View Full Version : Bottom line V1 vs V2...

November 24th, 2006, 07:16 AM
Since I have the LS6 and my son has the LS1 and I do the tune work on both engines, I really have no need to go to the V2, correct? Were I to buy a car that has the LS2 or a Gen IV engine, then I would need the V2 to be able to do what I do now. Is that correct?


Bruce Melton
November 24th, 2006, 07:38 AM
What you can achive with a LS1/6 is not different between a V1C and a V2 IMHO. It may become more convenient with a V2 but the availble scanning and tuning perameters seem to be the same. Granted, my experience with V2 is limited compared to V1.

November 24th, 2006, 07:42 AM
Sooooo I can tune a Gen IV with the setup that I currently have BUT I require my laptop whereas the V2 would give me the handy dandy portable hand-held box to use in lieu of the laptop. I could then use the stored information in the V2 to view the data on my laptop or desktop? Closer?

Bruce Melton
November 24th, 2006, 08:01 AM
You can't talk to CAN bus LS2/7 etc vehicles with a V1 but it is possible to retrofit your LS1/6 vehicle with a LS2/7 (assuming 24x crank reluctor) and tune it with V1.
Next for V2 is stand alone scanning and flashing which is in the convenience category as I see it. The screen on the V2 is a small 4 line which will never replace the laptop so the V2 remains an interface device for serious, real time scanning.

November 24th, 2006, 08:08 AM
Got it.



November 24th, 2006, 09:01 AM
Plus the extended duration blackbox scanning in V2 if I understood the specs correctly ...

November 24th, 2006, 09:25 AM
And V1 support will drop off sooner than V2. Personally, I'd get the V2 and be virtually future proof, plus have all the standalone functionality.. It'll sure be nice to be able to make tunes in the basement, then oly take the V2out to try them instead of the whole computer...

November 24th, 2006, 09:50 AM
Well, it looks like $399 to upgrade and I'm not sure I need to upgrade. I went to the "Commercial" level on 9/16 and I'm not seeing the need to keep spending money to do the amount of tuning that I do.


November 24th, 2006, 04:39 PM
That's the cool part Elmer - You can upgrade when ever you want at no penalty. Took me almost 2 years to out-grow V1, and even then all I needed was an additional 0-5vdc input. BUT, since I've been thru 1 mother board and 3 hard drive's, the standalone features of V2 justified the upgrade cost.