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View Full Version : Don't understant (or have problem with Customer Details)

May 3rd, 2005, 11:08 AM
I have entered the Default Customer Details a number of times, and have included VIN, registration, Customer Name etc. (pretty much everything).

When you click 'Save' is says that it has saved to the '<vin>.cus' file in the correct directory.

Under an unknown condition these 'Default' details disappear and have to be entered, or loaded again.

It also seems that when I connect to the car I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that because it knows the VIN that it will load the details from the associated customer details file.

It is probably worth mentioning that this is only causing me a problem because I have decided to use the auto-generated folder and filenames option, and intend to use the vehicle registration (<reg>) to store logs etc. beneath.

So the problem is basically that when you go to save (in my case) the auto-generated folder and filenames option does not work because it has not associated the customer details and therefore does not know what the <reg> value is.

Hope that makes some sense?

I am running version 720_227_217 with the 720_228_218 update.

Thanks in advance.

May 3rd, 2005, 03:03 PM
It appears to be a bug that clears the Customer information when connecting to new vehicle but does not reload the correct customer details when the new VIN is determined.
Looking into it.

May 3rd, 2005, 04:18 PM
I'm pleased to hear that, I was wondering what I could be doing wrong. I am kinda new to the whole EFILive thing.

Thanks Paul.

May 3rd, 2005, 08:09 PM
Turned out to be a simple one character mismatch between the VIN in the customer file and the VIN obtained from the vehicle.

The VIN in the vehicle is stored in 3, 6 character segments. The first character is not used since there are only 17 digits in a VIN. EFILive was just comparing the two VINs incorrectly and not loading the appropriate customer details.

It is all fixed now, the new version should be available before the weekend.
Thanks for finding it before the final version of 7.2 is locked down :)


May 3rd, 2005, 09:11 PM
Glad it was something simple...

The version that is expected this weekend, is that going to include the auto-tuning code?

I have had the luxury of being able to spend quite a bit of time working on the car and trying to get my head around this tuning business. The information in these forums is really helpful!

I'm really glad I selected EFILive, apart from a fantastic product, the support and people that participate here are awesome, which is invaluable.

Keep up the good work!

May 3rd, 2005, 09:45 PM
Glad it was something simple...
I wish they were all so simple :(

The version that is expected this weekend, is that going to include the auto-tuning code?

I have had the luxury of being able to spend quite a bit of time working on the car and trying to get my head around this tuning business. The information in these forums is really helpful!
The more you use it the more use you find for it !!

I'm really glad I selected EFILive, apart from a fantastic product, the support and people that participate here are awesome, which is invaluable.
Yes, our customers (big and small) are a great help on this forum, and the data they provide is a valuable resource. We are moving to a bigger web server so that we can retain 100% of posts. Previously we have had to let some old posts "fall off the end of our server" because we are running out of space.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the encouragement.
