View Full Version : Flash scan question

Dirk Diggler
June 29th, 2004, 05:39 AM
If the cable comes with 1 vin license and 1 pcm license are you allowed to pick which type of licensing you want to use? Do you anticipate selling a whole lot of vin licenses taking into consideration the PCM license will allow you to tune for at least that model year, or am I misunderstanding the word calibration? Does extra PCM licenses imply different model years?

Also to add licenses do we have to send the cable back or can this be done via email? This would be a concern for me because not to long ago I experienced major downtime dealing with Carputing and having to send the cable back to have a PCM added for the same vin. This disheartened me to no end and was curious if it worked the same way with the cable and new licensing being added

June 29th, 2004, 07:39 AM
LOL! You beat me to the post... I was just getting ready to post a question about this myslef. ;)

Dirk Diggler
July 2nd, 2004, 04:23 AM
49 views and no responses. whew tough crowd

July 2nd, 2004, 05:35 AM
I'd say.....

I don't have that information now - it's still "evolving".

Those downunder dudes are a bit overworked now - with the new website, the beta test program, as well as development of the product and private and personal lives.... No not making excuses, and there should have been an acknowlegement in the few days since this was posted (remember effectively, they are a FULL DAY behind us when it comes to replies) but I will send a note "down there" for them to see when they wake up tomorrow (which is today here)...


July 2nd, 2004, 08:43 AM
If the cable comes with 1 vin license and 1 pcm license are you allowed to pick which type of licensing you want to use? Do you anticipate selling a whole lot of vin licenses taking into consideration the PCM license will allow you to tune for at least that model year, or am I misunderstanding the word calibration? Does extra PCM licenses imply different model years?

Also to add licenses do we have to send the cable back or can this be done via email? This would be a concern for me because not to long ago I experienced major downtime dealing with Carputing and having to send the cable back to have a PCM added for the same vin. This disheartened me to no end and was curious if it worked the same way with the cable and new licensing being added

There is definitely something wrong with the phpBB "notification system" since I did not get notified of this new post - otherwise I would have responded earlier.

A change to the proposed license scheme earlier this week means there are now two licensing options:
1. FlashScan Workshop license which means no restrictions on numbers/types of vehicles, or
2. FlashScan Personal license which means you can tune up to 10 single vehicles.

The FlashScan cable will allow up to 10 VIN licenses per cable. You choose, when you buy FlashScan Personal, how many VIN licenses you want. The first two VINs are free so you can can tune *any* two vehicles that you like.

We did this because *most* people who want to tune multiple vehicles (i.e. multiple family cars), usually have different model year vehicles. The "PCM type" license did not cater properly for that scenario.

It also caters for the tuner who has two PCMs for his vehicle, say one for track work and one for street driving. Both PCMs can be tuned using the 2 VIN licenses that come pre-installed on the FlashScan cable.

We believe the most common use will be cable sharing. Two friends can purchase a cable and split the cost. Both cars can be tuned without restriction and may be different makes, models and years.

Subsequent VINs can be *added* for what we believe is a very reasonable price (prices will be released shortly). Adding new VINs requires that the cable be returned to have the extra VINs added.

A second option, "VIN changeover" will be even cheaper - that's where you can changeover the existing VIN license(s) to different VIN(s). This option is usefull for when you sell you car and buy a new one - with a new VIN, or when you purcase a cable second hand and want to remove the seller's VIN and add your own.

The license scheme has been designed to fit the needs of the majority of users. Based on discussions with workshops, clubs and DIY tuners we believe the flexibility of the multiple VIN license scheme offers the best value for money.

VINs can be added via email, technically it is not difficult. The problem is that it would be very easy to "hack" and once hacked, everyone could add as many VINs as they wanted.
I understand the downtime issues and we are looking at ways to mitigate that. However we need to protect our (substantial) investment in developing this product.


July 2nd, 2004, 09:59 AM
So Paul,

Since '98s are not officially supported, will a 98pcm use one of the VINs on the cable?

(I have a 2004 C5, Looking at possibly getting a GTO, and have a 98 Z28 that I will be getting from a friend at the middle of this month)


July 2nd, 2004, 03:26 PM
So Paul,

Since '98s are not officially supported, will a 98pcm use one of the VINs on the cable?


No, we intend the 98's to be free. There will be no locking of 98's

July 3rd, 2004, 03:21 AM
So Paul,

Since '98s are not officially supported, will a 98pcm use one of the VINs on the cable?


No, we intend the 98's to be free. There will be no locking of 98's

Thank you Sir.