View Full Version : Wideband/dyno integration

May 22nd, 2003, 01:04 PM
We are investigating Wideband O2 and Dynomometer integration for EFILiveV6

May 23rd, 2003, 01:40 AM
wideband would be very useful. I dont trust calculated torque too much but heck.. why not? That may be all it takes to convince somebody to buy this instead of something else

June 3rd, 2003, 08:39 AM
That been done alright here in Australia, if you talk to Andrew of Mainline Dyno's he has included this in he's OBDII software for the GEN3, i can give you phone number if you want.
Also includes torque from the dyno!.
Cheers Drew

June 24th, 2003, 04:46 AM
wideband integration? what ya mean? ability to monitor wideband sensors with it? you mean I would only need to buy the sensor instead of the entire monitoring package?

If this is what you mean, Quit B4 I wet myself! :D

June 24th, 2003, 07:31 AM
wideband integration? what ya mean? ability to monitor wideband sensors with it? you mean I would only need to buy the sensor instead of the entire monitoring package?

If this is what you mean, Quit B4 I wet myself! :D

What we are designing is the ability for EFILive to merge data from two serial ports. One with the normal PCM data, the other with data from an external device - dyno, wideband or anything really.
Data from both streams wil lbe logged in the same log file, charted on the same charts etc.

So you would need a wideband that has a serial data output.


June 24th, 2003, 08:15 AM
That what i am using the only problem 1 serial port?.Would have to put EFILiveV6 via a USB connection, then i would have the serial port for the wideband.
http://www.techedge.com.au this is what i am using very accurate, and have compared to a dyno that have a calibrated wideband 02 sensor and i am i within .1-.2 AFR.
Cost is is under the $1000 mark, but where do you get a low cost very accurate wideband 02 wideband sensor from apart from here.

They built a logger for it as well, that currently can plot the following items:
Engine RPM
Vuser1 (0-5v)
Vuser2 (0-5v)
Worth looking at Blacky!!.

July 8th, 2003, 10:58 AM
it would be sooooooooooooooooo great if it could log the wideband info from my techedge wideband.

I have the older version that can only log the a/f output but not also grab rpm so if that output could be pumped into efilive that would be great!!!

definetly contact me if you need test subjects.


July 17th, 2003, 02:52 PM
Another vote for Techedge. Very nice setup. It would be sweet to have them work together.

July 23rd, 2003, 03:45 PM
Yes you could make the design...

As for the one serial port? you can buy a PCMCIA with 2 serial ports connected and work that way...

If you use the techedge it would be a nice idea and you guys could have a "kit" bundled and stuff.. You could control it through the program... It would be AWESOME!!!

September 19th, 2003, 03:05 AM
I would buy it, so when can we expect this integration? that would make tuning muh better, your taking a risk just tuning by stock o2 readings.

September 19th, 2003, 11:29 AM
I vote for integration with the LM-1 from http://www.innovatemotorsports.com

It beats techedge on both price and features.

September 19th, 2003, 04:40 PM
I vote for integration with the LM-1 from http://www.innovatemotorsports.com

It beats techedge on both price and features.

If it outputs an RS232 serial data stream, while logging then it should integrate.

September 26th, 2003, 10:57 AM
I will ask Innovate about a real time output on the serial port.

October 8th, 2003, 04:56 AM
Just read on their mailing list that the next version of Innovates firmware will have the ability to output to 3rd party data loggers in real time!

October 9th, 2003, 04:19 AM
How soon would this be implemented???

I emailed innovative and they said that it does output to a serial port...

even though its not real time one can adjust where it starts and where it ends from the canges in the graph and the TPS... I think..

October 12th, 2003, 06:25 AM

This would be great, but I have an additional related request. I have onboard analog logging for many devices (boost, Fuel pressure, AF, Alky injection....). I find that real time monitoring is not that realistic and I basically merge the data together with an efilive export and analyze in excel or by hand.

I would vote for a feature that would allow the import of data so that it could be charted and viewed in a consolidated manner. I'm now using the system timestamp in my logging, so the correlation is very easy (I can see where it would be difficult without that common key). I basically just need a way to define a new PID and import.

If you do go with real time support, please think about providing the ability to capture more than one input with some type of adapter architecture. In other words, allow people/vendors to write their own real time aquisition adapter and feed data into efilive via a standard Interprocess interface.

October 12th, 2003, 08:25 AM
I would vote for a feature that would allow the import of data so that it could be charted and viewed in a consolidated manner. I'm now using the system timestamp in my logging, so the correlation is very easy (I can see where it would be difficult without that common key). I basically just need a way to define a new PID and import.
We will investigate doing that - it does seem like a useful feature.

If you do go with real time support, please think about providing the ability to capture more than one input with some type of adapter architecture. In other words, allow people/vendors to write their own real time aquisition adapter and feed data into efilive via a standard Interprocess interface.

The second serial interface will accept almost any serial data format. The structure of the data stream will be configurable down to the byte/bit level.


October 17th, 2003, 07:35 PM
I just got my QSP-100 4 port serial... so I think we are good to go.. AS long as EFILive supports com 5-9 we are ok ;)

October 22nd, 2003, 11:06 AM
when we'll be seeing this integration? Thanks

October 28th, 2003, 09:15 AM
any update on the roadmap for this feature?

I would be in tuning heaven if I could get efilive to datalog my A/F output from my techedge wideband.


October 28th, 2003, 10:01 AM
I bought the innovatemotorsports one... and I would love to have this feauture too...

October 28th, 2003, 10:02 AM
It is planned for the V6.3 major release.
V6.2 will be shipping in the next few weeks.
V6.3 is scheduled asap after V6.2
Hopefully early next year.


October 28th, 2003, 10:41 AM
Anyways... a Workaround would be to use the 0-1v simulation or conversion...I know that the innovate one does do it and its compatible with the stock pcm in doing so... So you can log and rely on one side... ;)

October 28th, 2003, 10:45 AM
great news Paul.

thanks for all the hard work!

November 24th, 2003, 04:07 PM
my brother has a tweecer for his mustang and what they do is have you hook the output of the wideband (a techedge in this case) to the wire that provides the egr position signal to the computer. Then they do the conversion within the datalogger to convert voltage to A/F.

just wanted to throw that out there as it may be an option for doing it within efilive. Just have to find a good 0 to +5 volt output to the computer to hijack.

November 24th, 2003, 07:13 PM
Some people claim to have used the AC pressure input.

I have discussed this with some electronics experts but they say that the output from a wideband is not linear and needs to be compensated for in a number of different ways.

November 25th, 2003, 04:49 AM
I am no electronics expert but couldn't you take information like this


from the various widebands out there and just convert the voltage to the correct a/f display according to the wideband vendor????

December 1st, 2003, 06:31 AM
My LM1 has a 0-1v LINEAR output analog...

It can be done via the regular O2 sensors... I will create a plug for it.

Anyways... my LM1 can log realtime through the serial port I believe.. all we need is the addition of an "additional input log" or something similar, or a way to import after it is logged...

Lets hope we see something soon

January 9th, 2004, 10:38 AM
It's early next year. :D

Any updates about the wideband logging feature? :)

January 9th, 2004, 01:18 PM
Doh! You're a week or so early.

There will be some cool announcements about EFILive and some new add on software including wideband O2 integration in about a week.

Stay tuned...

January 10th, 2004, 06:38 AM
Thanks for the info.

I will patiently wait until next week. :shock:

January 11th, 2004, 05:45 PM
me too :D

January 11th, 2004, 08:58 PM
I'm also looking forward to it, keep us posted :D

January 19th, 2004, 07:52 AM
http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/images/smilies/LS1Tech/secret.gif http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/images/smilies/LS1Tech/gr_stretch.gif

January 19th, 2004, 07:55 AM
any other updates on this?

January 19th, 2004, 08:08 AM
I know this is frustrating for you guys (it's frustrating for me too) but we don't want to announce anything until all the peices are in place.
However it will be along the lines of wide band O2 integration, plus more...


January 24th, 2004, 01:55 PM
Any news yet?

February 2nd, 2004, 12:19 PM
I'd be willing to test the wideband integration software out with a Techedge setup if you need some beta testers. :)

Just thought I'd offer that up. :wink:

February 2nd, 2004, 12:30 PM
And me with the LM1

February 13th, 2004, 12:12 PM
OK I'm confused...I see some new product anounced that has hardware logging support...with future programming...that is great but what happened to the serial port logging input for version 6.3? The 6.3 BETA is out but no mention of this feature many of us were waiting for....any news on this? I sure hope it is still in the works and just being delayed a little. :?

February 13th, 2004, 04:51 PM
The multiple serial port logging is no longer being developed. Instead we will be offering the FlashScan interface which provides 2 A/D converters that can log analog signals from *any* sensor - not just those that provide a serial data stream.

While we were protoyping and testing the multiple serial port upgrade for EFILive we discovered a number of drawbacks including:
- Not all aftermarket sensors that customers may want to log provided a serial data stream.
- Those sensors that did provide a serial data stream were proprietary formats which meant we would need to code EFILive to support each type of sensor individually.
- The serial comms routines in EFILive would have to be rewritten.
- We are standardising on USB support so the serial interface to EFILive will no longer exist.

With the new FlashScan interface the extra A/D inputs will provide far more flexibility and allow customers to integrate many more external sensors than just a few select wide band O2 sensors.

For example: Dyno output, super charger boost levels, extra temperature sensors, external accoustic microphones, extra pressure sensors, in fact just about anything that produces a 5 volt signal can be logged.


February 13th, 2004, 05:50 PM
I think it unfortunate that we were led to believe for months now that this was to be made available to only now, at the time it was to be made available, find out that we will now have a longer wait and surely a more costly solution. Could you give us a clue as to the details on this new solutions time frame and potential cost so we can decide if we want too wait for its availability or whether we need to move on to find a more immediate solution?

I respect your decision as to the new direction but I'm not sure how much longer I plan on waiting....unfortunately often time things like this can drag out longer than first thought.

Please keep in mind that many of us have already invested a great deal of time and money into ECM programming software and other data collecting software and devices, including EFiLive.

I believe you will come out with a product that has great potential to compete for a good portion of all of those areas of the market. However this product may be coming late for many of us, even if available soon.

Personally I just need to integrate my wide band unit's data collection streams with my EFiLive logs. I thought I had a solution, now I'm not so sure? Even if we can't log the data directly into EFI, please allow us a way to consolidate the data after the fact.

February 13th, 2004, 06:12 PM
The release is designed in two stages:

1. The new FlashScan interface which will provide the integration. That product release is very soon - we're only talking a matter of 1 or 2 months (I personally hope it is sooner than that and am working fingers to bone to make sure it happens). It would have been sooner but a late decision to convert to USB has meant one more phase in the PCB design/protoype/test loop.

2. The Editor will be released later, but anyone who already has the FlashScan interface will not need to upgrade it. It already has the capability to reflash a PCM built in.

A new version of EFILive Scan Tool software will be available when the FlashScan unit ships that will allow you to integrate the A/D converter's data with EFILive's logging. You do not have to wait for the Editor for the integrated logging feature.


February 14th, 2004, 04:01 AM
Again your new product sounds great! But EFiLive is still a seperate product, or will it only come bundled? We currently have EFiLive and we need a way today to integrate our Wide Band O2 etc data with the EFiLive data. I, and many others, already have a solution for aquiring the data needed. I use the TechEdge WBO2. Mine and many other's problem is some way to integrate that data into the EFiLive data log, whether that be real time or after the fact.

FlashScan will just add another layer of hardware for me. Thats not to say I won't upgrade, I will, but the current WBO2 situation is one of combining logging info.

I'm sure you understand the situation we face now of logging data in two seperate products and the need to integrate those data streams. Please add the capability to EFiLive to be able to do this without the need for a new hardware/software product.

From your News page:
'FlashScan has a built-in, A/D converter that integrates wide-band O2 data directly into EFILive’s logged data stream. Actually, the A/D convertor can be used to log any analog voltage up to 5 volts.'

From this the situation of needing to integrate logging data will not change with FlashScan either. It seems there are only two analog inputs on the device. My TechEdge unit will log 6 devices along with the O2 data. So even with FlashScan what do I do with the other 5 data streams? Personally I think it still comes down to the need to allow some way of integrating logging data together.

Possibly something could be added to the programmers API that would allow us to write our own input consolidation add on? Or at least a documented format that we know we need to convert our data to and then a way within EFiLive to add this to its log for analysis.

February 14th, 2004, 08:14 AM
Again your new product sounds great! But EFiLive is still a seperate product, or will it only come bundled? We currently have EFiLive and we need a way today to integrate our Wide Band O2 etc data with the EFiLive data. I, and many others, already have a solution for aquiring the data needed. I use the TechEdge WBO2. Mine and many other's problem is some way to integrate that data into the EFiLive data log, whether that be real time or after the fact.

The FlashScan interface will be the interface that is sold with EFILive - it will be 100% bundled. Actually that choice will be up to the purchaser. You will be able to choose just a scan tool (i.e. buy the AutoTap interface), or the scan tool with A/D inputs and black box logging (i.e. Flashscan) or the whole Scan/Tune combo (i.e. FlashScan interface plus tuning license).

The only issue is for people that currently own EFIlive and and AutoTap interface - there will be a changeover charge to change over your AutoTap interface to a FlashScan interface - or you can choose to keep your AutoTap interface and pay for a new FlashScan interface outright.

You will still need your wide band controller (TechEdge or LM-1 or some other wide band controller). The analog output from that controller (not for the sensor itself) is what will be logged with FlashScan.

Possibly something could be added to the programmers API that would allow us to write our own input consolidation add on? Or at least a documented format that we know we need to convert our data to and then a way within EFiLive to add this to its log for analysis.

The EFILive data log file can be read/written using the API, so you could easily write a program to read in a log file and write out an integrated data stream correlated by real-time clock stamps or rpm or some other common data field.

The API documentation is not a high priority but if you seriously want to do that then I will help you with whatever info you need/want.


May 24th, 2004, 09:07 AM
[quote="Blacky]You will still need your wide band controller (TechEdge or LM-1 or some other wide band controller). The analog output from that controller (not for the sensor itself) is what will be logged with FlashScan.

Sweet. I want it. Right Now. :D What's the part number to upgrade from EFILive 5 Pro?