View Full Version : 2005 avalanch tune for towing

Aint Skeered
May 24th, 2007, 02:47 PM
Ok, so far since I have been fooling with my v2 I have only changed My timing in high and low octane tables 1 deg up across the board but have not flashed it to the ecm yet.
I was thinking I can go more from a stock tune , what do you all think?

If I add 4 degrees total across the board would it be ok if I run 87 or go up to 93 oct.

I also eliminated the delay in PE. I am going camping tomorrow morning and would like to flash the new tune to the truck before I go, is this a decent start? what are some other things to do that will help but not be drastic?

THanks to all for the info I already have from the forums.

Aint Skeered
May 24th, 2007, 03:21 PM
by the way, I will be towing a 6700 lb travel trailer.

May 24th, 2007, 03:28 PM
Remove some TM from the trans and engine sections, it will shift a lot better. Also, bump the shift timings up (aka decrease) to make is shift quicker, but towing that much weight you dont want to have it shift like I have my TrailBlazer shift.

Aint Skeered
May 24th, 2007, 04:06 PM
Ok what is TM?

May 24th, 2007, 04:44 PM
Ok what is TM?
Torque Management. Also, if you're trying to improve performance by increasing spark timing, and you fill up on 87 octane, your Avalanche will sound like a diesel. Secondly, you can't just add a given amount of spark across the board and expect satisfactory results. Chances are, you'll add too much in some places and not enough in others.

May 24th, 2007, 11:29 PM
I am pretty sure your Avalache has adaptive spark, meaning it does not run off either the high or low octane spark tables, it is constantly somewhere in between. The PCM is constantly advancing the spark timing until it detects knock, then backs it off a little. Hence it knows when you have filled up with 93 vs 87 octane pretty quick. The PCM will not automatically advance the timing 4 degrees if it detects knock.

Aint Skeered
May 25th, 2007, 12:20 AM
Ok by putting 1 deg across the board, would that be ok? I know I have to scan it but by putting 1 deg and then towing with it. I can log it and see where if any knock retard would come from. then go back in those areas and pull timing. I always tow with 89 oct any way so atleast it wont be in the 87 oct . If it does not sound like a diesel towing a camper then it should be fine in 87 later without the camper right?

also in tm what areas would i pull from? be specific if you could, I dont know what to do yet . I have tow haul so I did not want to firm up the shifts any more than that. would it help?

May 25th, 2007, 05:30 AM
I think you're operating under a number of misconceptions. All of the LSx PCMs have two spark tables, identified as high and low octane. As Mach2 stated, the system sets actual spark at varying values, depending on the values in each table and the amount of knock detected. If no knock is present actual spark will be biased towards the values in the high octane table. If heavy knock is present, values from the low octane table take precedence. If you bump spark a few degrees across the board in the high octane table, and that causes knock, the system will go into the low octane table quicker. If you run 87-octane fuel, it will go into the low octane table quicker. The easiest way to find out how much sparkthe engine will take is to use the control panel and change it in real time. Then you know what values you can use without causing knock.

For torque management options, look under Torque Limiting in Engine Calibration, and Torque Reduction under Transmission Calibration.

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2007, 02:56 PM
I understand what you are saying about the high oct table and low oct. table's I AM just not sure of the control panel and where to find this feature. I want to change back to stock on the timing but already saved the changes in the modified tune. how would i copy and save from my stock tune? that way my timing will go back to stock and for now just change the Pe delay and torqe management?

Also in PE b5913 , should these be set at 1 across the board like the stock settings or would this be best set lower?

Thanks for answers to my stupid questions but this is much different then my old carb and distributer set up.

I have not even scanned my trans am yet, it is tuned right now from Futral motorsports but decided tuning my car on my own from now on is best.
thanks guy's.

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 09:29 AM
in the trans tm, where should i set the perf. settings to? should i leave some set in it to be safe? not hot riding this truck, just a little more kick would be nice withou hurting anything while towing

May 29th, 2007, 02:31 PM
Don't just add timing thinking it will make more power.Some vehicles want less timing than what the factory has. Adjust the PE throttle table to mimic a F-body table.Take out most of the TM and speed up the shift times.Do the timing when you can do it right with scanning.

On my personal Avalanche I took the time and locked down the timing table's so it would not learn out of them.Runs alot better and the power output doesn't vary like it did before.

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2007, 02:41 PM
how would I put it back to my stock timing tables? can I copy from my stock tune I saved by high lighting from top left corner and past the same way in my modded tune?