View Full Version : Help, my PCM serial number was set to 000000000000

December 20th, 2006, 10:28 AM
Any customer who has had a PCM serial number incorrectly deleted by EFILive, will need to use the newest version of EFILive available here:

That new version will program a pseudo random serial number into the PCM during a full-flash if a blank serial number is detected. Once that is done the PCM can be licensed and reflashed normally by EFILive.

Obviously that may "waste" a previously used license for that PCM. If that is the case please contact me directly at paul@efilive.com and EFILive will provide a replacement license.


December 20th, 2006, 02:09 PM
ya it did the same this to me so i had to use a extra license.
is this going to effect anything else in my tune
im using version 7.3.3 build 533
what is everone else using?

December 20th, 2006, 05:19 PM
It won't affect anything else in the tune, it will just prevent you from reprorgamming the PCM unless you have unlimited tuning for that type of vehicle. Otherwise, as soon as the new version is released you will be able to restore the serial number and continue programming.


Happy Jim
December 29th, 2006, 05:49 AM

I got bit by this last night whilst I was trying to upgrade to COS3. I fiddled around for an hour or so with the PCM in dead poll mode and then came and read the Forum + updated the software and firmware (benefit of hindsight!).

I flashed my old OS and tune back in to the PCM no probs, however when I went to do a full flash of the COS3 it is asking me to licence the PCM??? should I go ahead and burn a licence or am I doing something else wrong (I have a strong track record of doing things wrong ;) )



December 29th, 2006, 08:35 AM
You'll need to full-flash your PCM again with the latest software to allow EFILive to reprogram a new serial number into your PCM. (although it looks like you have already done that).

To obtain a replacement license for your FlashScan cable, please send:
1. the FlashScan serial number
2. the PCM's serial number
to me at paul@efilive.com

If you have any spare licenses on your FlashScan cable you can use one of them to re-license the PCM. Otherwise you'll need to wait until the replacement license arrives. Either way the replacement license will make up for the "burnt" one.

Note: you can obtain the PCM's serial number in the EFILive Tuning Tool using the menu option Flash->Show PCM info...


Happy Jim
December 29th, 2006, 09:15 AM

Many thanks, I've got a spare license so I'll use that one and send the details over to you.



January 5th, 2007, 11:47 AM
I just got a Truck in from another shop that has the serial zero'd and the Vin was missing. I punched in the VIN which brought up everything but I can not do a full flash to it. Any reason why? Partial flashes work just fine but we want to put a custom os in it.
We have a commercial V2.


January 5th, 2007, 12:10 PM
I just got a Truck in from another shop that has the serial zero'd and the Vin was missing. I punched in the VIN which brought up everything but I can not do a full flash to it. Any reason why? Partial flashes work just fine but we want to put a custom os in it.
We have a commercial V2.


The latest version of EFILive will allow you to full flash a PCm with a '000000000000' serial number. It will replace the blank serial with a generated one.

Available here:

However, if you have already licensed the PCM then you'll need to use another license once the PCM has been "fixed" by EFILive. If that is the case, send me your details and I'll get the licenses sorted out for you so you are not left one license short.


January 5th, 2007, 12:28 PM
The latest version of EFILive will allow you to full flash a PCm with a '000000000000' serial number. It will replace the blank serial with a generated one.

Available here:

However, if you have already licensed the PCM then you'll need to use another license once the PCM has been "fixed" by EFILive. If that is the case, send me your details and I'll get the licenses sorted out for you so you are not left one license short.


Thanks Paul. I'm guessing since we have a workshop that lisencing won't be a problem.

January 5th, 2007, 02:22 PM
Thanks Paul. I'm guessing since we have a workshop that lisencing won't be a problem.


February 4th, 2007, 08:41 AM
i have this masseg,

thanks Tordne... i will email you soon.

Chuck CoW
February 24th, 2008, 03:39 PM
Any customer who has had a PCM serial number incorrectly deleted by EFILive, will need to use the newest version of EFILive available here:

That new version will program a pseudo random serial number into the PCM during a full-flash if a blank serial number is detected. Once that is done the PCM can be licensed and reflashed normally by EFILive.

Obviously that may "waste" a previously used license for that PCM. If that is the case please contact me directly at paul@efilive.com and EFILive will provide a replacement license.


Ok, well Paul...Here's my problem...I spoke to you about this before....

I've been doing T43 A6's like you can't imagine.....1 out of 20 will not have a serial # in the T43 controller.

For a time, I thought it was only 06 Corvettes....but lately, it's happened to a few other T43 models.

Another point is that I first assumed they were manufactured with no serial.

Then after a time I discovered that I was able to flash or read them sometimes and that EFI LIVE was the problem.....

Either EFI LIVE messes up when it polls the TCM for the serial...or it REMOVES it somehow.... I'm not sure, but EFI LIVE can not FULL FLASH a TCM so, we're jammed up....

Fortunately, I can TECH II them back with a new o/s and serial and they work fine afterwards, but.....It's been a huge pain in the ass.....

I can read them no problem, but after trying to flash T43 with EFI LIVE, 1 out of 20 fail for no serial#.....

Your thoughts?????
Chuck CoW

February 24th, 2008, 04:09 PM
My thoughts....

The latest version of EFILive does not delete the serial number. That problem was caused by a very old version back at 7.3.x. And only then because I was testing the recovery process and deliberately added code to delete the serial number. The problem was that the deletion code was not removed from that version prior to it hitting the streets. As of V7.4 and later, there is no "bug" that I know of in EFILive that removes the serial number.

"Other" tuning tools do delete the serial number under certain conditions. Even GM's own programming system will do it occasionally.

The EFILive software goes to great lengths to preserve the non-volatile data stored in the controller during a full flash. Most other tuning tools that I know of, simply do not.

I highly recommend checking/recording the controller's serial number before you attempt to program it with EFILive. That way you will know for sure that it is not EFILive doing the "deleting".


Chuck CoW
March 13th, 2008, 04:09 PM
My thoughts....

The latest version of EFILive does not delete the serial number. That problem was caused by a very old version back at 7.3.x. And only then because I was testing the recovery process and deliberately added code to delete the serial number. The problem was that the deletion code was not removed from that version prior to it hitting the streets. As of V7.4 and later, there is no "bug" that I know of in EFILive that removes the serial number.

"Other" tuning tools do delete the serial number under certain conditions. Even GM's own programming system will do it occasionally.

The EFILive software goes to great lengths to preserve the non-volatile data stored in the controller during a full flash. Most other tuning tools that I know of, simply do not.

I highly recommend checking/recording the controller's serial number before you attempt to program it with EFILive. That way you will know for sure that it is not EFILive doing the "deleting".


Ok, I'll try another version...but...I've never had the problem with an engine controller.....

Additionally, it's only one out of 20 that it happens to.... I follow what you say, but....they why is it only occasionally??


June 26th, 2009, 05:39 PM
My thoughts....

The latest version of EFILive does not delete the serial number. That problem was caused by a very old version back at 7.3.x. And only then because I was testing the recovery process and deliberately added code to delete the serial number. The problem was that the deletion code was not removed from that version prior to it hitting the streets. As of V7.4 and later, there is no "bug" that I know of in EFILive that removes the serial number.

"Other" tuning tools do delete the serial number under certain conditions. Even GM's own programming system will do it occasionally.

The EFILive software goes to great lengths to preserve the non-volatile data stored in the controller during a full flash. Most other tuning tools that I know of, simply do not.

I highly recommend checking/recording the controller's serial number before you attempt to program it with EFILive. That way you will know for sure that it is not EFILive doing the "deleting".


I just had this happen too me using v.7.5. How do I fix it?

June 26th, 2009, 06:24 PM
I just had this happen too me using v.7.5. How do I fix it?

As you can see this thread is somewhat old now, as the issue was resolved a very long time ago.

I expect if this has happened to you you may have recently updated software and it might have been a long time since you flashed your vehicle?

In any case please connect your FlashScan to your PC and send a screenshot of the resulting screen to support@efilive.com:
- For FlashScan V2: The 'Help->FlashScan V2 VIN Licensing' menu option in the Tune Tool
- For FlashScan V1: The 'Help->FlashScan V2 PCM Licensing' menu option in the Tune Tool

Please also ensure you are running the latest software (7.5.5 Build 88 at time of this post). You can check your current version from the 'Help->About' menu command of either the Scan or Tune Tool.


June 26th, 2009, 06:26 PM
Thank you, Paul just took care of it.

June 26th, 2009, 06:26 PM
Just saw your other thread, and that this actually wasn't the issue :)