View Full Version : Live Real Time Tuning?

April 7th, 2005, 06:24 PM
does efi live tuner allow you to change parameters in real time, or just change and then reflash?

ie.. can you change a VE cell at 3000RPM at 95kpa in live time on the dyno and have it change immediately where you would see the a/f change in real time? stuff like that.


April 7th, 2005, 07:37 PM
:) That would be nice, but not a possibility.. I already asked.. :)

April 7th, 2005, 07:44 PM
not possible because of the pcm, right? it can only be flashed not changed in real time.

that is what i figured.

April 7th, 2005, 11:29 PM
Actually, EFILive V5 can do that for spark and fuel.
I am going to add it back into V7 in one of the next releases.
And yes I have been getting flak over not having it back in V7 sooner - I did not realise it was a useful tool when I decided to leave it out of the V6 upgrade :( sorry.

You can still download and use V5 to do that if you want.
If you need a V5 license send me your current V6 or V7 license and I'll send you back a V5 one. (paul@efilive.com)

Download V5 from the bottom of the V6 download page.

It works well on a dyno for testing spark and fuel settings on the fly, with engine running, without reflashing. But it is (in my opinion) difficult to set up. I want to make the V7 one *much* easier to configure and use.


April 8th, 2005, 02:48 AM

And I thought I was the only one that kept v5 on for that reason :D

April 8th, 2005, 06:15 AM
totally sweet! any ETA on the v7 version?

also, does it have the ability to show in real time what cell in the map you are in? ie..if i rev the car under no load control will the highlighted cell move around?


April 8th, 2005, 10:36 AM
totally sweet! any ETA on the v7 version?

also, does it have the ability to show in real time what cell in the map you are in? ie..if i rev the car under no load control will the highlighted cell move around?


Yes, it follows the current cell in real time.

You can do a similar thing in V7 (not real time though).
If you run the Scan Tool and the Tuning Tool at the same time, as you move the mouse over the charts of a previously logged data file the Tuning Tool maps will show the current cell.
If you select a range of data in the Scan tool charts, the Tuning Tool will highlight all cells used in that range of scanned data.

The file:
My Documents\EFILive\V7\User confguration\cal_link.txt
contains all the PID to table mappings


April 8th, 2005, 10:38 AM
totally sweet! any ETA on the v7 version?

The next release is V7.1.9 which is due out (publicly) this month. It's due out in a pre-release configuration in a week or two.

The 98 support is scheduled to follow that.

The release after that will most likely be V7.2
That release will contain the real-time maps.
ETA on V7.2 is 1-2 months.


April 8th, 2005, 05:12 PM
thanks again paul. i appreciate the info. anxiously awaiting the real time maps.

if i were to go back to version 5 for this, what would i be giving up?

April 9th, 2005, 06:17 AM
thanks again paul. i appreciate the info. anxiously awaiting the real time maps.

if i were to go back to version 5 for this, what would i be giving up?

I forgot to mention this one important point, V5 does not support FlashScan - you need an AutoTap interface cable (AT1 V2 or ATU V3) to run V5.

You can leave V7 installed and install V5 as well.
If you make log files with V7, you can't read them with V5.
If you make log files with V5, you can read them with V7.

If you're asking what features are not in V5 that are in V7 - the list is long an includes (off the top of my head):
- LS1/LS6 specific info
- Customizable maps (pivot tables)
- More indepth EPA test results
- Tuning Tool integrated data
- FlashScan support


April 9th, 2005, 07:06 AM
guess that leaves me waiting until v 7.2 - dont have an autotap cable.

thanks again

June 25th, 2005, 04:22 AM
didnt see this listed in the updates. did it make it in? (the real time fuel and spark adjustment)

June 26th, 2005, 02:41 AM

June 27th, 2005, 03:51 AM

June 27th, 2005, 09:03 AM
Funny, I never saw this post as being updated until now. Sorry.

No the realtime spark/fuel maps did not make it into V7.2.3

The maps are now realtime and do show your operating conditions in real time.
You can still override spark and fuel in realtime (globally) using the control panel.


June 27th, 2005, 01:08 PM
thanks for the response.

any eta on this upgrade? I really like to tune in realtime, so i can see how the changes i am making are affecting a/f or power.