View Full Version : Maybe stupid questions ...

September 20th, 2006, 05:15 AM
... what's the point in going through all the copying and pasting (given that all someone did is do e.g. AutoVE tune) of all the tables from old to new tune, instead of just using a stock tune and copying the (known changed) tables over?

Also, when downloading the tune, does the .tun file contain both the actual callibration AND the OS? E.g., is my .tun files sufficient to go back to incase I would need to? Size seems to say yes ;)

And finally, upgrading my 2k LS1, I go and pick one of the stock tunes from holdencrazy (e.g. 12212156), then use the list in the howto to pick the custom OS, which would be 020200xx ... Correct?

September 20th, 2006, 05:20 AM
Tune file contains the OS and calibration (as well as modification history).

You can use previous tunes as a back up plan and yes it's a good idea. If the OS is different between tunes, it will require a full reflash to revert back.

Yes, grab the stock OS matching your vehicle, and then use the list in the Custom OS tutorial

Yes it's necessary to copy all the tables. There were significant differences in the LS1 hardware (Cam Shaft and emmisions to name 2) that require completely different calibrations.

September 20th, 2006, 05:32 AM
Yes it's necessary to copy all the tables. There were significant differences in the LS1 hardware (Cam Shaft and emmisions to name 2) that require completely different calibrations.
Hm ... sounds like some serious work ... :( Any idea if there are any "stock 2k in 2002 OS" tunes around anywhere like mentioned in the howto? Doesn't seem like Holdencrazy has any ...

Oh well ... will take a look at the tune from HC and do some copying ...

Bruce Melton
September 20th, 2006, 06:13 AM
I am doing the same thing now VE tuned 00 LS1 C5 to 02 Z06. I just did a differences comparison with the stock 00 cal, printed that for guide and will now slog thru cut and paste to the 02 OS. Sounds simple enough, but we will see.

September 20th, 2006, 07:03 AM
Yup. I sent a '99 Camaro cal in '02 OS to the repository for just that purpose. It's in the modified tunes section.