View Full Version : What am I supposed to do now?

May 9th, 2007, 10:40 AM
I installed a cam last week, which took less time than I have put into EFIlive so far, without even getting connected. Here is what it says in my "Console".

18:28:44.312: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V1 USB
18:28:44.328: Autodetect interface ...
18:28:44.343: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
18:28:44.765: Interface firmware version: 1.2.17
18:28:44.765: Connection to [FSP] interface is OK
18:28:44.765: Autodetect PCM...
18:28:45.296: PCM not detected.
18:28:45.296: Autodetect ECM...
18:28:45.812: ECM not detected.
18:28:45.812: Autodetect TCM...
18:28:46.343: TCM not detected.
18:28:46.375: Interface firmware model: FSP
18:28:46.390: Interface firmware version: 1.2.17
18:28:46.406: Interface firmware date: Jan 18, 2005
18:28:46.421: FlashScan serial number: 003601369227
18:28:46.781: Initialising PIDs...
18:28:46.968: Initialising Modules...
18:28:46.968: Ready.

If I disconnect my usb cable, it knows that and gives a different error. If I disconnect behind the v1, I get the same message as above. My cig outlet is working, and if I pull the fuse, same message as above. So, I connect and old program called "Pro Scan". It works fine, finds and deletes codes, reads TPS, coolant temp. So if anybody out there can help me before I go insane and scrap this whole plan I would be forever grateful. If not someone will get one hell of a deal on this.

May 9th, 2007, 11:42 AM
Are you selecting the correct pcm type? It sees the cable just fine, the computer just isnt talking.

May 9th, 2007, 12:25 PM
Yes 97/98 GEN III, its a 98 Z28.

May 9th, 2007, 01:16 PM
The scan tool is not connected/turned on?

May 9th, 2007, 02:02 PM
The cables are connected but from what I can tell it dont see the pcm. It acts the same whether the key is on or off, or even if the cable is unplugged from the car or the V1. But I know there is nothing wrong with the OBD port because my PRO-SCAN connects fine.

May 10th, 2007, 10:18 AM
I have been trying for a week, made 2 threads on here and ls1tech, and have not gotten an answer to why V1 won't detect my pcm. What the hell do I do?

May 10th, 2007, 10:33 AM
What error are you getting? I had the same problem once and my ODB fuse (which is the same as the cig lighter) was bad.


May 10th, 2007, 01:25 PM

Do you have access to another F-body car...?
If you do, see if it connects on that car.

If your Pro Scan tool works, I'm wondering if there's a problem with your FlashScan V1...
do any of the LEDs on it light up when you connect to the PCM without the USB...?

Where are you located...?


May 10th, 2007, 02:38 PM
After you have attempted to connect to the vehicle, please select the menu option: File->Generate Error Report and save that report and email it to me at paul@efilive.com.


May 11th, 2007, 01:14 AM
Joe, yes the lights did flash when connected without the usb. I am trying to find someone local in MN to help.

Paul, email sent.

thanks, Greg

May 11th, 2007, 01:58 AM
My roommate has a 2005 trailblazer 4.2. When I connect the cable to his, the orange OBD light on the V1 was flashing, it did not do this on my camaro. When I selected his P10 and tried to connect I got the same nothing, but don't know if I have to enter a vin or anything. Isn't the scan tool supposed to be able to do other vehicles without licenses ?

May 11th, 2007, 04:50 AM
Scan tool requires no licenses.

Do send the error report to Paul (see post #5).

May 11th, 2007, 05:02 AM

On your FlashScan V1 there are 5 LEDs...
One of those LEDs is called "OBD"...
With USB disconnected, connect FlashScan to PCM, turn ignition key to ON, and observe the OBD LED...
If it does not flash then there is some problem with the FS->PCM cable or with FS itself.

May 11th, 2007, 05:14 AM
I edited my previous post.

May 11th, 2007, 07:30 AM
Is this setup new or have you ever had it connected before?


May 11th, 2007, 07:38 AM
I merged these 2 threads.

May 11th, 2007, 07:43 AM
My roommate has a 2005 trailblazer 4.2. When I connect the cable to his, the orange OBD light on the V1 was flashing, it did not do this on my camaro. When I selected his P10 and tried to connect I got the same nothing, but don't know if I have to enter a vin or anything. Isn't the scan tool supposed to be able to do other vehicles without licenses ?
First, make sure you are using the latest version 7.4.2 of the EFILive software, available here:

If the orange OBD light does not flash when you turn on the ignition of your Camaro, then your PCM is not sending out OBDII data as it should. That is also confirmed by the error log that you sent to me - there appears to be no communication with the PCM in your Camaro. I'm not familiar with the data that ProScan expects to see but the data that EFILive expects is not being sent by the Camaro's PCM.

When you connect to your friend's TB, make sure you select the correct controller before connecting. If EFILive does not ask you for the controller type, you can manually select it using the menu option: File->Select Controller. For the TB select Inline 6 LL8 (P10). for the Camaro select 97/98 Gen-III.
It may also be necessary to enter the VIN details using the menu option File->Enter VIN... (Only the VIN is required, you can leave the rest of the fields blank).


May 11th, 2007, 05:13 PM
If its ok with you I would like to call this a loss and I will pay for my "used" license. I am so pissed off right now I can not explain how the last week has been. I put my cam in with the help of a friend in a few hours. My cam grind was recommended by en EFIlive customer, and the only person I would trust on here right now(patrick g). If it matters I bought it from Green Light Motorsports and I have nothing against them, Chad did what I asked of him. I am sorry this did not work out, just help me end this, please.

Greg Sikonia

May 11th, 2007, 05:45 PM
Hi Greg,

I understand that you are frustrated but everyone who has posted in this thread has tried to help. I think it is a little harsh to say you don't trust anyone. I'm sure everyone that posted in this thread myself included are trying to offer suggestions that will help figure out the cause of the problem.

Did you receive my email explaining the comms trace that you sent to me?

What is the "used license" that you refer to?


If its ok with you I would like to call this a loss and I will pay for my "used" license. I am so pissed off right now I can not explain how the last week has been. I put my cam in with the help of a friend in a few hours. My cam grind was recommended by en EFIlive customer, and the only person I would trust on here right now(patrick g). If it matters I bought it from Green Light Motorsports and I have nothing against them, Chad did what I asked of him. I am sorry this did not work out, just help me end this, please.

Greg Sikonia

May 11th, 2007, 05:55 PM
Well, Im pretty much a noob to tuning things, but to me it sounds like either you FS->OBDII cable is messed up or there is something weird going on with your computer. Can you possibly test another computer on it?

And as for the TB thing, thats weird because I have a V1 and V2 and both connected to my P10 before I changed any settings in the read section. I wonder if there is a memory problem with your V1. Have you tried testing the memory part via the Scan tool (FlashScan->Read Logged data-> something for FS memory test).

And BTW, since you have a 98 you have not used any licenses on your V1, the 97-98 Vettes and the 98 T/As are free for all FlashScan cables to tune.

May 12th, 2007, 02:57 AM
I really do appreciate all the people trying to help,and I'm sorry how that reply came off, but posting about problems or writing an email and waiting for responses just makes it more frustrating. Until about yesterday I don't think anyone from EFIlive even read or at least responded to my problem. I didn't even know who to contact. I didn't receive a number or name of who to call or email. I did get your email sometime last night, and what I get from it is there could either be something wrong with my cars pcm or the connection (cable or V1). So what can I do about It? If there is something wrong with my pcm would the car still run? Would it connect to other programs like Pro Scan? You said they read and look for different things so I don't know. Tell me what to do. Tell me there is nothing you can do from your side and its on me and I will go away, I just need to know so I can move on. About the used license I assume by entering my vin it already counts as one.

May 12th, 2007, 02:58 AM
Is this setup new or have you ever had it connected before?


It has never connected.

shallow bay
May 12th, 2007, 05:13 AM
Where are you located in MN?

May 12th, 2007, 08:49 AM

May 12th, 2007, 11:34 AM
Does anybody see what I am saying? Or am I wrong here?

May 12th, 2007, 01:03 PM
Sorry that it appeared no-one was listening or responding, you have my full attention now :)

I am more than happy to send you a replacement V1 and a set of new cables to try - just in case the V1 or cables have failed. The point of my previous post was just that "Hey, the problem may be with either V1 or the PCM". What I didn't really make clear was that we will do whatever we can to eliminate a problem at the FalshScan end. The only thing we need from you is a few days patience so we can send a replacement product to you.

Can you please send the serial number of your current FlashScan interface, your shipping address (not a PO box) and your phone so that we can ship a replacement product to you. Send the info to me at paul@efilive.com


May 12th, 2007, 04:09 PM
Hi Greg,
I have been following this thread but have been up to my neck in broken stuff. As a fellow 98 owner I can assure you that you have both of your original licenses in tact. You can read/write an unlimited amount of 97/98 pcm based vehicles. What type of Laptop/ OS / EFI Live version are you running? This is the best LSx based tuning community you will find on the planet. You are not alone. Please provide as much detail as you can about the situation and I am sure the collective intelligence on this board will help you out.


May 17th, 2007, 01:34 PM
UPDATE: Paul overnighted me a whole new package from NZ, and I was getting response for awhile. The buttons at the bottom were lit up unlike before, but I could not get the dashboard to work. When I went into the Tune Tool part to read my pcm, it started and then seemed like it was just doing the same thing over again, for about 15 mins when I aborted. I tried it on my friends 05 T Blaze(P10) and it was similar results. When I read his pcm it said like 8 of 1024 kbs read, and never moved above this for about 10 mins, when I aborted again. I contacted someone from LS1tech who lives about 30 mins away, who has efilive and a Z28, 98 I think, to see if I can drive to him for some advice. It seems like I am at least getting somewhere.

Edit: We also tried installing EFIlive onto his laptop, with the same results. They are both newer laptops, running XP.

May 17th, 2007, 01:44 PM
Really weird man, did you try disabling high speed read/connection?

May 17th, 2007, 01:56 PM
UPDATE: Paul overnighted me a whole new package from NZ, and I was getting response for awhile. The buttons at the bottom were lit up unlike before, but I could not get the dashboard to work.

Sounds like there may be a ground problem.

If you have access to a digital multimeter, measure the voltage between pins 4 and 5 on the OBDII connector on the vehicle. Measure it with the ignition off and on.

Pins 4 and 5 are the top two center pins.


May 17th, 2007, 02:55 PM
Very odd that it connected to the pcm and then would not work.

On the dashboard scan tool thing. You did select pids to watch right? If you click on the data tab, there should be a list of perameters it is looking at.

If not, then you need to go to File, open pid selection file, then default imperial.

That will get you a starting pid selection to make the dash work. Then click the red button to record.

May 18th, 2007, 01:40 AM
Very odd that it connected to the pcm and then would not work.

On the dashboard scan tool thing. You did select pids to watch right? If you click on the data tab, there should be a list of perameters it is looking at.

If not, then you need to go to File, open pid selection file, then default imperial.

That will get you a starting pid selection to make the dash work. Then click the red button to record.

I did not have any there! I will try this. I will also check the voltage of the pins. Scarab, I did try to uncheck the high speed and it gave an error I don't recall, I will write it down next time. Thanks guys.

May 18th, 2007, 01:42 AM
The PID tab is where you select what you want to watch. Without any pids selected, then you arent watching anything. The DATA tab will tell you what you are watching. you can view that Data tab and the stuff will move when you are recording the run.

May 18th, 2007, 03:28 AM
I got the dashboard stuff to work on the 05 TBlaze after selecting the pids, thanks. I logged while driving, then it disconnected and a box came up saying its trying to reconnect.

I don't know anything about multimeters, but I did check between the 4 and 5 pins on my z28 and got .02 when the key is on and off. I get aroung 11.5 to the lower right one.

May 18th, 2007, 03:47 AM
sounds like the laptop is loosing connections for some reason. did you try another usb port? or another pc? It isnt the connector in the vehicle if it is doing the same thing in different cars. So, i would check the laptop connections.

May 18th, 2007, 04:09 AM
Yeah its doing it in both vehicles. I can try it with another laptop. I got my z28 connected and when I started it the dashboard was reading 10k+ rpm and around 95-105 mph while at idle? Then I closed the scan tool and opened the tune to try and read my pcm. With the highspeed box unchecked, it gave me a error:

Bootloader reject

reason: no reply

Then I tried to connect again with it checked without success before my laptop died. Its working more than before, but i'm probably doing something stupid. Hopefully I can find someone around here locally who knows what they are doing.

May 18th, 2007, 04:51 AM
You cant have the scan tool running and the tuning tool trying to read at the same time, Also, you have to make sure you are selecting the right controller type.

Another thing to make sure to do is, when in the scan tool, make sure you selected the controller type and you have to go to the INFO tab and select VALIDATE PIDS, that will search for the correct ones. The values you are seeing are usually caused by you not having the correct controller type. That can be done in the FILE tab at the top, then select controller type.

May 22nd, 2007, 10:27 AM
OK, hooked up the scan tool today and did the validate PIDs and all seemed well. Shut down the scan tool and opened the tune tool and read the pcm. It made it 16k out of 512k and the USB, OBD, and PGM lights go out and it won't go any farther till I abort.I tried this 3-4 more times and never got within 1:30 of finishing. I uncheck the high speed box and i get the bootloader error. Then it won't connect again so I go back to the scan tool and it won't connect either. It did this the other day and the car wouldn't start afterwards, and its doing the same right now. Last time I tried it the next day and the battery was dead, I put my jumper on it and it started fine, like it reset or something.

May 23rd, 2007, 12:39 PM
When this happens, can you copy the message log (you'll have to go into Options and disable the 15 second countdown) and paste the log here in this thread.

Also, see if you can post some screenshots (see post #1 or #2 of this this thread: how to post screenshots (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=3064)).

May 23rd, 2007, 01:06 PM
I know how frustrating it can be when you can't get a laptop to communicate with a car's PCM, but when it's all said and done, I'm confident that you'll find the problem was not caused by FlashScan-- especially considering that you've had essentially the same problem with two different cables. I've used FlashScan for over two years, have scanned and tuned all kinds of vehicles with virtually no problems-- and that includes using several beta test versions. Keep in mind that if you were using any other software, you would have the same problems you do now, and not much help. You can't find a better, more helpful group of people than the guys on this forum, and Paul and Ross will do everything they can to help-- I think you've already seen that. I know this sounds like a commercial, but it's just the facts, based on my experience.

May 23rd, 2007, 09:53 PM
Well the first V1 and cable never connected at all, so I do think there was something wrong with it, but that doesn't matter anymore. As of right now the car will not start. I think I need to disconnect the battery or something to reset the pcm.

May 24th, 2007, 01:20 AM
With ignition key off, disconnect the battery for a few minutes, then reconnect it and try starting.

Were you doing a full flash when this happened...?

May 24th, 2007, 12:59 PM
I was doing: Flash-Read PCM calibrations. Isn't that what I have to do to save my original tune?
I disconnected the battery and the car runs again. I have no problem connecting to either tool, but get booted easily. Then i unplug the usb, plug it back in and it usually connects again. I have a dell inspiron 1505 laptop that is only about 6 months old. Do you think its my driver? I've tried all four ports, all seem the same.

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May 25th, 2007, 12:09 PM
I don't know what else I can give you guys. Should I bring my PC into my garage to see if that will stay connected? Is there anything in the Edit> properties> connection that I should change? Could it be something with my licensing or anything? I don't know, I have a local guy who might help, or else I have asked Chad if he will do it for me if I drive about 9 hours to him. I am frustrated to the nuts but I don't blame anyone from EFI, Paul sent me a new unit from a different country overnight, I just don't know if it will ever work.

May 25th, 2007, 07:19 PM
I'm wondering if you have some sort of grounding problem in your car...(...easier said than done...)...

May 31st, 2007, 02:11 PM
I finally got it read! I held the V1 in my hand, and when the lights would go out, I unplugged the usb from it and plugged it back in. I had to do this about 15 times to get the whole thing, but it worked. Now I just need to figure out what is the bad section.

May 31st, 2007, 03:54 PM
Sounds like the problem is USB related.