View Full Version : Am I doing this right?...........

June 21st, 2007, 04:12 PM
Hi Guys,

I set up the Auto Tune for my car and was (still am because it's my first actual tune) VERY Nervous, but the only way to learn is to read, understand, and then get my feet wet.

I collected the data like the tutorial said and got my BEN numbers and did the copy/paste with labels like Chad's tutorial said and this is what I got.

Does this look like I'm on the right track?

I've also posted my Original if you'd like to compare them. I Truly Appreciate the help!

Thanks in advance!:cheers:

Original Tune............. (http://members.aol.com/onebadassc5/Current_SC_Tune.tun)

After first round of BEN adjustments............ (http://members.aol.com/onebadassc5/CurrentSC_Tune_SDVE2_BEN1.tun)

June 21st, 2007, 06:25 PM
I cant get any of your tunes to run. Any one else?

June 22nd, 2007, 02:55 AM
What can I do to fix this? It's happened before too and I just reuploaded them and they worked. Could you download them or was it that they wouldn't open in EfiLive?

Thanks for looking! :cheers:

June 22nd, 2007, 03:16 AM
I think that I fixed the problem. I think that uploading to Comcast corrupted the file. Please try again.

Just in case, I thought that it might be easier to just post up the VE table and the 3D view.

Thanks again! :cheers:



June 22nd, 2007, 03:57 AM
Those numbers seem unreasonably high. Is your wideband setup and calibrated properly? Injector flow rate table accurate?

June 22nd, 2007, 04:28 AM
Those numbers seem unreasonably high. Is your wideband setup and calibrated properly? Injector flow rate table accurate?

Yes, my WB02 seems to be setup correctly. I have a PLX SM-AFR and they say it doesn't need to be calibrated, but it does match what EfiLive says, so I think that it's alright. I've got my IFR setup according to my fuel pressure gauge, which says that I have 68 lbs. at the rail, along with 60 lb. MotoTrons which are rated at 43.5 lbs. by the manufacturer. Does that seem right?

It never hurts to get a second (or third) pair of eyes to look things over, especially with my eyes! :D

I took the BEN data and copy w/labels, and then opened up my tuning file and then paste/multiply w/labels. Was that right?

Does it make a difference that my car is running 10 lbs. of boost? Would that make things go higher? I'm new to this and trying to learn as much as possible, so that I can do this without being so needy (and bothersome) of you Guys.

Thanks again! :cheers:

June 22nd, 2007, 05:16 AM
Yes, my WB02 seems to be setup correctly. I have a PLX SM-AFR and they say it doesn't need to be calibrated, but it does match what EfiLive says, so I think that it's alright. I've got my IFR setup according to my fuel pressure gauge, which says that I have 68 lbs. at the rail, along with 60 lb. MotoTrons which are rated at 43.5 lbs. by the manufacturer. Does that seem right?

It never hurts to get a second (or third) pair of eyes to look things over, especially with my eyes! :D

I took the BEN data and copy w/labels, and then opened up my tuning file and then paste/multiply w/labels. Was that right?

Does it make a difference that my car is running 10 lbs. of boost? Would that make things go higher? I'm new to this and trying to learn as much as possible, so that I can do this without being so needy (and bothersome) of you Guys.

Thanks again! :cheers:

I think I see the problem then.

So at 10lbs of boost, you hit 68psi of fuel pressure, right? And you have a vac/boost referenced fuel pressure regulator?

That means your differential pressure is 58psi (GM rail pressure). With the mototron 60s (63.2# at 43.5psi), your IFR table should be 72.3# across the board.

June 22nd, 2007, 05:55 AM
I think I see the problem then.

So at 10lbs of boost, you hit 68psi of fuel pressure, right? And you have a vac/boost referenced fuel pressure regulator?

That means your differential pressure is 58psi (GM rail pressure). With the mototron 60s (63.2# at 43.5psi), your IFR table should be 72.3# across the board.

My fuel pressure at idle is 68 lbs, and at 10 lbs. it drops to around 58-60. My fuel system consists of the 60 lbs. MotoTrons and a KB Boosta Pump along with the RaceTronix fuel pump/wiring harness. My BAP is turned all the way down because my fuel pressure is high enough as it is. I have Alky injection on the car too, but thought that I'd tune it with it turned off at first.

As far as boost referencing goes, I wish I had that, but I don't.

Why would my IFR be the same across the board? I'm not questioning what you said, just trying to learn.

Thanks for your help! :cheers:

June 22nd, 2007, 06:03 AM
My fuel pressure at idle is 68 lbs, and at 10 lbs. it drops to around 58-60. My fuel system consists of the 60 lbs. MotoTrons and a KB Boosta Pump along with the RaceTronix fuel pump/wiring harness. My BAP is turned all the way down because my fuel pressure is high enough as it is. I have Alky injection on the car too, but thought that I'd tune it with it turned off at first.

As far as boost referencing goes, I wish I had that, but I don't.

Why would my IFR be the same across the board? I'm not questioning what you said, just trying to learn.

Thanks for your help! :cheers:

Ah, okay, you have a return fuel system then, so your IFR will not be straight across the board. I was hoping you had a 99-03 truck that you were tuning, as they have a vac/boost referenced FPR from the factory.

What is your fuel pressure at atmosphere? What is your manifold pressure at idle? Can you post up your IFR table values? Preferably in Lbs/hr

June 22nd, 2007, 09:09 AM
Thanks for looking Justin!

Here's the IFR table/graph:


June 22nd, 2007, 03:21 PM
Just a few questions to get us on the same page. This is on a 01 vette and you are attempting to run OLSD in order to AutoVE correct? Do you intend to run the MAF in the future?

Some observations...In the tuning tool, under Properties I would suggest viewing your VE units in the default (g*K/kpa)- Not a deal breaker but, I would just get used to seeing the numbers as the PCM does. The same goes for any fueling tables where you have the option to view those units as the pcm does...EQR vice AFR. This transition will solve alot of possible future headaches where you could be trying to track down a pesky modifier table that is not allowing you to command what you really want. See Appendix B of the tuning manual for proper explanation. In caveman terms, AFR is nice for us nuckle dragging humans but does not add up for strict mathematical computers.

Some recomendations about your tune...{B3605} Commanded fuel when in open loop does not have the useable resolution like {B3647} found in the Custom OS's. Specifically in your {B3605}, you have the warmed up values set to "1" or 14.63 which is going to have you using STFT's. As an example, I have provided a B3647 table for reference only. In the example I have the warmed up values slightly leaner.... .9951 = 14.71 in order to avoid the STFT's. Under DTC processing Enablers you have P0101, P0102, and P0103 all set to 2 trips, set them to 1. Set all of B5001 to "0" and you will now properly defaut into full SD. Just for giggles leave the DTC Mil enablers P0101, P0102, and P0103 to "MIL" just to verify for certain that you do in fact have the failure. After you are sure you are in full SD, then reset the MIL to NO MIL so you can be altered to new MIL's that could pop up.

I understand you are just starting out. Don't be afraid to ask questions here. I would highly recommend going to a Custom OS with the setup you have.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, many others will learn from it as well.

June 22nd, 2007, 04:22 PM
Just a few questions to get us on the same page. This is on a 01 vette and you are attempting to run OLSD in order to AutoVE correct? Do you intend to run the MAF in the future?

Some observations...In the tuning tool, under Properties I would suggest viewing your VE units in the default (g*K/kpa)- Not a deal breaker but, I would just get used to seeing the numbers as the PCM does. The same goes for any fueling tables where you have the option to view those units as the pcm does...EQR vice AFR. This transition will solve alot of possible future headaches where you could be trying to track down a pesky modifier table that is not allowing you to command what you really want. See Appendix B of the tuning manual for proper explanation. In caveman terms, AFR is nice for us nuckle dragging humans but does not add up for strict mathematical computers.

Some recomendations about your tune...{B3605} Commanded fuel when in open loop does not have the useable resolution like {B3647} found in the Custom OS's. Specifically in your {B3605}, you have the warmed up values set to "1" or 14.63 which is going to have you using STFT's. As an example, I have provided a B3647 table for reference only. In the example I have the warmed up values slightly leaner.... .9951 = 14.71 in order to avoid the STFT's. Under DTC processing Enablers you have P0101, P0102, and P0103 all set to 2 trips, set them to 1. Set all of B5001 to "0" and you will now properly defaut into full SD. Just for giggles leave the DTC Mil enablers P0101, P0102, and P0103 to "MIL" just to verify for certain that you do in fact have the failure. After you are sure you are in full SD, then reset the MIL to NO MIL so you can be altered to new MIL's that could pop up.

I understand you are just starting out. Don't be afraid to ask questions here. I would highly recommend going to a Custom OS with the setup you have.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, many others will learn from it as well.

Hi Doc!

First, Thanks for your help! I Need it!

Yes Sir, it should be in OLSD.

I'm trying to follow the AutoVE tutorial to the letter, that's why I have B3605 that way. What do you mean by it's lacking resolution? What should I change the values to and why? I'm not questioning you, just trying to learn why we do things in here. If I understand the reason behind it, it makes it easier to understand what I should do, and keep repetitive questions on my part to a minimum.

What I don't understand is on my VE table, there is that tall moutain in my VE graph that goes through the 1600-3600 range? I'm Really trying to read the graphs, but it's confusing to me. Is it rich in that area and what is the shallow valley in the middle tell? I'd think through that range, it should be flat all the way across. That and my numbers are Crazy compared to other SC Maps that I've seen.

Thanks Again So Much for your help, and I Apologize if my questions are hard to understand. If so, then Please tell me and I'll try to explain it better.:cheers:

June 23rd, 2007, 04:54 AM

Your B3605 was setup using Lambda units (see attached pics of your B3605)... :bawl:
** it is way too lean, do not run your car like this **.

Before you run your car again, do this:
- goto Edit->Properties and change to EQ units,
- close the tune tool and reopen it,
- setup B3605 again (regions of EQ 1.00, 1.13, 1.17) per the AVE tutorial,
- save the file,
- cal-only flash to PCM (Flash->Program PCM Calibrations).


June 23rd, 2007, 04:56 AM
As Doc said, VE units in g*K/kPa and air:fuel units EQ will save a lot of headaches.

You should restart your AutoVE tuning after taking care of post #13.

June 23rd, 2007, 08:19 AM
Thank You once again JoeCar! :cheers:

I didn't even notice that!

June 24th, 2007, 11:39 AM
After I run the filter in the BEN log, and then copy with labels, paste with labels and multiply, my VE table has spikes in it. Is that normal and am I heading in the right direction?

Thanks! :cheers:

June 24th, 2007, 01:24 PM
What filters are you running? The tutorial only has some basic filters that really need to be added on to remove transients.

June 24th, 2007, 04:26 PM
Post your tune or a pic showing the spikes... as 5.7ute said you may have to be creative with filtering.

June 25th, 2007, 03:06 AM
What filters are you running? The tutorial only has some basic filters that really need to be added on to remove transients.

Hi 5.7ute and Thanks for the help! :cheers:

I'm using the filters that the tutorial suggested. The 5% throttle and the less than 178° temperature filters. I might not have used them on the first pass of the VE table update, but the spiky VE table that is posted below has them.

Post your tune or a pic showing the spikes... as 5.7ute said you may have to be creative with filtering.

Here's my tune file (if you'd like to look through it) and a picture of my VE table. Many Thanks again Guys for the help!:cheers:

Spiky Tune................ (http://members.aol.com/onebadassc5/Spiky_VE_tune.tun)


June 29th, 2007, 01:32 AM
I called PLX about the WB02 and they sent me an RMA # to return it and they'd check it out and see if the problem is with their unit. So, we'll see.

They've been pretty good at getting back to me and taking care of business so far. I Hope that's the problem.

June 29th, 2007, 01:50 AM
Did you do paste and add instead of paste and multiply accidentally?

June 29th, 2007, 01:57 AM
Something is wrong with the tun file posted in post #19... the tunetool hangs while trying to open it...

Like SSpd said: are you paste/multiplying the BEN map into the VE table...?

June 29th, 2007, 06:10 AM
Did you do paste and add instead of paste and multiply accidentally?

No Sir. I pasted and multiplied like the tutorial said, and just to make sure, I did it twice and it turned out the same way.

Is there any way in the Scan software to setup the different voltages for my wideband?I know that the PId for mine is AFR= V*2+10, but if the V is wrong, then the equation will be too. The old garbage in/garbage out scenario.

If my voltage can be set somehow, then I'll check that.

As always, Thank You for the help SSpdDmon! :cheers:

Something is wrong with the tun file posted in post #19... the tunetool hangs while trying to open it...

Like SSpd said: are you paste/multiplying the BEN map into the VE table...?

Should I try to upload it again or can I e-mail it to you, if you don't mind?

I ran the filters on the BEN map and then copied it with labels and then paste/multiply with labels. I thought that was right. Did I do it wrong?

Thank You once again for your help JoeCar! :cheers:

June 29th, 2007, 06:22 AM
Hi JoeCar, I think that the Spiky tune file is fixed. Please tell me if you have trouble with it.

Thanks! :cheers:

June 30th, 2007, 05:38 AM
Ok, I was able to open it...

Your VE table is not progressing right...

What injectors do you have (what are their ratings)...?
What mods do you have...?

Can you post the log file that you applied the BEN's from...

What voltage:afr points is your PLX programmed for...?
Which calc pids are you using for AFR and BEN...?


June 30th, 2007, 10:57 AM
Ok, I was able to open it...

Your VE table is not progressing right...

What injectors do you have (what are their ratings)...?
What mods do you have...?

Can you post the log file that you applied the BEN's from...

What voltage:afr points is your PLX programmed for...?
Which calc pids are you using for AFR and BEN...?


Hi JoeCar!

I'm running 60 lb MotoTron's. They are rated at 60 lbs@43.5 psi.

My car is a 2001 Corvette with a stock long block, a Vortech SQ/S-Trim blower (10 lbs of boost with a restrictor plate on the intake to help low end and limit top end boost), Kenne Bell Boosta pump, RaceTronix fuel system (255 fuel pump and a RaceTronix harness), FLP headers, MagnaFlow cat back, FLP Level IV transmission with a Yank SY3500 stall and a 3.42 gear in back.

My First log file.............. (http://members.aol.com/onebadassc5/Log_0001.efi)

According to my AFR Map, I never left 16:1 range and that's WAY too lean for me. I Hope that my WB02 just needs calibrating. Please tell me what you think.

How do I program my voltage points? My PID for the PLX states that it's AFR=V*2 + 10, but if my voltage is wrong, then so will my readings, right?

My PID's are alright according to Chalky and 5.7 Ute, but another pair of eyes would be Appreciated!

Thanks JoeCar! :cheers:

June 30th, 2007, 11:04 AM
Here's my newest log. Does this look better or at least closer to how it should look?

Latest Log file........................ (http://members.aol.com/onebadassc5/Log_0002.efi)

July 1st, 2007, 06:11 AM
Here's my newest log. Does this look better or at least closer to how it should look?

Latest Log file........................ (http://members.aol.com/onebadassc5/Log_0002.efi)Something does not look right...

(... double check that you're not using Lambda units...)

Is your wideband working right...?

July 1st, 2007, 07:30 AM
Something does not look right...

(... double check that you're not using Lambda units...)

Is your wideband working right...?

Hi JoeCar,

I just double checked and the units are EQ Ratio.

As far as my WB, I just received an RMA # from PLX about sending it back to them to check out under warranty, and I think that's my next plan of attack.

I took my car for a little spin today and while cruising around, the AFR was 10.2:1- 10.9:1 and then WOT was 15.2:1- 15.7:!. I think the numbers are backwards, but needless to say, I got off the throttle Immediately when I saw that (and also turned on my alky, just in case it wasn't wrong).

Thank You Once again for your help! :cheers:

July 1st, 2007, 08:05 AM
What voltage:afr points are programmed into your PLX...?

July 1st, 2007, 08:13 AM
How do I check those?

July 1st, 2007, 12:19 PM
I don't know much about the PLX...

If it's programmable, there's software to program/display the voltage:afr points;
If it's not programmable, then the user manual should indicate the voltage:afr points.

July 1st, 2007, 02:19 PM
If it says 0v=10 AFR and 5v=20AFR, would that be what I'd be looking for?

It's not adjustable as far as I know, but that's a good question for me to ask the men at PLX.

Thanks for the pointer! :cheers:

July 1st, 2007, 02:28 PM
Can I set my voltage slope in EfiLive Scan Tool to match my Wideband?

shallow bay
July 1st, 2007, 02:54 PM
Can I set my voltage slope in EfiLive Scan Tool to match my Wideband?
Go to C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7\Configuration and then click on the sae_generic file. The WB's are about 2/3 of the way down.

July 1st, 2007, 04:30 PM
Thank You! :cheers:

July 2nd, 2007, 01:20 AM
If it says 0v=10 AFR and 5v=20AFR, would that be what I'd be looking for?

It's not adjustable as far as I know, but that's a good question for me to ask the men at PLX.

Thanks for the pointer! :cheers:Yep, that's it... CALC.AFR_PLX1/2 matches those voltage points...

July 2nd, 2007, 03:31 AM
Should I just send the unit back to have it checked out then because I believe all of my selection are correct?

I saw in my latest log file that under the data tab, Wideband/AFR/PLX was showing twice. Would that make a difference in logs? I see that one is voltage and the other is AFR, but the voltage range only goes from 0-3.6v.


July 2nd, 2007, 05:05 AM
Just to sanity check, in the PIDs F8 tab:
- rightclick on BEN_PLX1 and you should see "{AFR_PLX1.AFR}/{GM.AFR}";
- rightclick on AFR_PLX1 and you should see "{EXT.AD1}*2 + 10".

Your wideband AFR does not look right in your logs...
it goes down when it should go up, and vide-versa...
we'll see when you get your repaired PLX back.

July 2nd, 2007, 05:18 AM
Just to sanity check, in the PIDs F8 tab:
- rightclick on BEN_PLX1 and you should see "{AFR_PLX1.AFR}/{GM.AFR}";
- rightclick on AFR_PLX1 and you should see "{EXT.AD1}*2 + 10".

Your wideband AFR does not look right in your logs...
it goes down when it should go up, and vide-versa...
we'll see when you get your repaired PLX back.

Believe me JoeCar, it's Way too late for me for a sanity check! :D

Thank You! :cheers: I noticed the same thing last time I took the car out. My idle was fat in the tens and my WOT was in the 16-17 range. I looked like this when I saw WOT! :Eyecrazy:

Mine says this:



July 2nd, 2007, 05:26 AM
Believe me JoeCar, it's Way too late for me for a sanity check! :D LOL... :D I didn't mean your sanity (mine went a long time ago)... I meant the sanity of the calc pids... :D

July 2nd, 2007, 05:41 AM
LOL... :D I didn't mean your sanity (mine went a long time ago)... I meant the sanity of the calc pids... :D

:oops: I can relate to the issue of losing your sanity!

I figured that, just thought it was funny! I guess I've got a weird sense of humor huh?

Thanks again for all of your help/advice! We'll see what PLX says about the unit, and hopefully that'll solve the problem. :cheers:

July 2nd, 2007, 06:16 AM
:oops: I can relate to the issue of losing your sanity!

I figured that, just thought it was funny! I guess I've got a weird sense of humor huh?

Thanks again for all of your help/advice! We'll see what PLX says about the unit, and hopefully that'll solve the problem. :cheers:No no I didn't mean it that way, I meant years ago... :D ...it was funny (see the laughing smiley's :D)... :D
No worries about the help, you're welcome, we got to get you going... :cheers:

July 6th, 2007, 02:31 PM
I went out and did some logging today to see if the WB02 worked better because I checked the connections and it showed up as 1-4v today, so I picked up a volt, but tomorrow, I'm just going to send the WB02 in for service and let them tell me if anything is wrong with it. I hope that there is because then I could just start tuning.

July 7th, 2007, 02:54 AM
Freddy, post any new logs.

July 7th, 2007, 02:59 AM
When you first started AutoVE tuning, by how much % did you increase the VE table...?

July 7th, 2007, 10:53 AM
I followed the tutorial and added 15%. Was that too much?

Here's my latest log. If applied to the tune, it gives some Really spikey, peaked moutain looking parts in the map. Is that right?

Newest log.............. (http://home.comcast.net/~yourma/Log_0005.efi)

July 7th, 2007, 10:57 AM
Here's my VE after appying my BEN to it.


July 8th, 2007, 04:20 AM
I followed the tutorial and added 15%. Was that too much?

Here's my latest log. If applied to the tune, it gives some Really spikey, peaked moutain looking parts in the map. Is that right?

Newest log.............. (http://home.comcast.net/%7Eyourma/Log_0005.efi)Hmmm.... I was thinking that perhaps 15% was not enough, but I'm not sure now...:nixweiss:

July 8th, 2007, 04:23 AM
The PLX voltage|AFR traces appear to not make any sense...


July 8th, 2007, 07:47 AM
The PLX voltage|AFR traces appear to not make any sense...


Can you Please explain what doesn't make sense? The difference that I see is that the AFR says 14.22 and the PLX says 13.52. I'm not really sure how to read the charts, so I don't understand what to look for.

Thanks JoeCar! :cheers:

July 8th, 2007, 09:38 AM
Your tune has DFCO disabled, but at "almost" closed throttle you see the WB AFR spike lean;

When throttle and MAP are more or less steady, the WB AFR isn't steady;

AD1 voltage seems noisey to me;

When AFR is commanded richer, WB AFR goes lean, whereas just prior it was rich; it can't be "both ways"...

I'm looking over your previous logs...

Start over again, this time increase the VE table by 5% and see what the BEN multipliers look like (post tune and log).

July 8th, 2007, 10:48 AM
The PLX peeps give a little resistor with the WB02 to cut the noise down. They say to use it when replacing the NB02, mine is standalone, so I didn't use it, but maybe I'll put it in.

I'll start over and just richen it up 5% then.

Thank You for the explanation and once more for the help! :cheers:

July 16th, 2007, 09:24 AM
I sent the WB02 back to PLX a couple of days ago and am just waiting to hear back from them.

Thanks for all of help so far Guys! :cheers:

July 16th, 2007, 01:33 PM
Just looking over the fence.
I'm still having 'issues' with my tune so I'm interested in this.

August 14th, 2007, 03:07 PM
A couple of you Guys were helping me out before I sent my PLX WB02 sensor back to be checked out (Thanks 5.7 Ute, Doc, JoeCar, and others for the help :cheers:), and I got it back with a clean bill of health and now the problem that I'm having is that it reads fine on the gauge, but gets screwed up in translating to my EfiLive Scan Tool software. It only reads the 15 Kpa row in the 1200/1600/2000 range. I'm almost positive taht it's something to do with EfiLive, but have no idea what it could be. Do You Guys have any suggestions?

My VERY Newbie guess was maybe because I tried to log LTFT's off the NB02's and also STFT's, along with my WB BEN's too. I thought that there might be a conflict there. Could that effect it?

Thanks again in advance for the help! :cheers:

August 14th, 2007, 03:32 PM
Double check the pids that you logged. Also I have found that if I am black box logging & downloading the pids from one computer & reading them on another I can get corrupted logs.

August 14th, 2007, 04:02 PM
Thanks Mick!:cheers:

They never even make it to my computer because I saw that at 40 mph, there is no way that I'm suppose to be in the 20 Kpa/1200 RPM cell and it only moved into the three three cells.

Should I just change my pid's and start over and see what happens? I thought that it might've been my WB connection too, but I wouldn't get anything if that were the case would I?

August 14th, 2007, 04:07 PM
So you were logging directly into your laptop? Do you have the corrupted log ? If so post it up.

August 14th, 2007, 04:16 PM
It only reads the 15 Kpa row in the 1200/1600/2000 range. I'm almost positive taht it's something to do with EfiLive, but have no idea what it could be. Do You Guys have any suggestions?
Possibly this is the issue:

That is psi v's kPa mismatch with the MAP value.

You MUST have the MAP value in the Scan Tool and the MAP value in the Tuning Tool using the same units - either both psi or both kPa.

Set the units in the Scan Tool to match the units of the MAP labels in the VE table. Find the MAP PID on the [PIDS F8] tab lage, right click on it and select Metric (for kPa) or Imperial (for psi). The units you select will show up in the [Data F9] tab page. The values from the [Data F9] tab page are sent to the tuning tool for linking. So it doesn't matter what units the charts/gauges are displaying, all linking is done via the [Data F9] tab page.

Or you could change the units in the VE table, by selecting the tunig tool option: Edit->Configure display units. Then locate B0101 and right click on it and select Column label units->Metric or Imperial.

Please note: in our new EFILive Version 8 software the link data will not be dependent on units.

August 14th, 2007, 05:09 PM
So you were logging directly into your laptop? Do you have the corrupted log ? If so post it up.

I would, but after I saw that I wasn't getting anything but the three cells, I just shut it down until I could get on here and see if anyone knew what was the matter. I knew the gauge was reading the AFR, but the laptop wasn't logging correctly. That's why I thought it was the software.

I double checked my connections and they appeared alright, so I thought that maybe it was a pid conflict or some software issue. :cheers:

Possibly this is the issue:


I'll check that! Thank You Paul and also Thanks to you also Mick! :cheers:

August 14th, 2007, 05:16 PM
One other thing. You didnt have the hide empty cell button active did you?This can give the impression that a cell isnt reading when in fact it just doesnt have enough counts to read.

August 14th, 2007, 05:24 PM
I don't think so. Wouldn't it say in the title that empty cells are hidden? If it would, then I honstly don't remember, but don't think so.

I just checked my measurement units and all of them are set to metric. Maybe I'll try and log tomorrow some.

Thanks agin Guys!