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View Full Version : DFCO optimizing

December 19th, 2006, 04:43 PM
Any ideas on optimizing the DFCO in LS2s. It seems the settings are very soft and it could be set to be working much more often and save fuel.

December 19th, 2006, 11:55 PM
I haven't looked close at the ls2 stuff, but if you pm me your email address, I'll send you my tune if you'd like to see it.

Short and sweet, I raised the enablers, softened the spark transitions, and raised the VSS cut off to aid idle transitions. All in all, I picked up 3mpg on my daily commute (from 18 to 21).

December 25th, 2006, 04:40 PM
The LS2 settings are very different tha an LS1s. They have speed enablers and disablers in each gear - and they seem to all be quite low - so it looks only to be active in quite a narrow window and timing is much higher.

Does anyone have some ideas on how to get the LS2 DFCO saving more fuel in a suitable way.

April 2nd, 2007, 08:14 AM
Hi There
i would like to fill this post by same new ideas, because this is not only about econemy, but same strange automatic
behaviour of a 6 speed.
I already set the timer to zero, and lowered speed, but the ECM thinks too long to make me feel the engine braking
in 5 and 6 Gear, So i made same progress here but i'm still confused about the enablers.If i have a low and a high value and they cross eachother( say low is 35 and high is 40) must remain above 35, must remain below 40, doesn't it mean is't enabled all the time ? discription swap ? I like to understand the reason for such a construction. Is this for DOD?
If you raise them say 65 70. there is no cutoff at 60. The car drives remote, not only at 68. So it is not enable all the time.
B2403 is discripted as airflow, but it' a rpm value (1300) there is also a high and a low. Maybe high and low means at high or low cat temperature or the car has to be in this range for some seconds.Anyway we have to learn that because it makes a differents.

Maybe all this smoothing is a relict of automatic and not changed for manual. The main enabler sits at 1300? what for?
idle is say 700. So why not let it run down to 800 shut off ?
I use this value now, but in 5 +6 gear it still takes too long. Also at 1000 rpm idle recovery appears, much too early
so some other cell drives my C6.

greetings from Germany

April 9th, 2007, 12:35 PM
If you speed up your DFCO timing decay in the spark section - it will work to speed up DFCo activation