View Full Version : Looking for a 01 auto 3.15 gear vette stock cal file

May 8th, 2007, 02:19 PM
Checked holdencrazy, but it looks like an 01 auto vette is the only stock file not there. :nixweiss: Just trying to make sure all the tranny values are stock as I haven't messed with an auto before. From the OS listing, it apparently has an 03 OS on it already 12221588, but the tranny settings aren't 03. And the diff ratio in H0103 says 3.42 (RPO says 3.15), which is prompting a check of that tomorrow probably. So I'm trying to find a stock file just so I know where to start from. I'm also interested in seeing the stock timing, as I had to pull 4* out of the high table to get it to stop pinging.

May 8th, 2007, 03:18 PM
The 03 file is my stock file. It came from the factory with those trans numbers. It came with a 3:15 and if you open the file in the speedo calculator it will say 3:15. H0103 in my tuner says 3:15