View Full Version : EfI Live arrives friday help me with a tune

June 6th, 2007, 04:41 AM
Ok I have a 2001 Camaro SS 6-speed
My performance mods are.
SLP lid, Kooks 1 3/4 headers, ORY, Magnaflow catback. AIR deleted, and cats deleted of course.
Friday efi live will arrive and I do not know much about it at all yet im just learning right now reading lots of documents and a book. I know how to turn off the air and rear 02 codes but thats about it for now. Would some one be able to help me out or even send me like a starter tune just somethin that will help it out I know there is a lot more power to be unlock just from the tune. I really want to learn this though of course I look to take some of the efi classes before long.


June 6th, 2007, 05:07 AM
Hopefully, you've got a WBO2 coming too. Otherwise, finding power is going to be more of a guessing game.

June 6th, 2007, 05:13 AM
Yes I will be getting a wb very soon I just bought a laptop and efilive all this week so I might have to wait another week or 2 lol. Not sure which 1 I want yet though the FJO one on greenlight looked nice.

June 6th, 2007, 07:58 AM
I recomend the LC1 WB, I have been using mine with the Auto VE logging and it has been a great thing!!!

If your looking for someone to send you a starter tune I would not hold your breath on it. I started out here asking the same thing and got no responses. The thing is everyone here has put alot of time and effort into figuring out what works through alot of trial and error. Everyone here is more than willing to try and help you out and POINT you in the right diection but very few people are going to do the work for you. We will gladly tell you where to start and what to look into tuning but you actually have to do the tuning and provide feedback on what you did and how it is working.
What I would do is just explore your new EFI Live untill you get your WB, Your already on the right track by reading the books and tutorials. I would really sugest reading the AutoVE thread located here, its very long and tedious but its priceless and will save you a ton of time later once you apply it. Do not download any of the links in the thread untill you read through the whole thing because some links have been updated with new ones later in the thread.
Hope this helps you out.... I also would not bother with trying to tune much untill you get your WB because like the above said... Your WB will actually tell you if what your doing is helping or not. Whithout it your mearly guessing by feel.

June 6th, 2007, 08:03 AM
Ok I have a 2001 Camaro SS 6-speed
My performance mods are.
SLP lid, Kooks 1 3/4 headers, ORY, Magnaflow catback. AIR deleted, and cats deleted of course.
Friday efi live will arrive and I do not know much about it at all yet im just learning right now reading lots of documents and a book. I know how to turn off the air and rear 02 codes but thats about it for now. Would some one be able to help me out or even send me like a starter tune just somethin that will help it out I know there is a lot more power to be unlock just from the tune. I really want to learn this though of course I look to take some of the efi classes before long.


Also.... WHat you have done so far isnt too extream, if anything you should be running just a hair lean due to the exaust. The main thing you will benifit from when using EFI Live is you will regain any driveability lost due to mods through tuning for the mods so the computer understands that the engine is working more efficiently than stock. Like I said in the previous post... The best thing you can do for those mods is Auto VE tuning and that requires a WB. I also highly recomend upgrading to the Custom OS 5, (READ THE THREAD FIRST), this will allow you to switch between to tunes at any given time, one for drivablitiy, and the other for N20, Race or even more gas mileage!

June 6th, 2007, 08:08 AM
Thanks a lot for the reply. Where is this AutoVE thread I did a search and there is a lot of stuff that came up. I seen a few sites where you could download tunes but couldnt find 1 I needed for my mods. I didnt mean it to sound like I was asking someone 2 do work for me. By all means I want to learn all I can myself and I will get this down just will take some time. I think I might look into getting the lc1 wb then I heard a lot of people like it, then I also heard of problems with it tho not sure why possibly installed incorrectly. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to get the gauge or is it really not needed?

June 6th, 2007, 08:28 AM
Thanks a lot for the reply. Where is this AutoVE thread I did a search and there is a lot of stuff that came up. I seen a few sites where you could download tunes but couldnt find 1 I needed for my mods. I didnt mean it to sound like I was asking someone 2 do work for me. By all means I want to learn all I can myself and I will get this down just will take some time. I think I might look into getting the lc1 wb then I heard a lot of people like it, then I also heard of problems with it tho not sure why possibly installed incorrectly. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to get the gauge or is it really not needed?

In my original post when I said the Auto Ve thread I meant the COS 5 thread, that is the one that is very long but very helpfull, it is located in the forum. To view the Auto VE tutorial go to the EFI Live main website and click on the link to tutorials and you will find it there. I dont recomend getting the gauge because in all honesty when your actually driving the car you cant really concentrate on the readings and you have to log them with your EFI Live and laptop anyway so the gauge is kinda a waste in my opinion. One good use for the gauge would be if something was starting to fail such as a fuel injector or MAF, or if if you were running N2O and you hit a lean condition you would be able to see it and shut it down without the need of a laptop. But for actuall tunning I think its a waste.
About learning everything for yourself..... I am the same way (as well as most people on here) and I know how difficult it is to pick something like this up and want to start tuning. But in all honesty just read for now, I know its boring and I still have to do plenty of it (and I hate reading) but this is how you will learn the basics on how to safely tune. Once you have this knowledge you kinda just have to dive right in and start tuning. The only way you will realy hurt anything is if you run it too lean, but with the wideband you will be able to see if your doing that or not.
Hope this helps!

June 6th, 2007, 10:34 AM
Is this the one you are talking about?

June 6th, 2007, 10:45 AM
Is this the one you are talking about?

Yeah, thats the one! Its very long and there are several parts where you just want to stop reading and you wander what the hell they are talking about but it all starts to click eventually. Also... I would read the COS tutorial located in the same place as the AutoVE tutorial.
Glad to help out!

June 8th, 2007, 03:18 PM
EFILive came in today I absolutely love it I feel like a 10 yr old at xmas time. I flashed the ecu with the air and rear 02 disabled and no more cel :). Then I loaded the default imperial pid file and messed around with scanning and logging that was fun. Now I just need to order my wb and start tuning! Is there anything else I can mess around with for now to help like should I mess with the fan temp or anything?