View Full Version : Upgrading from 2k OS

September 16th, 2006, 06:53 AM
I currently have version 09381344 on my 2k Firehawk ... looking to pick up the $50 upgrade ... from what I read, I need to (or should) go to an 01 OS first before doing a Custom OS 3/5 upgrade ... anything I need to watch out for? What then, use a stock 01/02 Firebird tune (with my AutoVE changes copied over)? Where can I get a stock 01/02 OS if needed?

September 16th, 2006, 07:20 AM

Go with the stock 2002 LS1 Firebird tune (with same transmission), find at Tordne's www.holdencrazy.com (http://www.holdencrazy.com) :cheers:

open 2 instances of the tune tool side-by-side, and copy/paste table-by-table.

this will allow you to go straight to COS5 using the COS tutorial.


September 16th, 2006, 07:20 AM
I just finished up on my upgrade to a 2002 OS. You could do it 2 ways.

1: Open the 01/02 tune file and your current file. Copy/paste all your info into the 01/02 file like the tutorial states ignoring the files that don't exist from one to the other. Save the file then do a full reflash. Do a read cal and check the tune to be sure everything looks ok.

2: DL the 1999 to 2002 migrated tune from Holden Crazy then copy/paste the files you changed in yours along with VIN #.

You asked the same question in the second part as I just did today. After converting to the 01/02 OS can we move to a COS. From what I read it seems as though this can be done this way. I think once changed over to 01/02 you should be able to flash the COS and then flash the 01/02 cal.
Still waiting on an answer.

PS. Get a stock 01/02 file from Holden Crazy.

September 16th, 2006, 07:23 AM
You beat me to it Joe. Along with making it simpler as always...:D

September 16th, 2006, 07:24 AM
:D Thanks. I'm only capable of understanding simple. :D

Gary, see this also (Violator's thread): showthread.php?p=31682#post31682 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?p=31682#post31682)


September 20th, 2006, 10:21 PM
OK, went to OS5 today, did all the copying last night (used a 2002 T/A basetune and copied my tables from the old OS over, including the inverted tables). Went through the HowTo, checked all the tables that I was supposed to ... motor runs, but commanded AFR is at 11.0 ... doesn't seem to want to go to 14.6 either ... any idea? Current tune is here (http://glendown.de/basetune0921.tun) ...

Edit: OK, it seems to be just the OL mode that's off - took'er for a spin, went down to the usual AFR soon after ... low MAP values/2400rpm and up seem to be a bit lean, high MAP come up rich at the moment (in between, BENs are +-0.01). Guess I need some more AutoVE again!?

Also logged the TP/RPM, but I guess I need to wait till I got my BENs close to 1.0 again before I do anything with them ...