View Full Version : Issue with V7.4...or just me???

April 8th, 2007, 08:43 AM
I noticed something today whilst making some small alterations to my VE table.
Usually when I put a number in the 'adjust' box at the top of the page and hit the +/- button it updates the cell I'm adjusting.
However, sometimes when I do this...nothing happens. Problem is I was thinking "maybe I didn't click it properly". I discovered when I move to another cell and click on it, the previous cell then updates.
Each time I did this...until I discovered what was happening, I was half way through my table and was unsure as to how many 'changes' I'd made to the 'non-updating' cell.
This meant reverting to the saved tune and starting again from scratch...no big deal...just annoying!
So, is it an issue...or is it just me.
These are the cells I noticed it happening in:
Main VE Table...COS3:
1600x35, 2400x65, 2000x85, 2400x85, 2000x90, 2000x95.
There may be others but this is where I noticed it.

April 8th, 2007, 09:08 AM
I just tried this and it appears to update the correct cell at the time I press the +/- button :nixweiss:

April 9th, 2007, 12:09 AM
I just noticed a pattern.
Whilst making the adjustments in my Main VE table. Eg, If I need to add 1.0 to two different cells, I put the 1.0 in the 'adjust' box and choose the cell I want to adjust. I click adjust and the cell is immediately altered. Now, if I choose another cell which I also want to adjust by 1.0 and just click 'adjust' without altering the amount, the number in the second cell doesn't change until I select another cell.