View Full Version : Newbie...bought v1 now v2?

September 26th, 2006, 02:20 AM
I have only had V1 commercial for a couple of weeks, the week before the announcement of V2 release. I have talked to sales and they will do the 3 V1 license or 3 v2 license. I just spent $850 and use this only for my 2 vehicles. Don't really need the extra licenses, but my question is, should I drop another $600 on V2?

I see that it is more memory, small (not the need for the laptop), which being in the computer industry I recognize as great achievements, but what would benefit me still only tuning my 2 vehicles? I have not learned V1 and don't want to go through it if I am changing to V2. As far as a novice user goes is it easier to make simple tuning adjustments with the new V2?

Advice is very appreciated.

September 26th, 2006, 03:40 AM
Welcome to the forum!

I think you will find V1 will adequetly support your tuning needs. It's taken me close to 2 years to out-grow V1 and that's only because I log 3 0-5vdc inputs.

As far as which is easier, I would have to say V1. V1 is a pass thru device, where V2 can act as stand-alone or pass thru. V2's learning curve would be around the stand-alone features. But, I can tell you V2 is not difficult to use at all.

If you think you will need more inputs than V1 offers or will be tweaking CAN based vehicles in the near future I would jump on V2. Otherwise, I would take the 3 V1 licenses and not worry about upgrading until you want/need to. EFILive has always offered very attractive upgrade options.

September 26th, 2006, 03:52 AM
I'll take your licenses if you don't want them! :D

September 26th, 2006, 05:31 AM
oh, and it's $299 ($399 after a month), not $600 ...

September 26th, 2006, 06:24 AM
If you do the following, V2 might be nice (or may be required for some):
a. write and/or read the PCM flash several or more times per day,
b. not able to bring laptop on daily trips,
c. require various tune files instantly available at moments notice,
d. use bidirectional mode several or more times per day,
e. troubleshoot problems that require more than 23 minutes of logging,
f. require to log upto 4 analog voltages, 2 digital voltages, 2 thermocouple voltages,
g. log/read/write vehicles using CAN bus.
h. log/read/write vehicles with separate ECM/TCM;
Otherwise, V1 is more than adequate and capable. :cheers:

V1 is very compact, it fits in your shirt pocket or your pants back pocket (and it doesn't break if you sit on it or if you drop it), and it easily fits in tight spaces in your car; it's so compact it's easy to hide (from whom you say...?)
V2 is about 5x bigger than V1 so it won't fit in your pockets (and you have to be careful to not break the LCD which may not be able to take being sat on or dropped), and the LCD is BRIGHT (not very stealthy), and it does not fit in the small spaces in your car.

Of course, V2 will allow logging/flashing to/from SD memory card, and will provide bidir controls (I believe Paul has plans for this), and other "advanced usage" features; some people may use these features, but many people do not require them.

And... how much of a fanatic are you (do you daily look under you car, taste your oil, smell your atf...)... :D that will determine if you NEED V2. :D

September 26th, 2006, 11:26 AM
Thanks all for your input. Joecar "H" applies. I am working with a 2001 HD with Allison.

I love tinkering with my cars and squeezing the power. When i learn the tool I will playing every weekend. Might be nice to keep in the vehical to just check things out. Guess I will lay out the $549 (purchased after 9/18).

Does anyone if there is a software upgrade or is the same SW version used?

This si a fantastic forum. Top end fast responses. Can't wait until i can contribute.

Thanks all.

September 26th, 2006, 01:04 PM
There is a software update to use V2. Software updates have always been free ;)

September 26th, 2006, 01:08 PM
Seichacker, I believe the upgrade to V2 during the first month is only $299.

September 27th, 2006, 03:08 AM
It is the price sales told me, I will ask why it is not $299.

Thanks again.

September 27th, 2006, 03:34 AM
If you don't take the 3 free licenses for buying Flashscan in the last month, then it $299 for a V2 up grade. If you take the licenses, or bought it at the discounted $549 price, then its $599, or at least that's what I understand of it.