View Full Version : Stand alone date yet?

June 14th, 2007, 05:48 PM
We are past the stand alone date, is there a new date? V2 seems to keep going past the estimated release dates for everything:Eyecrazy:
This isnt a bash on efi. I hate seeing them keep missing release dates, but atleast I know when they do release something it will work correctly.:cheers:

June 14th, 2007, 06:12 PM
Blame me a little bit....V2 programming is Paul's quest, however, I kept interrupting him with requests to enhance V7 for the E38/E67 and Allison LBZ TCM support (like DMA PID's etc).
We had to make quite a number of changes to the current firmware and software to support both those controllers properly so unfortunately stand alone was not progressing at a rate of knots whilst that was happening.
I know every chance he gets he's working on it...


June 14th, 2007, 10:13 PM
I cant blame anyone, I think everyone at efi is doing a great job. I just hate waiting just like everyone else, maybe even more but atleast I know its for a reason. I know when its ready it will be released and it will work unlike some of your competetors software releases.

June 15th, 2007, 09:07 AM
I'm back on the BB logging full time now.

Black box logging has been designed for AutoCal under the new EFILive V8 framework. That means different (and much faster) USB comms between the PC and FlashScan. It is working as expected and I just love taking out a small handheld unit to log (and view) data. The laptop never goes out in vehicles anymore.:notacrook:

However, we can't/won't delay the release of BB logging until the V8 software that it is designed for is ready (i.e. late in 2007). So the plan is....

1. Complete the "bridge" API that allows V7 software to communicate with the all new V8 compatible AutoCal BB logging firmware. That process has been underway for about a month now. By Monday I should have a better idea of when it will be complete.
2. Convert the AutoCal firmware to run on the FlashScan hardware. That should only take a week.
3. Make pre-release firmware available for testing.

If all goes well, BB logging (test version) should be available (fingers crossed) by the end of June.

Sorry it's taken so long but we want to release a BB logging option that is complete, functional, easy to use and worth waiting for.

Some features that will be available in BB logging (and eventually in the new EFILive V8 PC based software).

1. Scan and log data from multiple controllers (i.e. ECM and TCM) at the same time.
2. Read, save and display trouble codes for all controllers.
3. Read, save and display history (freeze frame) data for all controllers.
4. Clear trouble codes for all controllers.
5. Display controllers' identifying info - VIN, OS part numbers etc.
5 .Simple drag and drop file transfers between the PC (Window's Explorer) and the FlashScan/AutoCal units.


Bruce Melton
June 15th, 2007, 10:41 AM
"However, we can't/won't delay the release of BB logging until the V8 software that it is designed for is ready (i.e. late in 2007). So the plan is...."

Gees, I must have had pre-release software all these years:Eyecrazy:

June 16th, 2007, 01:52 AM
1. Scan and log data from multiple controllers (i.e. ECM and TCM) at the same time.

Paul out of curiosity, related to that feature that will eventually become available, will it be possible to scan from two different controllers on two different protocols, say Class2 for the ECM, and GMLAN for the TCM?

June 16th, 2007, 09:22 AM
We also caused a lot of confusion with our V6 scan tool that only worked on V8's.:D

V8 (version 8 ) is such a cool version for EFILive we'll probably never move on to V9.:muahaha:

"However, we can't/won't delay the release of BB logging until the V8 software that it is designed for is ready (i.e. late in 2007). So the plan is...."

Gees, I must have had pre-release software all these years:Eyecrazy:

June 16th, 2007, 09:37 AM
It won't be in the first release but it has been a high priority design consideration. The ability to log GMLAN, Class-II, and RS232 simultaneously (i.e. digital wide band input - no more analog woes) has been designed into the product.

We have programmed FlashScan (and AutoCal) with a true deterministic, realtime operating system. That allows us to execute multiple tasks inside FlashScan and provides the best environment for logging multiple, disparate data sources.

It has been a long time coming however it is a complicated business, more complicated than we had first imagined, but we want to get it right so we don't have to re-do it all again in a year's time.

In other news, some features that have been implemented in the new FlashScan/AutoCal firmware:

Auto repeat keypad. Hold down a key to cause it to repeat (exactly the same manner as a PC keyboard). That means when you are scrolling through lists of data (i.e. PIDs, DTCs, Freeze Frames etc), you don't wear out your thumb pressing the up/down arrow keys.

Timed low power mode. That means you can leave your FlashScan/AutoCal connected to your vehicle and after a user defined period of inactivity it will automatically go into low power mode (similar to the PC hibernate mode).


Paul out of curiosity, related to that feature that will eventually become available, will it be possible to scan from two different controllers on two different protocols, say Class2 for the ECM, and GMLAN for the TCM?

June 16th, 2007, 11:55 AM
how will it connect to the wideband ( i.e type of cable)

June 16th, 2007, 12:48 PM
how will it connect to the wideband ( i.e type of cable)

The third cable that ships in the FlashScan box. It has a 9 pin serial D connector on one end and an RJ12 plug on the other.

The RJ12 connects into FlashScan next to the USB connector and the 9 pin connects to the wideband's RS232 cable. A custom made (i.e. user made) patch cable may be required for some wide bands that do not supply a standard 9 pin serial connector.


July 1st, 2007, 12:56 AM
So no stand alone yet?

Hmm, i should have checked here before buyin...

July 1st, 2007, 07:32 AM
Is there any news at all, good or bad? :master:

July 1st, 2007, 10:46 AM


July 1st, 2007, 01:24 PM
The third cable that ships in the FlashScan box. It has a 9 pin serial D connector on one end and an RJ12 plug on the other.

The RJ12 connects into FlashScan next to the USB connector and the 9 pin connects to the wideband's RS232 cable. A custom made (i.e. user made) patch cable may be required for some wide bands that do not supply a standard 9 pin serial connector.

there will still need to be an adapter
because both of these plug ends are male.

July 1st, 2007, 01:59 PM
there will still need to be an adapter
because both of these plug ends are male.
True, both devices, FlashScan and wide band controllers are normally considered DCE* not DTE** devices so they both ship with male connectors that mate with the female connectors of a DTE device (i.e. a PC or laptop).

However, FlashScan can function as both DTE and DCE. DCE when connected to something like a dyno controller where the dyno computer is the host and FlashScan is the peripheral. And DTE when connected to a wide band controller where FlashScan is the host and the wide band controller is the peripheral.

*DCE: Data Communications Equipment (i.e. a peripheral communications device).
**DTE: Data Termial Equipment (i.e. the computer to which the peripheral is connected).

Most electronics stores sell "gender-benders" for a few dollars. Maybe EFILive will offer them as well.


July 1st, 2007, 05:46 PM
Paul with connecting Flashscan to a dyno via the RS232 cable will it be implemented in flashscan V7 or V8 ?

July 1st, 2007, 07:33 PM
Paul with connecting Flashscan to a dyno via the RS232 cable will it be implemented in flashscan V7 or V8 ?

It is scheduled for EFLive V8 using FlashScan V2


July 2nd, 2007, 10:31 AM
True, both devices, FlashScan and wide band controllers are normally considered DCE* not DTE** devices so they both ship with male connectors that mate with the female connectors of a DTE device (i.e. a PC or laptop).

However, FlashScan can function as both DTE and DCE. DCE when connected to something like a dyno controller where the dyno computer is the host and FlashScan is the peripheral. And DTE when connected to a wide band controller where FlashScan is the host and the wide band controller is the peripheral.

*DCE: Data Communications Equipment (i.e. a peripheral communications device).
**DTE: Data Termial Equipment (i.e. the computer to which the peripheral is connected).

Most electronics stores sell "gender-benders" for a few dollars. Maybe EFILive will offer them as well.

so connecting the lc1 and v2 with an adapter will be a strait forward deal,
or will there need to be a firmware update for the lc1?

July 2nd, 2007, 10:53 AM
I believe Blacky said that FlashScan V2 will require a firmware update.

The LC-1 already spits out the AFR on it's SERIAL OUT port...
this is how the LogWorks software gets it from the LC-1 in real time,
so the LC-1 itself will not require a firmware update;

(Don't update the firmware on your LC-1, there's a good chance of lobotomizing the LC-1).

July 2nd, 2007, 11:13 AM
Exactly - what Joecar said :)

July 2nd, 2007, 01:51 PM
Timed low power mode. That means you can leave your FlashScan/AutoCal connected to your vehicle and after a user defined period of inactivity it will automatically go into low power mode (similar to the PC hibernate mode).

Hurray!!! Thank you, Paul! I keep my FlashScan connected and tucked up under my driver's seat, with only a USB cable poking out. Remembering to turn it off when leavnig the car for more than overnight has been a concern. ( I travel a lot, you see, and finding I forgot when I return to airport parking late at night has been worrisome...)

July 15th, 2007, 03:17 PM
Any release date on the stand alone unit yet ? I want to buy EFI live but not without the standalone. I dont have a laptop and I'm not paying extra for roadrunner. I want the $848 package deal which will be 948 with a/f gauge.
I didnt find a definative date and it is hodling up my purchase

July 18th, 2007, 02:47 AM

Thanks for all the updates and all the hard work! I work with a lot of software packages and EFILive is one of the best applications I have seen! You need to write code for the dyon companies and show them how it is really done!

Can you say what dyno companies you are working with (planning to work with) for the V8 interface? I understand if it has to be kept quite at this point.

Thanks for a good product and support. :cheers: :rockon:

July 18th, 2007, 08:19 AM
We are building a generic dyno interface that any dyno that outputs a constant stream of RS232 serial data will be able to interface with.
It will be a one-way interface, so the dyno controller will only need to send out the data and FlashSCan should be able to read it.
A config file loaded into FlashScan defines the data layout of the data packets from the dyno.

The interface will also double as a wide band O2 input - which unfortunately means you can't have both connected via the serial input. Although you can still run the wide band O2 through the A/D inputs.
