View Full Version : Can someone explain idle learning?

November 13th, 2006, 02:14 PM
As I battle idle issues I found out that the stock idle learning min was set to 80*C, idle learn max was set to 112*C. The issue is I have a 160*F thermostat installed. The fan temps have been set down accordingly to match the new lower temp thermostat.
Fan #1 on =83.3*C
Fan #1 off = 78.4*C
Fan #2 on = 89.3
FAn #2 off = 84.3

So that means my idle learning isn't even beginning until just before my fans turn on. I though I should scale back the learning min/max values accordingly. How much does Idle learning help?

November 14th, 2006, 06:56 AM
Idle learning is kind of like the LTFT's of idle. Basically, it'll learn itself right at any point after start-up. However, it won't remember what it learns until it hits 176*F or 80*C. How much it can remember is determined by the settings in the bottom half of the Idle>Learning>Parameters table.

If you run a 160 stat, I would drop the idle learning temp down to 150*F or 65*C. Leave the top end alone.

November 14th, 2006, 08:50 AM
Here's some "light" reading for you. I don't know what you are driving but this may influence your choice of t-stat and fan settings.


I run a stock t-stat and fan temps on my car as a direct influence of this article.
