View Full Version : msi Installer??

May 15th, 2007, 04:07 AM
I have just loaded V7.4 on both PC & Laptop & when I double-click a tune or log file, the .msi install application loads instead of the application. Any ideas?

May 16th, 2007, 03:04 AM
Can someone from EFi respond please?

May 18th, 2007, 06:51 AM
Not sure? I have never seen that before. It is possible that you have a bad download? Have you tried redownloading the version and reinstalling it?

May 18th, 2007, 07:11 AM
Did you install to th default location (i.e. 'C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7')?

Have you deleted any of the files that were installed by default?

I recall something years ago when I was trying to be clever with reloacting files etc. Not seen the issue since I just let it all go to the defaults.

May 18th, 2007, 06:03 PM
Go to Control panel/Folder options and see what the tune file extension is linked to. If necessary, pick change and point it at the proper file. But let us know what it links to.


May 18th, 2007, 09:16 PM
That problem can happen if Windows "thinks" one of more of the installed files are "damaged" (i.e. no longer the same as the files that were originally installed). The easiest way to "fix" it is to re-run the installation and selec the [Repair] option. however, that can have other side effects such as resetting some things to "installation defaults".

Unfortunately, if you are part of the beta test teat and have downloaded any beta updates which require you to manually copy the beta files over the top of the existing installation, then that can cause Windows to "think" the installation is demaged and may cause the msi installer to start up when you double click on the *.tun files.

Its really just a case of Windows trying to be "smarter" than the user but failing miserably. Windows can't tell the difference between a file that has been changed for a valid reason and a file that has been changed by a trojan, virus or other malicious software.

Then again, maybe your system has been compromised and one or more installed EFILive files have been damaged.


May 18th, 2007, 10:50 PM
I managed to copy the expanded contents of the 7.4 msi installer, ran an install from there (as per the previous version which was a manual zip file).

Double-clicked a tun file & the installer programme ran (but as I have the files on the HDD as oppose to the previous installs where the downloaded exe installer automatically deletes them from the temp folder), it sort of ran but then loaded the application. It seems ok now.

Still used another license when running the flash though.

May 19th, 2007, 03:47 AM

Are you saying the tunetool consumed an additional licence...?

Can you post some screenshots.


May 19th, 2007, 06:46 PM
NAH, post some screenshots of the licensing window.

May 20th, 2007, 07:52 AM

Are you saying the tunetool consumed an additional licence...?

Can you post some screenshots.

There you go:

Nº 1 was the original (I have only used this with my car)
Nº 3 used when I uninstalled V7.4 & re-installed V7.3
Nº 4 used when I installed V7.4
Nº 5 - unused

May 20th, 2007, 09:39 AM
Hey man, i might suggest using MS paint and removing the license #, never know these days on the net. if Paul/Ross needs it, you could PM it to them. :)

May 20th, 2007, 10:25 AM
Hey man, i might suggest using MS paint and removing the license #, never know these days on the net. if Paul/Ross needs it, you could PM it to them. :)Good point.

I emailed Paul the original image, and I replaced NAH's original image with an edited image (blurred out FS serial no and PCM licenses.)

May 20th, 2007, 10:26 AM

I took the liberty of editing your image to keep your private stuff private;
I'm sorry I should have thought of this before asking you to post images.

I emailed Paul your original image.

Nº 1 was the original (I have only used this with my car)
Nº 3 used when I uninstalled V7.4 & re-installed V7.3
Nº 4 used when I installed V7.4
Nº 5 - unused Which licenses are the spurious ones...?


May 20th, 2007, 11:08 AM
That screen shot does not contain any sensitive information. So no real need to censor it (except for your own privacy) but thanks for considering it anyaway :)

Nah, can you send me an email (paul@efilive.com) explaining the sequence of events that led to the licenses being used. I can't correlate the description of events with the data shown in the screen shot. I think I am missing some information.


May 21st, 2007, 04:23 AM
Done :)