View Full Version : Selling EFI live hardware/software.

April 26th, 2007, 02:15 PM
I have a 1998 roadrunner i am looking into selling, and I also have my old V1 interface cable the purchaser was interested in buying with it for logging.

I know once you upgrade the V1 to a V2, you can't upgrade or add more support to the device, but can it be included in a package deal (with the understand it is no longer supported by EFI live) or is that against the terms of the upgrade?

Can the roadrunner license be transfered with the roadrunner unit? Or does the license belong to the owner who purchased it?


April 26th, 2007, 06:40 PM
One the FlashScan V1 is upgraded no more PCM licenses will be issued to that interface. So you'd need to have at least one available license on the V1 for sale purposes.

Is the RoadRunner license allocated against the V1 or the new V2? Some of what you're asking I'd need to get confirmation on...

April 27th, 2007, 01:59 AM
Thanks, I do not know what that roadrunner is licensed against, I assume V2, since I already have a roadrunner on the V1 license.

The car is a 98, so is an open slot still needed for scanning/tuning?


April 27th, 2007, 08:56 AM
Well did you actually use any licenses from your V1 cable? Plug it in and fire up the software, then browse the rightmost menu bars for a V1 read option. Pretty sure you can see how many licenses are on the cable and how many (if any) are used.

April 27th, 2007, 09:51 AM
One the FlashScan V1 is upgraded no more PCM licenses will be issued to that interface. So you'd need to have at least one available license on the V1 for sale purposes.

Is the RoadRunner license allocated against the V1 or the new V2? Some of what you're asking I'd need to get confirmation on...

1) From my humble experience with my V1, V2 and 99+up RR...
a. My RR works with both, I have my V1 "hard wired" in my car.
b. I use the V2 on other peoples cars with the RR no problems.
2) The main thing I think you are wanting to know is that during the upgrade process all of the existing V1 licenses are "copied" and "pasted" to the V2. The existing licenses are still on the V1 and it is still fully functional to scan and tune. The only thing you can't do with it is add more pcm licenses.
3)You'd have to have at least one availible license on the V1 for a prospective 99+up purchaser OR one of the 99+up pcms that you could add/swap/make a deal with the purchaser if the V1 has already been upgraded to the V2.
a. That is ofcourse if you are wanting to get the "most" out of the sale by adding the value of the V1.

For someone like myself keeping the V1 in my car does 2 things...
I can "black box" log at the track as my local track is getting their panties all in a wad about my laptop securely mounted in my Ram Mount lately and the second thing is I don't/ won't get to a client's house (with my truck) just to find out that I left the Flashscan cable in the car!