View Full Version : Need help with PID's and Auto VE tuning

January 20th, 2007, 04:35 AM
I need a little bit of help. I am dealing with two vehicles the first being an 03 Motorhome on a Workhorse chassis with an 8.1L Allison. I also have an Innovate LM-1 wideband. My problem is the PID CALC.BEN LC11 show up as an invalid PID. I need to modify the scantool to make this PID valid. HELP!!!!!!!!

My other concern is Auto VE tune for a 98 LS1 PCM. The only tutorials I can find cover 99-00 and 01-later. I understand Auto VE tuning can be done a 98, but I'm a bit confused and dont want to make any mistakes. Thanks for any help.


January 20th, 2007, 03:20 PM
Hello John,
Welcome to the forum and your questions are good. First, whenever you run into a PID selection that is not valid, go to the PID page in the scanner and right click on the invalid PID. It will give you the other parameters needed to use the PID. Select those PIDs and you will be golden.

As far as the 98's go in the AutoVE tutorial the only thing different that you have to keep in mind is you will be working with the backup table. The backup table does not have as much resolution so if you decide to go back to the MAF you are going to have to guess/fill in the gaps btw the two tables. As a perfectionist, I couldn't stand the lack of resolution and went high right re wiring my car to use a 02 PCM w/ Road Runner.

At any rate, don't be afraid to ask questions here, there are alot of sharp folks on this board that will help you out.

January 21st, 2007, 12:01 AM

Right clicking on the pid (as Doc said) will show that AFR is required also (note the exact spelling of it);
there may be two AFR pids... if you already enabled one, disable it and enable the other one.


January 21st, 2007, 04:29 AM
OK guys, I need a little more help here. I had already right clicked on the invalid PID but I'm not sure what it was trying to tell me. Here is what it said:

is not valid because
Unknown parameter {GM.AFR}, at position 29

What exactly is position 29?

I looked in the PID selection table and GM.AFR is not even in there. I also looked under SAE.AFR and that is not there either. What am I not seeing here? Thanks guys.

January 21st, 2007, 05:09 AM
OK, I dont know if I stumbled onto something or not. I went looking in different files for different PID's and I opened up a tun file that I had saved from my 98 TA. All of the required PID's were there, so I opened a tun file for the Workhorse and GM.AFR along with several others were not there. Are the PID selections taken from the PCM? Is that why they change from vehicle to vehicle?

January 21st, 2007, 08:20 AM

Position 29 is referring to the character position where {GM.AFR} appears in the equation.

Try this (in the order shown):
connect scan tool vehcile;
File->Select Controller and select 97/98 GEN III;
File->Enter VIN and enter the VIN, OS, Trans;
Info->Validate PIDs.

Now check to see if GM.AFR has showed up.


January 21st, 2007, 08:52 AM
This is on a workhorse chassis 03. Should I try this selecting a 99 plus GEN III?

January 21st, 2007, 10:03 AM
Yes, try that.

January 21st, 2007, 10:38 AM
OK, I tried it and all went well until I had to enter the os. I have no idea what it is. And the trans choices are manual or automatic, and I have an Allison. This software reall has a way of making a person feel inadequate. It listed a couple dozen os each having about 8 characters. How do I know which one I have. Thanks.

January 21st, 2007, 11:28 AM
Read the tune out of your PCM and it will have the OS number displayed in the summary screen.

January 21st, 2007, 12:47 PM
ok, I did that and got the proper vin and os, but it would only show auto trans, no Allison. I validated the PID's and I dont think I got anything new. I clicked on description to put them in alphabetical order and they skipped from,


Anything else I might try? Thanks.

January 21st, 2007, 12:52 PM
Can you post your OS # please?

January 21st, 2007, 12:54 PM
Ok, I did that and got the proper vin and os, but the only trans selection was auto trans or manual, no Allison. I validated the PID's but I dont think I got any new ones, there were none with a GM prefix. The PID's jumped from,


Anything else I might try? Thanks.

January 21st, 2007, 12:56 PM
The os is 12579405

January 21st, 2007, 01:35 PM
There is Allison Transmission support in the Diesel tuning section but not for Gas (Petrol) , is there a way to remove the Allison section and apply to the Gas (Petrol) LS1 tune ?

January 21st, 2007, 02:43 PM
I have just manually changed to that OS in the Scan Tool and most of the PIDs are still valid.

The automatic/manual are just information, as is a lot of other details stored in the customer record for a VIN.

What build of the software are you using? It is possible that there has been a correction made if you are not on the latest build. The latest build can be downloaded from: http://download.efilive.com/software/EFILiveV733_475_605_555.zip

January 22nd, 2007, 02:54 PM
I have been using build 475, I will download build 555 and try some more.

January 22nd, 2007, 02:57 PM
I just started downloading the file and the file name is the same as the last one I downloaded. I think it is the same file. It is one Chad Rose sent to me as a beta file.

January 22nd, 2007, 03:14 PM
I finished the download and extracted the files into a folder and the file numbers and creation dates are the same as the one I am using. I dont see how a reinstall will change anything. Also this version number is not the same as the latest version shown in the download section on EFILive.com.

January 23rd, 2007, 01:15 PM
We are working on this as we speak John. I received your message and will contact you in the morning.

January 23rd, 2007, 01:20 PM
You must be working on it with me then LOL

January 23rd, 2007, 01:33 PM
;) Maybe...

January 23rd, 2007, 02:40 PM
We are working on this as we speak John. I received your message and will contact you in the morning.

Thanks Chad, but unless its an email I will be at work tomorrow (Wednesday). So if a phone call is required, please make it on Thursday. Many thanks.