View Full Version : VIN credits - unlock 1 vehicle forever?

January 18th, 2007, 01:08 PM
Sorry for the rookie questions but I am brand new and very anxious to get started. I will feel a bit intimidated until I tune my first vehicle. On to my question:

Say I use 2 of my credits to tune a truck's engine and transmission. Do I then have unlimited access to fine tune and adjust this 1 particular truck?
I think so. Also, how do I get started (unlock or start using one of my 8 credits). Thank you.

January 18th, 2007, 01:24 PM
EFILive does not use a credit system.

One license for one vehicle and you can tune it as much as you want.

January 18th, 2007, 01:28 PM
I thought that it came with 8 licenses, and 2 licenses were required to tune most vehicles. It's good to know that I can tune a vehicle as much as I want once I activate it.

January 18th, 2007, 01:48 PM
The license structure differs between FlashScan V1 and V2:

- FlashScan V1 required a PCM license for each controller PCM/TCM. So in a truck with PCM & TCM you will require 2 PCM licenses.

- FlashScan V2 changed to vehicle based licensing so the same example about requires Vehicle license.

January 18th, 2007, 02:28 PM
I thought that it came with 8 licenses, and 2 licenses were required to tune most vehicles. It's good to know that I can tune a vehicle as much as I want once I activate it.

Troll .

January 18th, 2007, 04:29 PM
No, I don't think Boost is a troll...
he just got his V2 on Jan 4th and doesn't know the terminology yet (he's using the competition's terminology)...
although it's splashed all over the www.efilive.com (http://www.efilive.com) home page.

January 18th, 2007, 06:17 PM
No, I don't think Boost is a troll...
he just got his V2 on Jan 4th and doesn't know the terminology yet (he's using the competition's terminology)...
although it's splashed all over the www.efilive.com (http://www.efilive.com) home page.
Oh , sorry Boost .:doh:
Just sounded like he got lost .

January 18th, 2007, 11:49 PM
I am very lost...:nixweiss: But thanks to guys like Torne and joecar, I have hope. I am not a total idiot, I strive to become an outstanding GM technician as well as EFILive tuner, I just lack a bit of confidence when it comes to new things and I get a bit intimidated / confused. I almost bought HPT before the guys on the Duramax forum convinced me, and I am very happy with EFILive. I promise that the stupidity of my questions will decrease with time.

January 18th, 2007, 11:58 PM
You're questions aren't stupid. They were just misunderstood. don't hesitate to ask anything else you might have.

January 19th, 2007, 03:26 AM

Don't worry, if you stick sround here there's a lot of people that are willing to help; I agree, new software can be intmidating at first, but you'll get the hang of it.

Like TA said, there are no stupid questions (it's stupid to not ask and not know the answer)... you did throw us all a little when you used the word "credits"... has to do with competition rivalry, but no worries. :cheers:


with EFILive, if you just read your buddy's PCM it does not cost any licenses;
a license is required only if you write the PCM, and it's good forever on that PCM.

January 19th, 2007, 06:43 AM
I am very lost...:nixweiss: But thanks to guys like Torne and joecar, I have hope. I am not a total idiot, I strive to become an outstanding GM technician as well as EFILive tuner, I just lack a bit of confidence when it comes to new things and I get a bit intimidated / confused. I almost bought HPT before the guys on the Duramax forum convinced me, and I am very happy with EFILive. I promise that the stupidity of my questions will decrease with time.

Man , I am really sorry , did not mean to call you a "Troll" , I to am a rookie at EFILive .
Trust me I asked a lot of , how do you say , rookie question as well and will do so until I get it down .
I should of put a Question Mark after the word Troll because that was my thoughts , again sorry , don't mind me "Village Idiot" .:D

January 19th, 2007, 08:52 AM
Yeah, I like the EFILive licensing system much better than HPT because it is simple, no trying to figure out how many credits you need for a certain year, make, and model. Just when you go to flash, it asks you if you want to license the VIN (V2) and click yes, and off you go. Plus, being able to read unlimited numbers of PCMs, ECMs, and TCMs is a bonus as you can see whats wrong/play with parameters before you pay to license it.

January 19th, 2007, 11:41 AM
No offense taken. Thanks for understanding.
Now back to my questions ;) :

with EFILive, if you just read your buddy's PCM it does not cost any licenses;
a license is required only if you write the PCM, and it's good forever on that PCM.

So I can read -and copy- the PCM of my buddies truck without using and licenses, and also tune it on my laptop, but it requires a license to write my modified parameters... I think that's what you're saying I just want to confirm.

Once I fully understand something I won't ask the same question twice.

January 19th, 2007, 11:45 AM
Correct. A license is only consumed/used when writing to a new PCM/TCM for the first time. Form then on you can fill your boots on that PCM/TCM. Reading and Scanning are free basically :)

January 19th, 2007, 11:45 AM
Boost, you can read all the vehicles you want. Save those files and modify them as you please. Only when you actually program a vehicle will you need to use a license.

January 19th, 2007, 12:06 PM
Thanks and thanks.
So we are referring to "reading" as recognizing and copying a vehicles OS and current state of tune, and scanning as:

-scanning for trouble codes as I do with the Tech 2
-or monitoring real time data (gauges & stuff while the engine is running)

I think it's the second one. I know "log" is when you use the Flashscan as a "black box", it records 20 minutes of data during the test drive.

"Tune" is self explanatory. So the main steps I have to take to do my first vehicle is get it to recognize a VIN+OS, allocate a license to it, read, and start modifying. If most of what I typed is correct then I am in much better shape than I was a few days ago. The support here rocks, you guys are the best!

January 19th, 2007, 12:33 PM
Yes, basically:

scanning = pulling the DTC's, FF's, Readiness Tests
logging = monitoring/recording the real time data (e.g. MPH, RPM, TPS, LTFT...)
reading = reading the PCM's flash into a "tune" file (on your Laptop/PC)
modifying = altering the tune contents in a "tune" file (on your Laptop/PC)
writing = writing the "tune" file to the PCM's flash

writing is the only one that requires one license (and that license is good on that PCM forever).

January 19th, 2007, 01:08 PM
Awesome. I understand almost everything now.

DTC= Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Readiness Tests= self explanatory
MPH= miles per hour (duh)
RPM= rotations per minute (duh+1)
TPS= throttle position sensor
LTFT= long term fuel trim
PCM= powertrain control module
PC= personal computer

I hope some rookie that is smart enough to search this forum in the future will benefit from this. Thanks!!!

January 19th, 2007, 01:45 PM
I'm always a rookie... :D

FF = Freeze Frame

When the PCM sets a DTC, it also saves a subset of "useful" pids (such as RPM, MPH, TPS, MAP, MAF, etc...); this subset of pids is the "Freeze Frame" that goes with that DTC (i.e. a snapshot of the PCM's pids when the DTC happened) .

January 19th, 2007, 02:27 PM
Familiar with this through Tech 2 (factory GM diagnostics). Cool. Thanks +1

LOL Hahaha, what is "PID" again? (serious)

January 19th, 2007, 02:31 PM
PID = Pretty Interesting Data

LMAO.. I have no idea :muahaha:

January 19th, 2007, 03:27 PM
Thanks and thanks.
So we are referring to "reading" as recognizing and copying a vehicles OS and current state of tune, and scanning as:

-scanning for trouble codes as I do with the Tech 2
-or monitoring real time data (gauges & stuff while the engine is running)

I think it's the second one. I know "log" is when you use the Flashscan as a "black box", it records 20 minutes of data during the test drive.

"Tune" is self explanatory. So the main steps I have to take to do my first vehicle is get it to recognize a VIN+OS, allocate a license to it, read, and start modifying. If most of what I typed is correct then I am in much better shape than I was a few days ago. The support here rocks, you guys are the best!

Pretty nice isn't it , that you can scan as many cars , trucks as you want and not use any (credits , HPTuner stuff) licenses until you get ready to flash . :rockon:
I looked at the other one also before getting EFILive , EFILive , it just looked so much easier to understand . :Eyecrazy:

Proportional, Integral, Derivative ? Process Identifier ?

January 19th, 2007, 04:11 PM
Familiar with this through Tech 2 (factory GM diagnostics). Cool. Thanks +1

LOL Hahaha, what is "PID" again? (serious)

oo, oo, I know this one,

"Paramenter ID" or "Pararmeter Identification"

January 19th, 2007, 06:32 PM
Extinct is correct... :cheers:

TunedbyGM would have been correct in the "Feedback Control System" universe
(Proportional Integral Derivative is a type of analog feedback control), which is unrelated to OBD-II.

January 19th, 2007, 06:39 PM
So I was completely off the mark then :sad:

January 19th, 2007, 06:45 PM
So I was completely off the mark then :sad:lol... ok, it stands for Pretty Interesting Data, which that is the reason you're logging it. :cheers:

January 20th, 2007, 04:04 PM
I made a lot of progress today! I read my first few vehicles and saved their stock tunes, and I've licensed and tuned my first vehicle. I ran into a lot of problems in the process, and sorted them all out myself based on the help I've gotten from this forum as well as the ease of use of the software. To give back, I'd like to provide tuning files for you guys. Keep in mind that I have access to ANY GM vehicle and I can read and upload any stock tune that you guys want me to. So far today I got:

'03 Escalade Ext 6.0
'06 5.3 Silverado gen III stock
'06 5.3 Silverado gen III "tuned"
'04 2500 HD 6.0 gen III stock

I would only need guidance to upload the files in the appropriate section of the forum as well as how to do so.

January 20th, 2007, 04:45 PM
I host the tune repository so stock tunes that I don't have available already I'd be keen to get :)

January 20th, 2007, 10:27 PM
Cool. I'm going to try out that modded Trailblazer tune on my co-worker's truck. I looked through your list of stock tunes and it seems like you pretty much have the ones I got, although mine may be different OS #s. I guess I'll just try uploading them here to practice anyway. Monday at work I'll try to get something you don't already have.

January 21st, 2007, 12:26 AM
Boost, good work, mate. :cheers:

January 21st, 2007, 05:53 AM
:-) Thank you.
And here is my '06 LBZ:

January 21st, 2007, 10:37 AM
FYI, that "modded" TB tune is pretty much a stock one... It is from my truck, and I will go back and check but I think I didnt change much to it except the shift times and copied the High VE table to the Low VE and upped the high by 15%.

Strike that, it is exact the same as my stock read. Tordne, can you remove it as it is a little misleading to others (my fault, sorry about that)? Thanks, and sorry guys.

January 21st, 2007, 11:31 AM
Is the download link to the tune you want removed: http://www.holdencrazy.com/EFILive/TuneFileRepository/Modified/Chevrolet/00000012.tun

I don't have a recored of where they all come from :)


January 21st, 2007, 05:14 PM
Is the download link to the tune you want removed: http://www.holdencrazy.com/EFILive/TuneFileRepository/Modified/Chevrolet/00000012.tun

I don't have a recored of where they all come from :)

Yea, I downloaded it (saved to my XP Desktop as "0000012.tun" [cant remember how many 0s, but you get the idea]) and then loaded it and my stock read into the Tuning tool and hit compare. No differences at all, so basically its just a stock 02 file.

Sorry for the confusion everyone.

January 21st, 2007, 05:16 PM
You want to send the modded file, or shell I just remove completely?

January 21st, 2007, 05:43 PM
Just go ahead and remove it, the modded one I use now is a PCM4Less tune. I have a bunch of tunes that arent perfect that I was working on before I got my PCM4Less but they are pretty bad as I wasnt playing in the right areas for the good gains.