View Full Version : SAE.TP and SAE.TP_R

March 15th, 2007, 09:11 AM
I can't figure why both of these PIDs have values close to 100% while logging data. At first I though it was a wrong setting or something and couldn't find a fault. So I swapped another ECM and that was the same readings. OS 12606128.

Has anyone else seen this? :nixweiss:

March 21st, 2007, 11:45 PM
Not so sure on that, but Paul has found that the implementation of some SAE PID's on this ECM aren't too good.
I think it was JK that said to use GM.TP instead.


March 22nd, 2007, 01:05 AM
Not so sure on that, but Paul has found that the implementation of some SAE PID's on this ECM aren't too good.
I think it was JK that said to use GM.TP instead.


That's what I thought might be the problem. I've been trying other PID's to see if I can get the correct data in the logs.

Do you know when you might have the new OS for 12616698 mapped and a new Cal File? Could that get in with the next release, or am I asking for to much? :master: :master: :master:

March 22nd, 2007, 08:57 AM
It's done and in the next release, it was really good timing I guess, I would have been really :mad: if it came out like a week after we started burning new CD's.


March 23rd, 2007, 10:19 AM
It's done and in the next release, it was really good timing I guess, I would have been really :mad: if it came out like a week after we started burning new CD's.


You made a comment on the DP that there was going to be a release Wed or Thurs of this week. :nixweiss: or are you going to surprise us next week with DSP5, LMM and Standalone V2 and some extras ????. :notacrook: :notacrook: :muahaha:

March 23rd, 2007, 03:44 PM
You made a comment on the DP that there was going to be a release Wed or Thurs of this week. :nixweiss: or are you going to surprise us next week with DSP5, LMM and Standalone V2 and some extras ????. :notacrook: :notacrook: :muahaha:

It was going to be Wed/Thur but Paul is still working on some things, he said Sat now.
It will include DSP5, LMM but no standalone V2 yet.
