View Full Version : ETC reaction time

February 8th, 2007, 03:37 PM
G'day guys,
I was driving my boss's VZ V6 Commodore ute today and noticed the ETC was slow in reacting to my pushing of the throttle. There is quite a significant delay between planting your foot to when the revs pick up.

My question is, does the ETC on a LS1 have this same delay in reaction time, and is there anything you can tune to reduce this delay?



February 8th, 2007, 08:37 PM
The delay is lack of power in that car :muahaha:

They seem to be pretty responsive, unfortunately the TAC module on the Holden doesn't sit to well when you alter the ETC response tables. Most of the US vehicles got lucky and they can alter the ETC response.


February 8th, 2007, 10:51 PM
Where are the ETC response tables you speak of?


February 9th, 2007, 12:16 AM
You won't see them unless you have FlashScan V2, or FlashScan V1 with a Commercial or Workshop license. Even then, you won't see them unless your cable is plugged in prior to starting the software. They will show up with a red icon in the navigator.


February 9th, 2007, 08:15 AM
ahhh, the cable has to pluged in. I was trying to figure out the other day why i could change those settings when i was in my truck and not when i was reading logs in my house and changing things. thanks man

February 9th, 2007, 10:27 AM
You won't see them unless you have FlashScan V2, or FlashScan V1 with a Commercial or Workshop license. Even then, you won't see them unless your cable is plugged in prior to starting the software. They will show up with a red icon in the navigator.


Thanx Paul!:cheers:

I thought I had seen the little red folder before! I was begining to think the ETC options were removed from the latest version.:Eyecrazy:

I will plug my cable in and have a look:cheers:

EDIT: Yep, it appears

Is there anything else that doesn't show up without the cable plugged in?
What is the reason for not showing it without a cable?
