View Full Version : Did I kill PCM; Advise Please

September 10th, 2006, 01:17 PM
My plan was to load the stock .tun file for my 1998 Corvette 6sp.. After verifying my operating system was a *****200 type, using the Scan Tool, I downloaded 19980200 file from Holdencrazy.com. I loaded .tun file into EFILive Tune, then mistakenly selected "Program PCM with currently loaded operating system and calibration" instead of "Program PCM with currently loaded calibration". I saw program communicate with PCM, it completed erase PCM cycle, but never started loading any program. It kept saying something, but I can't remember; it was something like retry.

Currently when I try to load either the Calibration or Operating System, EFILive says. "Preparing PCM for reflash", then next line says "PCM may not be secured - did not reply to seed request" It goes through four retry's then gets a "Bootloader rejected" error. "Reason: No response from PCM"

Mistake was mine for selecting to load Operating System and .tun file. I really only wanted the .tun file. Any idea's? Thank you in advance

September 10th, 2006, 02:32 PM
Do you have the Personal or Commercial version of EFILive?

Do you have a saved copy of the file that was previously in your PCM prior to this hiccup? If so and you have the Commercial version, use that file to "Program PCM with currently load operating system and calibration" to restore your PCM.

Someone may have some other ideas to try. Worst case, send the PCM to me along with the "original" file and I'll bench-flash it for you.

September 10th, 2006, 03:15 PM
Thank you. I have the commercial version. I do not have the orignal Operating System file. I only have the orignal .tun file. So does it sound like I killed it?

September 10th, 2006, 03:18 PM
The "original" .tun file, is it the one that was in the PCM before the Holdencrazy version?

If so, have you tried to do a full flash?

September 10th, 2006, 03:50 PM
I had a very close to orignal .tun loaded in. But I loaded it some time ago. I loaded in my orignal .tun a couple weeks ago, but felt it was actually a modified version. So that is why I down loaded the stock .tun from Holdencrazy.

Currently PCM doesn't seem to accept any .tun, or Operating System. Just gives me the messages listed above. Thank you for your information, I've just got this feeling somehow I've put my PCM to sleep. It basically will not respond to communication.:bawl:

September 10th, 2006, 07:51 PM
The common next step is to pull the pcm fuse or battery for a few minutes. Then try again with a full reflash.
Ask joecar how he knows this..

September 11th, 2006, 01:21 AM
I unhooked neg side of battery for about 15mins, still same results. I'll try pulling the fuse for PCM. I suspect both will be same result, but hey I'll try.

Thank you for the idea's

September 11th, 2006, 04:11 AM
The common next step is to pull the pcm fuse or battery for a few minutes. Then try again with a full reflash.
Ask joecar how he knows this..Yes, I got the same messages and a few others, and I not could flash, car would not start right away, but after 15 minutes it started up (I knew that the flash had not been written, so it should run ok), I logged spark, afr, wb afr, they all seemed to be correct, but I still could not flash; cycled the PCM BATT fuse,and then every thing was fine.

May want to do several key on key off cycles.

September 11th, 2006, 05:27 AM
The thing that concerns me is that your message says that the memory was erased, but the inital 16-32K of communication data was never flashed in... That's the only "red light" portion of the process, and it sounds like it may have failed at that point...

September 11th, 2006, 06:06 AM
The thing that concerns me is that your message says that the memory was erased, but the inital 16-32K of communication data was never flashed in... That's the only "red light" portion of the process, and it sounds like it may have failed at that point...If that's what happened, then the flashing routine may not be present, which means the PCM would be incapable of flashing and is quite dead :bawl:; but I hope I'm wrong.

September 11th, 2006, 10:50 AM
Left battery disconnected for overnight. Same messages. I'll try the key on and off several times idea. Last message EFILive says after four retry's to communicate is "PCM is in an unknown state" Then EFILive says "disconnecting"

So did I mess up by mistakenly trying to flash the Operating System on a 1998 car? I know we can flash the Calibrations, but maybe not the Operating System. Glad it's not my daily driver.

Thank you for your inputs and advise; looking like I might need to take SinisterSS up on his offer to try and bench reflash my PCM.