View Full Version : What to do?

January 18th, 2007, 08:11 PM
I have a 2006 GMC that is basically stock. I have a cat back Banks system and a BD manifold, but I am looking for a performace tuning upgrade. My brother-in-law(who is a mechanic for a local Chevrolet dealer) has an older Duramax with the Edge programmer but is not completely happy. The power is ok, but he has quirky things that go on. He turned me on to the EFILive programmer, but I am a little worried that I will not be able to get the best performance out this due to the vast programming. After reading a some of the postings, I fear that the programming might make it difficult to get the optimum performance. Any advice would be beneficial?

January 18th, 2007, 10:52 PM
Welcome to the forum GHamm.

No doubt, there is a steep learing curve learning to tune EFI'd vechicles. This forum contains a weath of information from the most basic questions to advanced tuning concepts. You may also find alot of diesel specific info at www.dieselplace.com (http://www.dieselplace.com)

Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

January 19th, 2007, 03:15 AM

Welcome to the forum... :cheers:

Download/install the demo software from here (http://www.efilive.com/download.aspx#download1a) (which is really the actual software) and play around with the tune tool and the sample tunes.

There's alot of reading to do, but there are many people on the various forums that are willing to help; you will get good performance, and you'll learn a lot with no regrets.


January 19th, 2007, 09:04 AM
Also, EFILive is not like the EDGE Products, it is similar in effect but YOU are the one making the tune, not EDGE. Essentially, you are buying the hardware and software to communicate with your truck and then you have to go in an modify the tune you download from your truck. Not quite a plug n play, but the gains will be much more substantial, especially as you continue to add mods (no one ever stops when the start...).

There are tons of guys on here and diesel place that can point you in the right direction, and as joecar suggested, take a look at the software and play around with a Duramax file. Tordne hosts the tune repository, so if you want to play with a 06 LBZ file, check there.

January 19th, 2007, 09:17 AM
I really like the ability to tune the truck the way I want. I also fear the ability to tune the truck the way I want. I guess it is somewhat a matter of tuning it and feeling the results. A simple matter of trial and error!

The main fear that I have with any of the other tuners is the limited adjustability in other aspects of performance. It seems the main problem that people have with other tuners is the synchronization of the added power with the stock transmission. It doesn't matter if you have extra power if you can't get it to the tires.