View Full Version : timing map

March 11th, 2007, 02:57 AM
trying to figure out timing with custom operating system. if the maps are in mas air flow how can you figure out what its going to do in sd.all my logs show every thing in the right of the timing maps but doesnt add up to timing in logs.try looking at every timing table nothing adds up to me

March 12th, 2007, 12:41 AM
Look under the spark section of the PID selection [F8] in Flashscan. There you can log pretty much any spark contributing factor to hunt down where timing calculations are coming from.

I haven't looked in the Custom OS's, but are you sure timing is referenced to mass air flow (grams/second) vs. dynamic cylinder airflow (grams/cylinder)??? I've always logged GM.DYNCYLAIR_DMA for spark reference.

March 16th, 2007, 04:33 PM
The system continually calculates mass air flow based on MAP, rpm, IAT and a few other variables. Since the timing tables are referenced to engine load as expressed in grams/cylinder, the system translates mass flow (either calculated or measured) to grams/cyl so it can reference the timing tables. If logged spark data isn't matching table values, it's either because of the influence of other modifiers, or because of the disparity of values in the high and low octane spark tables-- or both. Do you have identical values in both high and low octane tables or have the forced octane scaler enabled so that only high octane spark values are used?

March 16th, 2007, 05:59 PM
a0000 disable a0001 100 a0002 100 yeah i know theres lots of modifiers for timing wot the lowest number in low octane table is 16 high octane is 19 under spark /general i looked at all the modifers tables dont see any thing. maybe its torque management got the heater on lol (had a big cam motor with stock converter wich i didnt build just tuned when you turn the heater motor on it pulled so much timing motor start missing ) no biggy just a pain when timing goes to 7 deg when you floor it kinda piggy for a sec