare them to those in a 6-speed file, you may be surprised at the differences.

September 10th, 2006, 04:00 AM
That's what I was thinking. Counts are above the min. on all cylinders but again, not throwing any PO300's. That's why I thought it needed a ckp relearn. Is there a difference between a ckp re-learn and a CASE re-learn, and where is the CASE info found/altered?

How would I go about turning down misfire detection sensitivity if the lighter mass of the flexplate/verter vs. FW/PP/disk combo is the culprit?

Also, while on that subject, I'm hearing that b/c of the lighter mass with the A3 vs. M6, that it is quite a bit harder to get the auto to take a ckp re-learn?

Maybe I just need to continue the re-learn until it submits? :bash:

September 10th, 2006, 10:22 AM
Paul and all-

OBDII Summary Data-
System Readiness Test - Incomplete
DTC's - Detected
MIL - Off

Here are the DTC's-

C0035 -Rt. front wheel sensor, status C $28 tcs
C00181- H $28 tcs
U1040- Lost com. w/brake/tcs H $58 Inflatable restraint
U1000- Class 2 data link H $60 Inst. panel cluster

Again, may, many ckp re-learns done for the flashing SES light. Always come back @ idle w/in 30-60 seconds.

Still don't see how these DTC's are relative to a flahing SES. There's something else going on I'm unable to find. Gotta be something simple I'm not uncovering.

I tried to do real time monitering/logging but... well.... I guess I'm just about as lost as last years Easter eggs. Prolly need to step back.... start reading and get more familier w/this software before proceeding.

If someone can help walk me through this to arrive at WTH is causing this, I'd be eyernally gratefull..... otherwise, she's gonna be sitting in the garage for awhile :cry: