View Full Version : Looking for milleage

May 3rd, 2007, 09:39 AM
Posted this in a few other groups but i figured the more that see it the better I am to get answers thanks.

Ok I'm a noob to this tunning thing guys but really need to get started on this program. I'm using the personal scan/tune tool and have only set things like trans pressure and shift timing and little things like that to help at the track. I need to get into the fuel and timming things to see if i can get a bit more power out of it at the track but also so i can change things around for the weekly commute to the city. so if someone could point me in the right direction on how to or where to read on this situation that ould be great thanks guys.

May 3rd, 2007, 12:33 PM
Do you have a wideband sensor...?

If not, then log LTFT's and get comfortable with their behaviour;

Read the AutoVE tutorial and get an understand of what it's doing.

Then calculate your IFR table based on your rail pressure and injector ratings using the spreadsheet (if you have stock injectors, you may still want to measure the rail pressure and do the calculation anyway).

Then, create a BEN map using LTFT1 or LTFT2 or (LTFT1+LTFT2)/2, and leaving closed loop enabled (and MAF disabled), do the AutoVE tune (do everython ecxept disabling closed loop, and make a BEN map using LTFT's); this will not be as precise as using a wideband, but it will get your VE table close.

You can now set your PE table, and your actual AFR will be close/closer to your commanded AFR (if you had used a wideband, they will be pretty much equal).

Then you will enable the MAF and repeat the BEN map using MAFFREQ to dial in the MAF table in the same manner (past-multiply-with-labels).

Post your general tuning questions in this thread... the other threads are more "specialized". :cheers:

May 3rd, 2007, 12:41 PM
hahaha wow that was chinease o me lol I understand log term fuel trims and that simple thing but the BEN and all those other short forms I am not used to yet just got the software up and running again today and was playing with it. I was wondering if changing the comanded air fuel would help save some at all? I know the car runs richer then the comanded but if i up the comanded ratio a bit it should lean it out a bit no??? I figured maybe around 15.1:1 shoudl be somewhat around an actual 14.7 haha maybe a bit hier would do without hurting anythign just for cruising ?

May 3rd, 2007, 12:46 PM
as well I have a wideband just havent put it in yet because im switching exhaust this spring so as soon as i have that in I will let you know.

May 3rd, 2007, 12:52 PM

Ok... then do read the AutoVE tutorial... it explains what a BEN map is (and how to create it);

BEN is a name for: actual AFR divided by commanded AFR.

After filtering out throttle transients and low temperature data points, the BEN map is mulitplied into the VE table...

this makes the VE table produce actual AFR's that match the commanded AFR's (but you must disable any MAF influence, and other influences as specified in the AVE tutorial).

You could still install your wideband now, and just swap it to headers later (you'll get better results with the wideband).

But be sure to understand what the AVE tutorial is saying and why it works.


May 3rd, 2007, 04:20 PM
Prior to this post I was fluent in French and English but now I must be fluent in Chinese as well. Er, EFI.

May 3rd, 2007, 07:36 PM
Almost everything you touch now says "Made in China"...:bawl: