View Full Version : 2005 Cos3

April 29th, 2007, 06:59 AM
I have the COS3 for my 05 6.0L flashed in the PCM , I command 14.74 in all {B3647} cells except the last 2 rows and some cruise areas . When I log I see the commanded AFR is 14.79 , even when the PCM enters the areas I defined as 15.4 , commanded value will go to 15.4 for a few seconds (3 to 5 even thought it should be remaining at 15.4 , cells above and below are 15.4 so even if load or RPM changes it will still be in 15.4 value ) but will drop right back to 14.79 .
I thought that the COS3 would command what ever values entered into {B3647} cells .
OLSD , MAF has failed {P0103} , as stated commanding 14.74 so not suppose to be in semi-closed loop mode (14.63) , disabled LTFT , disabled STFT , AutoVEd and within .02 , went back over the COS3 tutorial countless times checking that every values is as stated in the tutorial description .
Anyone have a idea what is going on here ?

April 30th, 2007, 08:41 AM
According to this {B3647} should not be influenced in any way .

April 30th, 2007, 08:49 AM
Ok , let me ask it like this then , when COS3 is used and something other than 14.63 (14.74 or 15.4) is used in the cells in {B3647} what would cause {B3647} not to achieve the AFR that is commanded ?

May 1st, 2007, 08:12 AM
Ok , let me ask it like this then , when COS3 is used and something other than 14.63 (14.74 or 15.4) is used in the cells in {B3647} what would cause {B3647} not to achieve the AFR that is commanded ?
What is causing the rich fueling ?
Wideband reads 13.8 AFR , way off what I am commanding .:nixweiss:

May 1st, 2007, 10:14 AM
A0014 table will multiply the VE table for fuelling. Also going off hquick,s thread A0008 will modify the fuel mixture without changing commanded.

May 1st, 2007, 11:02 AM
A0008 and A0014 and B5910 as well as the multipliers of these can be players too.

May 1st, 2007, 02:55 PM
Thanks , I checked both (A) tables and they are at the reference 1.0 value so no extra fueling should be coming from them , and the (B5910) is at stock values for the Spark ETC Table .
Still can't figure out why the B3647 will not command values entered in it .

May 1st, 2007, 03:03 PM
What units are you using in B3647? What units are you using in the scanner? WBO2?

May 1st, 2007, 03:41 PM
What units are you using in B3647? What units are you using in the scanner? WBO2?
Both are AFR not Lambda or EQ .
I tried a new setting , I set {B3647} at 14.63 (all but last 2 rows) , but I ran my Wideband before changing setting , it read 13.8 when {B3647} is set at 14.54 or 14.74 , but at 14.63 (semi-open loop) it reads 14.7 to 14.9 what you would expect when using O2s to control idle fueling .
Got me on this one , all I changed was the values from 14.54-14.74 to 14.63 , so what caused the extra fueling ?

May 3rd, 2007, 01:24 PM
Ok , tried my hand at the Wideband in the V2 today , got the voltages correct , closed the program for a second went back and the settings were gone .
WTF , all the voltage setting and re-calibrating the LC-1 gone , just for closing the Scan Tool .
Any way to stop the reset stuff ? Or every time you have to do the voltage reset ?

May 3rd, 2007, 03:47 PM
Have you determined, if any, voltage/ground offsets? By setting your WBO2 to put out solid values and using EFI Live's raw data scanner to determine what if any voltage/ground offsets you may or may not have you can offset the values in the cal link file. I think this is key when you are getting down to such descrepancies as you are describing.

May 4th, 2007, 05:20 AM
Have you determined, if any, voltage/ground offsets? By setting your WBO2 to put out solid values and using EFI Live's raw data scanner to determine what if any voltage/ground offsets you may or may not have you can offset the values in the cal link file. I think this is key when you are getting down to such descrepancies as you are describing.
The wideband was set to out put a single voltage and tested with a Ohm meter , first voltage was set at 1.0v , measured it reads 1.03v , second was set at 5.0v , it reads 5.0v , so what is the off set there ?

Connect the wideband analog output to one or more V2 AD inputs,
making sure to observe the correct polarity (see decal on underside of V2).

From the ScanTool, connect to V2, then go FlashScan->FlashScan V2 Control Panel

Then follow these steps (which are shown in the V2 Control Panel):
0. Place checkmarks on the AD1-4 channels that you are calibrating on the V2 Control Panel,
1. remember wideband AFR-vs-V points,
2. program wideband to output a flat 1.000V,
3. disconnect wideband from V2, measure this output voltage, reconnect wideband to V2,
4. enter this voltage (in mV) and press Initialize on the FlashScan V2 Control Panel,
5. program wideband to output a flat 4.000V,
6. disconnect wideband from V2, measure this output voltage, reconnect wideband to V2,
7. enter this voltage (in mV) and press Calibrate on the FlashScan V2 Control Panel,
8. press OK/Finished,
9. program wideband back to the AFR-vs-V points.

May 4th, 2007, 06:04 AM
Have you determined, if any, voltage/ground offsets? By setting your WBO2 to put out solid values and using EFI Live's raw data scanner to determine what if any voltage/ground offsets you may or may not have you can offset the values in the cal link file. I think this is key when you are getting down to such descrepancies as you are describing.
What has that got to do the resetting when closed issue ?

May 13th, 2007, 02:52 PM
Figured out what was most of the problem , ME , I had used a first attempt VE {B0101} table , how it got in there is beyond me but it will not happen again .
Needless to say it was off , so I have good VE values now but I still can't figure out why the AFR will not stay at what is commanded in some cells .
I am trying to lean out certain cells say at cruise values with no luck (800 to 2400 rpm and 20 to 25 kPa), the PCM will drop into the cells but again even with a good VE will not remain at the values set .

June 4th, 2007, 02:32 AM
I couldn't ever get this table to work properly, the only thing that makes any sense to me is that the units are backwords on the table. It seems to work OK if I reverse the locations of the labels in my head on either the x or the y axis, but I forget which one was off. Perhaps this helps

June 5th, 2007, 01:42 PM
I am running the 2005 COS 3 on my truck in OL with no problems, setup for lean cruising. I tried to open your attachment but couldn't. I guess I don't know how to. If you want to send it to me I will look at it. PM me for email address.


June 5th, 2007, 02:02 PM
I am running the 2005 COS 3 on my truck in OL with no problems, setup for lean cruising. I tried to open your attachment but couldn't. I guess I don't know how to. If you want to send it to me I will look at it. PM me for email address.

Right click on file then "save as" or "save link as" (can't remember what IE says , I use Firefox) name it what ever you (05 cos ...example) want then save !
Once saved EFILive should open it by double clicking on the file .

June 5th, 2007, 02:23 PM
When I save it, it saves it as an "attachment" and not a file and EFILive wont open. I have tried all I know to do and it still wont open. I am using IE 6. Any other suggestions?


June 5th, 2007, 03:30 PM
Right click save as. Make sure you add the .efi after the file name.

June 6th, 2007, 03:02 AM
Right click save as. Make sure you add the .efi after the file name.

That did it. I can't tell much fron the log, but your timing is very low. If you send me your tune, I will look at it.


June 6th, 2007, 04:55 AM
Oops forgot to add , keep file extension as .efi , sorry just assume people know that one .
I have to transfer the .tun to this computer I have a separate Laptop for tuning with .
PM me and I will send you the .tun to look at .

June 10th, 2007, 05:58 PM
Another .efi log file .

June 26th, 2007, 08:37 AM
Here is one after playing with the A0014 table . AFRs are getting better , and mileage went way up .
I still see some strange numbers at 2000 rpm . On the Dashboard A,B,and C , Maps A-E , A and B show how close the VE is .
Anyone have any suggestions ?

June 26th, 2007, 12:44 PM
It looks like your DFCO is still active. A few suggestions while tuning VE;

Set all Commanded AFR to a safe number around 13 to 1 to eliminate any transitions
Turn off DFCO, Set all A0014 entrys to 1
Also log GM.APP, no need to log LTFT in SD
Fill as many cells as you can as many times as possible

Filter out GM.APP below 1, CALC.AFR_LC11 + or - 2 AFR of commanded AFR, SAE.TP Changing more than 5% per 100 ms, low or high coolant temps, IAT temps 15 degrees + or - of average logged IAT temps, cell count numbers below 5, copy & paste.

Rinse and repeat as many times as it takes to get BEN's to 1 (+ or - .01 or .02). Sometimes when you are close and only a few cells are out it is easier to manually adjust them up or down than doing the whole table. Set your commanded AFR where you want it and check it out.

I filter the + or - AFR's higher when I start and work down to 2 as it gets closer to spot on. Try to do as much logging as you can with the same weather conditions and temps as possible. Center the average IAT temps in A0014 around 1 or 2 ranges with 1.0 and fill the multipliers up and down from there after you are done tuning VE. Adjust the other A0014 multipliers as necessary to keep your BEN's to 1 at other IAT temps. Anyone feel free to fill in anything I may have left out or have any better methods.


June 28th, 2007, 06:05 PM
Just got through doing some AutoVEing to check the BEN values , got 9150 miles on the Truck now .
I am slow about doing things , but I get there in the end .

Thanks everyone again for their help .