View Full Version : Can Black Box Logs Be Longer Than 1 Minute???

CTP Racing
September 29th, 2006, 04:10 AM
I am trying to black box log because all I have right now is my desktop so I have to black box log for now and tune off those log files. I tried to change the serup info for the logging but no luck in getting logs to go longer than 1 minute. I am not sure why I can do 20 1 minute logs but can't do 1 20 minute log:Eyecrazy:

Dirk Diggler
September 29th, 2006, 04:35 AM
you can set the log to log for as long as 23:00 minutes. Change the amount of frames in the Properties of the BB logger from the scanning software

September 29th, 2006, 04:41 AM
Probably caused by PEBCAK ... ;)

I asume you have a number of frames programmed, set that to 0 and it will logg until the memory is full...

edit: too slow ;)