View Full Version : my tune

January 20th, 2007, 10:52 AM
here it is. 1253
will autove help?

January 20th, 2007, 11:17 AM
Help with what? Just had a quick look at it, but not sure what you are needing "help" with :nixweiss:

January 20th, 2007, 03:22 PM
my ltft`s are not 0 or -4.
also my ve table is only slightly different than stock.
this is a 383 ci with a small cam.
after my second dyno tune i lost 10 hp because the tuner said for 91 octane and the heat i should have 12.5 afr.but i live in high elevation so i dont think i need to be so rich, also i have surging problems.
but mostly i just want to know if i should do the autove by the tutorial or at all, or should i increase the ve table less than 15%?

January 20th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Do you have a WBO2 controller? If not then the AutoVE is really not going to be very accurate at all.

If you do then it will definitely help. Can't comment on elevation as were I am we don't have the huge extremes.

I'd be inclined to increase the VE by perhaps 5-10% and then see how far away the BEN factors are at idle and light throttle. Then make my decision from there... Incidently what are your LTFT's sitting at generally - that may indicate how uch you might need to add to VE?

surging can be a combination of airflow and spark. You could try using the bi-directional controls to find the AFR and spark for idle. Then I'd suggest doing the RAFIG idle tuning on the Desired Airflow table.

January 20th, 2007, 03:50 PM
Welcome to the forum Mr. eh,... Prick? What year, mods, do you have? I noticed you accounted for the 383 in B0104 but what fuel injectors are you running? I imagine you are running something other than stock with that setup(Fuel pump, pressure at the rail test port.) The other big sore thumb was the sky high B3618 that led me to the injector question. First rule of thumb, let the pcm know what it is controlling. You got the increase in cylinder vol going in the right direction, just need to make sure the injectors are properly scaled. Then and only then, can you perform the AutoVE accurately. The increase in fuel the tutorial advises is only for safety sake. If you have the aforementioned details taken in account then as long as you trust your wideband setup, press on. 15% might be too much/ too little.

Tell us more; Ask more questions; and this board will help you out.

January 20th, 2007, 04:02 PM
Obtw, do you really expect to go 410mph? H0109? 257mph should be sufficient right?;)

January 20th, 2007, 08:15 PM
yes i have a wideband o2
my tune was done by someone on a dyno and ls1 edit :rippedhand:
my ltft`s usually are between the o -4 range at cruise but will wander to-7 +7 range and my afr seems to be unsteady.
it`s an 02 fbody with unknown cam profile and is naturally aspirated,
stock injectors, walbro pump with 60psi at idle and i have long tubes with out cats.
i didnt set the 410 limit but i`ve tried :D
what i would like to know is will it be safe for me to do the auto ve

January 21st, 2007, 12:07 AM
Yes, it will be safe, and it may not be safe if you don't.

You have stock injectors and 60 psi fuel pressure, then the IFR table should be fine as is.
Proceed with Auto VE tuning, but first make sure the Tune Tool is not set to Lambda units... use either AFR or EQ...

In the tune tool, go Edit->Properties->Commanded Fuel Values->Display In and set this to EQ; click OK and exit the tune tool.

January 21st, 2007, 12:13 AM
Yes it would be safe to do it, and it may not be safe if you don't do it.