View Full Version : Weekly update April 29th and May 6th?

May 8th, 2004, 11:19 PM
Did I miss the memo on some major problems or just "nothing new to report"?

May 9th, 2004, 07:12 AM
Nothing much has changed in the last two weeks.
Everything is proceding according to plan. Yes, we do have a plan :)
We'll post more information when it is appropriate.


May 16th, 2004, 11:05 AM
Nothing much has changed in the last two weeks.
Everything is proceding according to plan. Yes, we do have a plan :)
We'll post more information when it is appropriate.


The appropreate time IS NOW! Man, what is the timeline on this? Right now we have HPTuners grabbing alot of orders. It's been months and still no idea of when this will be available! We are trying to be patient but at some point you NEED to lay down a realistic timeline for release or it will start to fade into the vaporware jungle!

I eagerly await the release but can't hold out forever! 4 months ago we were at the timeline for the release of the WBO2 logging addition and you pulled that in favor of the full tuning package. That's all well and good but so far nothing but talk......please release a date that is factual!

I'm sure on your end progress is being made but to us it's still just talk...please help us out!

May 17th, 2004, 12:54 AM
Somewhere in that emotional pleading is a thread of something I myself have been feeling and expressing. However, one must remember that we are NOT in business JUST to "sell stuff". We want to PROVIDE QUALITY PRODUCT, and at the near-individual level of development that is being done, it takes time.

Your point is stated clearly, and while the facts have been stated MANY times (do a search on some of the threads I have posted - you'll get a better feel for the situation), an answer to your statement is called for. :)

Yes we see sales slipping away. Here's something to digest. Way back in the early days there was great website on the GM EFI engine PCMs. A bunch of interested people frequented regularly and shared much information. This is good - no one wants to "reinvent" the wheel. However there were a few on there that were using the infornation so freely given for purposes not imagined by the others. As quick as the rumor mill spread, what was born of scientific curiosity and friendly exchanges of information, was a product that has been referenced a few times in these threads.

Nothing "technically" "wrong" was done, but to those that assisted in creating this product, it's a pretty ignorant slap in the face. But the facts are as follows.:

There is STILL no COMPREHENSIVE and PROFESSIONAL quality LS1 (and beyond) powertrain management software, compatible with the OEM, that provides information without overload or confusion, and that allows manipulation of the complete realm of the powertrain..

If you want to tweak a few things and "see what happens", there are a few PCM editors out there that will allow that. You also can pay some one to basically do the same thing, or apply a "copycat" tune for you for your application.

Soon, and I assure you THIS SUMMER, a finished product will arrive from the folks at EFILive, that will offer a more refined and professional approach to tuning.

We could have rushed out SOMETHING to sell , but that would have been as half-arsed as the competition! :)


PS, FYI, I have seen the (amazing) progress made on the Tuner portion of the program, and as of last night's release, it's getting close to Beta Test. It will be worth the wait.

May 17th, 2004, 04:43 AM
"Nothing "technically" "wrong" was done, but to those that assisted in creating this product, it's a pretty ignorant slap in the face."

Maybe not legally, but wrong and is a blackeye for open sourcing. The sad thing is that most are not aware and think they are great guys.

May 17th, 2004, 09:20 AM
So it happens... they used the free info they got even from paul to sell something back.. Hey paul.. did you get a free copy of the full software program at the cost of the hardware for your help in expanding the info on the forum?

Take care ;)

May 17th, 2004, 11:04 AM
I can't say anything constructive at the moment so I will not say anything.
Soon the market will do the talking for me...

May 17th, 2004, 11:26 AM
I WILL wait because I KNOW that the quality and power of the finished product will kick A$$. I appreciate that bit of history you provided, it does put things into perspective.

I guess my whole point was 'I WANT THIS PRODUCT (now)! My license plate currently reads...
IH82W8 (I hate to wait)
and I do! :)

Patiently waiting........................................... .............................

May 17th, 2004, 11:31 AM
I agree ;)

May 17th, 2004, 12:00 PM
I think I'm gonna have to go down there and crack the whip on these guys. http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/images/smilies2/whip.gif :wink:

I'm waiting also, since I know EFILive is trying to come to market with a more comprehensive product then the others currently out.

May 17th, 2004, 12:27 PM
emarkay - wow. I had no idea about any of this. I guess (to my own detriment) that I sometimes tend to fumble along a bit thinking life (and these products) are a little less connected than they actually are. In some ways, I guess I also came to the scanning/tuning scene a bit too late to get a feel for all of the history, as well.

At this point, I can only assume you're talking about LS1-Edit and/or the HP tuners guys. I would think they may be more alike than different, especially considering how close the UI is on both programs. HPTuner's software looks like a 'finished' version of LS1-Edit.

Regardless - I'm hanging here. Paul has been very good to me and offered me great help and assistance when I was working on my trace analyzer program (that I've since stopped development on - EFILive is quickly getting the featureset I was originally after) and I figure it's best to support someone who is doing it better than anyone else, anyways.

Well, I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone in that we are anxiously awaiting the beta program. Thanks for the 'update'. It was pretty cool reading if for nothing else than the context. I can see why you guys work so hard on the software - it definitely sets you apart from the crowd.

Code on.

May 17th, 2004, 01:36 PM
Exactly... one should sponsor those who have greater potential in developing something good for the community and those who are not ARROGANT and deceiptful.

May 17th, 2004, 01:42 PM
Yeah, looking back, probably in January we should have put the call out to you guys to help us out with mapping, the reprogramming code, hardware design etc, that sure would have got things to market quickly, but then would have you paid $10K for it once it was 'secretly' finished behind your backs and you got NOTHING in return??.

May 17th, 2004, 02:38 PM
I am not one to toss poop and/or spread gossip, but I have been a bit perturbed that us "nice guys" have not had this issue mentioned "in the public domain" - I won't be whining about this on other boards, or point the accusatory finger at the perps, but I decided (on my own, BTW) to make this casual reference regarding this pathetic situation, to those that may find that "INTEGRITY" is something worth waiting for.


May 17th, 2004, 02:40 PM
"Nothing "technically" "wrong" was done, but to those that assisted in creating this product, it's a pretty ignorant slap in the face."

Maybe not legally, but wrong and is a blackeye for open sourcing. The sad thing is that most are not aware and think they are great guys.

Some of us stumbled across this in our search for tuning answers. Quite a shock :shock: .....and very sad.
It's made me be more suspicious of the....bumps in the night.

I see calibration thiefs in the night! :lol:

May 17th, 2004, 03:36 PM
Ok, I think it's time to wrap this up. I know a lot of people have a lot to say, but here (in public) is not the appropriate forum.


May 17th, 2004, 04:45 PM
You are right Paul, just search some of the LS1 and 3800 V6 forums.

May 18th, 2004, 02:09 AM
Agreed. Thread closed.