View Full Version : any 5.3 tunes?

March 2nd, 2007, 06:34 AM
i just aquired a 04 gmc yukon with a 5.3 k/n and cat back
anyone have any tunes i could try-im new to the gasser portion of the forum-have been playing with diesels for quite some time now
basically just looking for and starter tune to point me in the right direction
thanks to all

March 2nd, 2007, 07:03 AM
Well, rather than just give away a tune, I can help you get started.

First thing I'd do is look at the PE enabler settings and PE Modifier values. By default, there is a 1-2 second delay before PE will kick in, and then when it does it goes as rich as 11.3:1 at one point. Once it kicks in, the fuel mixture spark correction table will come into play and throw in a few more degrees of timing, depending on the fuel mixture at the time.
Take a look at the Torque Limiting section as well as the torque reduction section of the transmission calibration.

Without making any changes at all to the spark tables, you should be able to wake that thing up a bit.

March 2nd, 2007, 07:15 AM
Pleanty! (http://www.holdencrazy.com/) (if you want stock) :)

March 2nd, 2007, 08:39 AM
i guess ill just mess around a lot-are there any certain tables i should leave alone?

March 2nd, 2007, 09:29 AM
Im trying to tune my 5.3 in my stock truck.

I seriously have not noticed any diffrence besides mabey a little more low end.

I think the PE delay mode is what makes these things feel slow.

When you tune your transmission I want to see if you can get a good hard fast shift at WOT. Im trying to now with my truck but I still get a weak and sometimes decent shift at WOT.

You can give it a little more time to shift at WOT to, so when you go into second it wont be stuck at such a low rpm. And you can set you WOT 2-1 dowshift speed up more.

March 2nd, 2007, 09:36 AM
well i just got done with a tune-im gonna give it a try tomorrow and see what breaks:eek:

March 2nd, 2007, 11:23 AM
I have not noticed anything from timing.

Mabey a little more part thottle power.

I though there would be a diffrence between 16 degrees of base WOT timing stock and 22-27 degrees WOT timing.

Its probably all just in my head.

If GM thinks that these engines can run at 14.7 for 2 seconds untill a certain rpm at WOT, isnt that going to get hot? Is that why it goes extreamely rich after? How does this not hurt it, does lean fuel mixtures only hurt at higher rpms?

March 2nd, 2007, 11:32 AM
I have not noticed anything from timing.

Mabey a little more part thottle power.

I though there would be a diffrence between 16 degrees of base WOT timing stock and 22-27 degrees WOT timing.

Its probably all just in my head.

If GM thinks that these engines can run at 14.7 for 2 seconds untill a certain rpm at WOT, isnt that going to get hot? Is that why it goes extreamely rich after? How does this not hurt it, does lean fuel mixtures only hurt at higher rpms?

As Howard from Redline Motorsports so eloquently put it. The power is in the timing!!! You really should notice a decent bit more power out of that engine with a more optimal timing level. I take it from your statement that you haven't adjusted the PE mode enablers and delay parameters yet.

March 2nd, 2007, 01:49 PM
just what do you adjust with the p/e tables and why?

March 2nd, 2007, 02:19 PM
Well, you'll want to remove the delays in the tune (B3608, B3609, B3610).
By default, PE isn't enabled until you're above 90% throttle. I'd lower that quite a bit to get into PE a bit sooner.
B3618 is usually a bit rich from the factor for a naturally aspirated vehicle. You'll want to target something in the 12.5 - 13:1 range rather than the default 11.x:1 at WOT.
When PE activates, it not only will richen the mixture up to the values in B3618, but it will also increase timing as specified in table B5908.

March 2nd, 2007, 04:03 PM
My PE delay is 0seconds.

On B3609 the whole table is set at zero. Where should it be?

I have lowered my tps enable about 10-20%.

March 3rd, 2007, 12:48 AM
i set my pe enable at 50% tps and the 3618 table to .85
should i change the timing tables and 5908?or leave the high octane/low octane and 5908 alone

March 3rd, 2007, 03:48 AM
I raised my high octane table. The way I get it is you are suposed to ramp up timing to around peak torque(5.3 ~4000rpm) then when you get there drop the timing 3-4 degrees then after peak torque return to a maximum of 24-28 degrees.

When I have my high octane table at around 22-23 peak timing it always seems to run at 24-29 degrees no matter what with all the adders added in.

March 3rd, 2007, 05:29 AM
i set my pe enable at 50% tps and the 3618 table to .85
should i change the timing tables and 5908?or leave the high octane/low octane and 5908 alone

Without a dyno you should do a couple of things to start.

1: get a wide band O2 and install it.
2: Learn to use the scaning tool

If you want to mess with timing set up a set of PIDs to log all the timing stuff including knock retard and throttle position. After you have some baseline advance the areas of timing you think need it a few degrees at a time and scan again. If you hit knock retard or if you hear knock you've gone too far. Just go slow, gas cars are a lot more likely to break than diesels if you push too hard.


March 3rd, 2007, 06:40 AM
thanks for all the help guys
im sure ill be back soon!!!

March 3rd, 2007, 07:14 AM
If your seeing random KR like 4-6 degrees for no reason, Tordne said to zero out the Burst Knock Retard tables.

I was seeing the random 4-5 degrees of timing being pulled in the middle of 2nd at WOT. I could not figure it out and thought it was becuase I had a 2000pcm or the sensitivities where wrong so I messed with them.

But zero out the Burst Knock Retard tables. It fixed my random knock retard.
It is supposed to pull timing becuase of large changes in cylinder pressures too prevent knock from even happening. If your seeing that random knock try it it worked for me. Its wierd that this was made to stop knock but really starts it.

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 06:01 AM
Well, you'll want to remove the delays in the tune (B3608, B3609, B3610).
By default, PE isn't enabled until you're above 90% throttle. I'd lower that quite a bit to get into PE a bit sooner.
B3618 is usually a bit rich from the factor for a naturally aspirated vehicle. You'll want to target something in the 12.5 - 13:1 range rather than the default 11.x:1 at WOT.
When PE activates, it not only will richen the mixture up to the values in B3618, but it will also increase timing as specified in table B5908.

I am looking at my b3618 chart and cant figure out what .87 at 0 means I think I seen where there was a conversion to air fuel ratio but cant seem to find where I seen it. can some one post the equation ?
also I changed b3610 from 5000 down to 3000. is that enough or should i go lower?

this gets addictive. trying to learn on my avalanch before i try getting my futral tuned T/A to idle right:cheers:

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 06:05 AM
also keep in mind ,i am towing a 6700 lb camper and dont want to mess up anything while towing. thanks

May 29th, 2007, 06:52 AM
I am looking at my b3618 chart and cant figure out what .87 at 0 means I think I seen where there was a conversion to air fuel ratio but cant seem to find where I seen it. can some one post the equation ?
also I changed b3610 from 5000 down to 3000. is that enough or should i go lower?

this gets addictive. trying to learn on my avalanch before i try getting my futral tuned T/A to idle right:cheers:Post an image of your B3618...

see post #1 or #2 of this thread: showthread.php?t=3064 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=3064)

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 07:03 AM
I am trying to figure all that out. I will post it when i do

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 07:10 AM
untill i learn all the tricks,
after that they all show .77 untill the end.

does this do any good?

May 29th, 2007, 08:15 AM
if divide stoich 14.62857 by .87 you get 16.81 that is the AFR you are commading for pe you should be closer
Well, you'll want to remove the delays in the tune (B3608, B3609, B3610).
By default, PE isn't enabled until you're above 90% throttle. I'd lower that quite a bit to get into PE a bit sooner.
B3618 is usually a bit rich from the factor for a naturally aspirated vehicle. You'll want to target something in the 12.5 - 13:1 range rather than the default 11.x:1 at WOT.
When PE activates, it not only will richen the mixture up to the values in B3618, but it will also increase timing as specified in table B5908.

May 29th, 2007, 08:27 AM
untill i learn all the tricks,
after that they all show .77 untill the end.

does this do any good?
It looks like you're viewing AFR in Lambda.

Lambda = AFR / Stoich

Conversely, AFR = Lambda x Stoich. At 4800rpms, your PE mode fueling is commanding 11:1 AFR

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 08:55 AM
is there a way to make it read afr instead of lambda?

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 09:03 AM
never mind. edit>properties done it.

should i put it set to 12.7 across the board?

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 09:17 AM
also, what about setting pe to come in at 3000? is that about right ? lower or higher?

May 29th, 2007, 12:04 PM
65% TP below 3000 and 35% TP above 3000 should be ok...

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 04:46 PM
where are you talking about 65% below 3000 and 35 % above? what area? you lost me. b3616 maybe?

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 04:48 PM
i am showing in the b3616 to come in at 90%. is that where you move to 65%- 30%?

May 29th, 2007, 06:50 PM
Yes, B3616 PE mode enable... :)

Aint Skeered
May 30th, 2007, 01:42 AM