View Full Version : Urgent reminder for all WB users.

Dirk Diggler
May 14th, 2005, 08:02 AM
Dont forget to calibrate your Wide bands with Efilive's calc pids. what do i mean you ask. Upon inspection today I found my wideband AFR software differed from my logged (EFILIVE) AFR by .4 too rich. So I trued it up a little. Here were my steps in doing so

1. Hook up the wideband software and log the afr with the car off
2. Start the scanner and log the average AFR fom your WB(did this for about 2k frames)
3. Divide WB Software AFR/EFILIVE Scanned AFR 20.00/19.62
4. Modify your calc pids to reflect the changes eg.
"({EXT.AD1}*2+10)*1.0193679918450560652395514780 836"

May 14th, 2005, 09:46 AM
Another thing to check is to make sure that you have the wide band O2 controller's ground (i.e. the ground that is being fed into EFILive's orange connector) connected to the same ground as FlashScan itself. Which is pins 4/5 of the OBDII connector. A very small difference in ground offsets may cause what you are seeing.

Disclaimer: IANAEE (I am Not An Electronics Engineer) - Ross might be able to clarify.


Dirk Diggler
May 14th, 2005, 11:24 AM
My FJo unit doesnt have a output ground. I think its internally grounded to the cigarette lighter i hooked it to

May 14th, 2005, 01:25 PM
I wonder if this is the right approach.

My unit was out at air similiarly. I am not sure we can assume that it is a simple linear correction across the whole spectrum.

It may be a bias (ie the voltage is always down hence the reading will always be down). I doubt this though unkess your scan earth and WBO2 earth are not tied together.

I assumed the unit was a little off at the extreme ends since it is very difficult to be accruate that far from stoich.

I think the only way to check your calibration is to test it with a known higher spec unit. Not easy though if you don't have access to a lab or something.

May 14th, 2005, 11:31 PM
Does EFILive support this product?



May 14th, 2005, 11:41 PM
Does EFILive support this product?



Wow, impressive device..
The answer is yes, it has a programmable analog out, so that is all we need.


May 15th, 2005, 12:36 AM
From FJO:

Some devices which have a 5 volt input may have too low of aninput impedance and will load down
the FJO's analog output signal. To correct this this, the published AFR vs Voltage data will need to be
adjusted. The following instructions explain how to do this using a digital voltmeter (DVM).
Note: The FJO digital displays are not affected by this and therefore are accurate regardless of what
devices you connect to the analog output.
1. Remove the sensor from the exhaust pipe, but leave it connected to the FJO controller.
2. Make sure that the analog output wire of the FJO is disconnected from your device's 5v
3. Power up the FJO for 1 minute and measure the analog output voltage. Connect your
DVM's + (positive) lead to the FJO analog signal and the – (negative) lead to the ground
point of your device and record the voltage V1= _______ (to be accurate you must
measure all voltages to at least 2 decimal places).
MWI0003 rev D
4. Leave the FJO powered on with the DVM connected and power on your device.
5. Once it is ready, connect the FJO to your device and record the voltage V2= _______ .
6. The correction factor is obtained by dividing “V2” by “V1”, or C = V2 / V1 .
Note: The “corrected” voltage table data is obtained by multiplying “C” times the "published voltage"
for a given AFR, or Corrected_Voltage = C x Published_Voltage .
If the voltages you measured were V1= 4.723v and V2= 4.597
Then the correction factor is 4.597/4.723= 0.9733 .
AFR Published Voltage Corrected Voltage
11.009 1.217 => 1.185
11.875 1.564 => 1.522
12.605 1.833 => 1.784

This will do the same correction offset???

Dirk Diggler
May 15th, 2005, 03:48 AM
Yes that will work but there was some difference between the voltage values and the AFR values so I used the AFR values instead

May 15th, 2005, 06:15 AM
Does EFILive support this product?



Wow, impressive device..
The answer is yes, it has a programmable analog out, so that is all we need.

It should be fairly similar to LM-1. Supposedly the A/D has higher resolution than the LM-1. I think these are what I'll get for permanent installation.

May 15th, 2005, 06:20 AM
Yes that will work but there was some difference between the voltage values and the AFR values so I used the AFR values instead

Okay..Thanks. I'll use your method !!


Dirk Diggler
May 15th, 2005, 07:25 AM
I went outside and checked today again here is the break down

FJO WB software = 20:1 AFR
Analog output with the cable unhooked was 5.02
Analog output with the Flashscan cable hooked up was 4.98
EFILive Scanner read 4.78 v in the log and an AFR of 19.55 using the formula

What I did was left the voltages alone since they varied to much and concentrated on the afrs. 20/19.55=1.0230179028132992327365728900256. I then took this and used it in my calc pid as a calibration factor. Now the FJO software reads 20 and the scanner reads 20.

My ve table was then lowered for all cells by -2.30179028132992327365728900256%

May 15th, 2005, 08:39 AM
I went outside and checked today again here is the break down
FJO WB software = 20:1 AFR
Analog output with the cable unhooked was 5.02
Analog output with the Flashscan cable hooked up was 4.98
EFILive Scanner read 4.78 v in the log and an AFR of 19.55 using the formula

One thing to note is that FlashScan will not read above 4.8 volts (looks like in your case 4.78 volts).
Don't try to use any voltage values above 4.8 volts as reference voltages for any error correction.

WB O2 FlashScan
--------- ---------
---- ---- ---- ----
4.2 18.4 4.2 18.4 <- AFR is accurate
4.3 18.6 4.3 18.6 <- AFR is accurate
4.4 18.8 4.4 18.8 <- AFR is accurate
4.5 19.0 4.5 19.0 <- AFR is accurate
4.6 19.2 4.6 19.2 <- AFR is accurate
4.7 19.4 4.7 19.4 <- AFR is accurate
4.8 19.6 4.8 19.6 <- AFR is indeterminate
4.9 19.8 4.8 19.6 <- AFR is inaccurate
5.0 20.0 4.8 19.6 <- AFR is inaccurate


Dirk Diggler
May 15th, 2005, 09:34 AM
hhaahahah I jsut figured that out. I changed my output to .5-4.5 volts and the issue went away. Now i just need a formula .5=10 4.5=20 and 1 afr point is .4 volts.

I guess if that is the case the 0-5 would be acurate and i just wasted a whole day fooling around with this

May 16th, 2005, 01:51 AM
The LC-1 I am using shows 5v and when connected to flashscan its drops to 4.90. It seems accurate at lower AFR though. The XD-1 display runs off serial data and its matches the EFIlive display exactly (well within .09 afr anyhow) so thats close enough for me. The innovate LC-1 has to be one of the best bang for the buck wideband controlers out there for 200.00 - if you can get your hands on one :)

May 16th, 2005, 04:09 AM
Does EFILive support this product?



Wow, impressive device..
The answer is yes, it has a programmable analog out, so that is all we need.


It's a repackaged Innovate without a display.


Jason S.
May 30th, 2005, 02:11 PM
I must be missing something, from the description in the manual, I can't figure out how to set a calculated PID. I am running an AEM Dual channel uego controller with a 0-5v analog output. I can read voltage, no problem, but I want to put the math in to convert it to afr. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



May 31st, 2005, 12:33 AM
I must be missing something, from the description in the manual, I can't figure out how to set a calculated PID. I am running an AEM Dual channel uego controller with a 0-5v analog output. I can read voltage, no problem, but I want to put the math in to convert it to afr. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



Take a look at the two sticky posts at the top of the "Scanning" forum.

Jason S.
June 5th, 2005, 09:48 AM
Got it, works great, but I was taking what was written literally, and couldn't make it work! I had to take out the ----------- between section and commands to make it work.
